Take your chance at the clinic!
The University Hospital Tübingen is a leading centre of German university medicine. With 9,000 employees in our clinics, institutes and centres, we are the largest employer in the region and ensure that patients receive the highest level of medical care. With around 800 trainees in over ten different careers, the University Hospital of Tübingen is also the region's largest trainer. We represent a university rich in tradition and offer excellent conditions for research and teaching. The clinic is a member of the network "Success Factor Family".
Facts and figures
Apprenticeship and school places
Vocational training courses
Units for personnel accommodation
Patients are not only the focus of daily work for medical and nursing staff. At the clinic, a wide variety of professional groups take care of well-being and recovery. There's a lot to do: For the health of our patients we are always looking for reinforcement in our team.
- Pflege- und Funktionsdienst
- Ärztlicher Dienst
- Medizinisch-Technischer Dienst
- Informationstechnologie
- Ausbildungsstellen
- Berufungen - Medizinische Fakultät
Open positions in our subsidiaries
You can also find out about current vacancies on the homepages of our subsidiaries.
- Subsidiaries of the University Hospital
Application and entry
Application and your entry
As the largest employer in the region, the University Hospital Tübingen offers interesting tasks and activities for numerous occupational groups. Discover your opportunities at the University Hospital and find out here about your career opportunities.
- Internships
- Student and scientific assistants
- International nursing staff
More about application and entry
FAQ - Application & Entry
Convince us that you are the right person for us! Your letter of application works like your business card and leaves the first impression. You should give us a clear picture of your qualifications, interests and personality.
More about your application
Unsolicited application
You have not found an advertised position for your professional group, but would like to work with us?
You can also send us a speculative application. Read here how to do this.
More about unsolicited applications
Introduction of new employees
In order to ensure a successful start in your new working environment, there are regular introduction days for all new employees and trainees. There are further job-specific introductory events and area-specific induction programs.
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Your career paths
University Hospital is the largest trainer in the region. You can find information on all apprenticeships in over ten different professions here.
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academy for
Education and
A comprehensive range of training, further training and continuing education courses tailored to the needs of the hospital.
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Academic career
All information on doctorates, habilitations and appointment procedures as well as on applications for extraordinary professorships and honorary professorships.
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Centre for Medical Didactics
Every lecture and lecture has the chance to be inspiring. How? This is a question of academic didactic craft.
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Hospital and Medical Faculty as employer
As the largest employer in the region, we not only have a great responsibility for our patients, but also for our employees. They are the heart of our success. That is why we support you not only in your work at the clinic, but also in planning and shaping your life.
Work-life balance
We do not want you to fear for your balance. We do a lot to ensure that our employees can combine work and family life, working hours and private time in a healthy way.
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Equal opportunities and respectful treatment
We employ people with different professions, different nationalities and religions, with individual biographies and life plans, healthy or with health restrictions.
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Life in Tübingen
Short overview and important information about the city with the lowest average age in Germany. The average citizen here is barely 40 years old.
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Why it is worthwhile to work for us
Work-life balance
We support you in the compatibility of work and family.
Pension provision
For your protection at that age we ride off with a powerful partner, the VBL.
Collective agreement
Our collective agreements regulate and secure your working environment.
Health care
We promote their health with the services offered by UKfiT and the company medical service.
Staff Accommodation
With our staff accommodation we help you with your start in Tübingen.
Job ticket
With our season ticket for the use of public transport, you can get to your workplace at a reduced price.
Further training
A wide range of further education and training opportunities for your individual needs.
your ideas
We listen to and reward constructive ideas.
Certificates and Associations
Focus: Top Nationales Krankenhaus 2024
Qualitätspartnerschaft mit der PKV
Erfolgsfaktor Familie
Die Altersvorsorge für den Öffentlichen Dienst
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