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Jan 31

Boyfriend — Hwang Hyunjin X Reader

Summary: You are one of JYP Entertainment's makeup artists and are in a secret relationship with Hwang Hyunjin.

Warnings: Fluffy, a little smut, hot, secret dating.

A/N: This is my first k-pop imagine, I hope it's good. Remembering that I'm Brazilian and I don't speak fluent English, so please forgive any writing errors you find.

Request are open


I ran towards JYP's door, knowing I was late. My alarm clock didn't go off, and I had to take a taxi to avoid being too late.

I wished good morning to the security guard, who let me through with a smile on his face. He was really nice, and even offered to help me carry my heavy backpacks when I needed to take makeup and brushes to the car.

She had been working for JYP for three years, being the makeup artist for a single group during that time. I was assigned to Stray Kids from the first day, and I was very well received by everyone.

The boys are always very kind, and include you in conversations, they don't treat you like a robot but like another human being. I also go on tour with them, so everyone's makeup looks perfect for any occasion.

It was during one of the trips that what no one expected happened. During one night of the show, it was very cold and I hadn't brought any coat. Furthermore, I really missed my family who lived in another country. When I least expected it, Hyunjin appeared, offering me his sweater.

He sat next to me, on the floor, and started talking to me. We had already had interactions together, but this was the first time I was alone with him.

After the show, I received a turkey breast sandwich from one of the staff, with his cell phone number. We started talking a lot.

It didn't take long for Hyunjin invited me on a date, and I thought a lot before accepting. That was four months ago, and we've been dating ever since.

It's extremely confusing to date an idol, especially when you work for their company. We cannot be together in public, nor show feelings around the staff.

If anyone found out, I would be fired, and if our relationship became public, Hyunjin could be kicked out of Stray Kids.

“How are you, Y/N?” Felix said, sitting in the high chair in the makeup room. He had clips in his hair, while Hani, my professional colleague, applied foundation to his face. “Did you wake up very late?”

“My alarm clock’s fault.” I said, throwing my bag on one of the dressers. I sanitized my hand with some alcohol gel and read my schedule for the day.

I should do makeup on Changbin and Lee MinHo, and then I should only be available in case one of them needs to touch up their foundation or powder.

“Good morning, Changbin.” I said, pulling out the chair for the man to sit down. He laughed, sitting down and starting to scroll through his smartphone. “What is today's event?” I asked.

“Let's take photos for our new album, and then we can leave.” He explained.

“So, I will apply more natural makeup on you , okay?” I said, and he nodded, agreeing. I did the makeup, and after that, I met with MinHo, who talked the whole time.

After that, I sat at one of the tables in the break room, waiting for someone to need me. I bought a coffee from one of the vending machines, so my tiredness would disappear.

“Unnie?” Hani called me, with her hands crossed behind her back and a grimace on her face. “Can you do me a favour?”

“Yes.” I said, throwing the disposable cup in the trash. “What do you need me to do?”

“Can you help one of the boys in my place?” She asked. “I have to leave early today, and EunHee told me that I could only go if I finished my work.”

“Who's the last boy you have to put makeup on?”

“Hyunjin.” She said.

“Of course, I can do his makeup for you.” I said, with a small smile on my face, almost imperceptible.

“Thank you, Y/N, you are an angel.” She thanked, bowing and leaving celebrating. “I'll take you to barbecue tomorrow, as thanks.” Hani shouted at me, making me laugh.

I went to the makeup room, seeing that most of the group members were no longer present. Hyunjin was already sitting in the chair, and Felix was waiting for the hairdresser to finish fixing his hair.

“Hi.” I whispered to my boyfriend, seeing him smile when he saw me.

“Hello, jagiya.” He said, also in a low tone. “I almost celebrated when Hani told me she would ask you to do my makeup instead of her.”

The brunette threw his head back, with a wide smile. He had his hair tied up and his face clean.

“Oppa, how do you want your makeup?” I wanted to know. It was bold to be so intimate with him, but Felix knew about our relationship, as did the rest of Stray Kids, and they kept it quiet.

“Do what you think is best, beautiful.” He murmured close to me, emphasizing the final sentence. “I trust you."

“You shouldn't trust me." I commented, taking a little of the foundation of his tone and depositing it on the acrylic plate. I chose one of the sponges, starting to apply the product to his soft skin. “I could do ridiculous makeup on you.”

“It would still be good, because you made it.” He argued, making me laugh.

“Oppa, you are so cheesy.” I spoke, a little louder than I should have , attracting Felix's attention, who looked at us, laughing.

He looked at his friend, seeing that Felix was making fun of us. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, looking back at me.

“When we finish the photos, we will have the day free.” He said. “I want you to go to my apartment.” Hyunjin suggested.

“I have to finish organizing the product counter.” I explained. “ can't go today.” I whispered, looking for concealer in the drawers.

“You do this every day, and the other makeup artists take advantage of it.” He said. “No one will die if you don't wash your brushes or store your foundations. Other makeup artists never do this, they leave all the work to you. This is not just your obligation.”

“Oppa, But what if my boss gives me a warning?”

“Stop worrying, Y/N. The other staff have to clean up their own mess, instead of waiting for you to clean it up.” Hyunjin raised his eyes, looking at the ceiling as I applied concealer to his dark circles, which were barely visible. “Let's go to my apartment, I have a surprise for you.”

“It's okay, Hyunjin.”I whispered, bringing my face closer to his. “I'll come to your apartment as soon as I can leave.”

He smiled broadly.

“You won't regret it, jagiya.”

I finished the makeup, applying small layers of lip tint to his lips. I forced myself not to give him a kiss, seeing him smile at me, almost guessing my thoughts.

“Thank you, Y/N.” He thanked me, getting up from the chair and looking at me. He walked past me and sat on the couch next to Felix, starting an animated conversation with his friend.


After saying goodbye to my colleagues, I requested a taxi through the app, entering the address of the building where Hyunjin lived. It wasn't too far from the company, but it would take a long time if I walked.

I didn't have time to touch up my makeup, so I took advantage of my time in the elevator to reapply my lipstick and blush.

His apartment was on the fifteenth floor, and had an electronic door lock. Even though we had only been dating for a few months, Hyunjin told me what the password was. After entering the code, I opened the door.

The light in the living room was on, and when I entered the room, I heard the sound of water coming from the master bedroom, indicating that he was taking a shower.

“My love?” I called him, closing the door and walking to the suite bathroom. “I already arrived.”

“Honey?” He asked, and as soon as I confirmed, I heard the sound of the shower turning off. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing my boyfriend, with wet hair and underwear.

He had a white towel in his hands, and started to dry his hair, while I sat on his bed, watching him walk around the room. Hwang went to the closet, coming back with sweatpants and a white t”shirt.

“Come closer.” He pulled me by the hand, making me stand up. I was inches away from his body.

Hyunjin closed the distance between us, pressing his soft lips against mine. My hands went towards his neck. He was a little taller than me, meaning I had to stand on tiptoe to reach him.

His mouth was wet and sweet, with the minty breath of someone who had just taken a shower. My boyfriend's left hand reached my hip, while his right went towards my face, caressing me.

I started running my fingers through his soft hair, the soft, wonderful smell of the shampoo. Hyunjin's perfume had a woody tone, with the soft scent of roses and a slightly discreet refreshment. It looked like paradise.

Reluctantly, he turned away from me, with a wide smile that made his eyes close.

“I have something for you.” He announced, pulling me into the living room. Hyunjin told me to sit down, while he went to his small painting studio, returning with a painting in hand. “I did something, and I think it might please you.” The idol smiled, shyly, handing me the painting.

It was packaged, with grass green wrapping paper and a small bow. He waited anxiously, watching me open the package.

As soon as I took out the paper, I let out a surprised sigh.

It was me.

He had painted me. Made my portrait.

It was a prettier version of me, much more beautiful than I saw myself in the mirror. Hyunjin painted me with a smile on my face, and without lipstick or eye shadow. It was so beautiful I almost couldn't stop looking at it.

“Happy four month anniversary together.” He said, making a shy face, seeming to fear that I wouldn't like the gift.

“Hyunjin...” I tried to say, but I couldn't stop admiring the beautiful way my boyfriend saw me. “ It's so beautiful...” I said, in a whisper.

“Did you like it?” He wanted to know.

“I loved.” I confessed, smiling. I placed the painting carefully on the couch, and stood up, facing my boyfriend. “But I didn't buy you anything, sorry...”

I bit my lip, feeling ashamed that I had forgotten that today was our anniversary.

“I don't need any gifts, Y/N.” He said. “You are my greatest and best gift.”

I laughed, throwing my head back.

“I’? really sorry, love.” I said, running her hand over his face.

Hyunjin held my hand, leading me to the kitchen.

“Stop it, I told you I don’t need anything.” The rapper said. I sat in the chair, watching him take dishes from the fridge. I offered help, but he refused. “The surprise is not over yet.”

“Do you have one more surprise for me?” I asked when I smelled the tasty aroma coming from the dishes.

“I cooked for you.” He announced, taking the lid off the container and showing me the food he had prepared. “Tteokbokki!” He said, proudly.

“You did that?” I asked, surprised.

He smiled, grabbing clean dishes from the cupboard. Hwang also placed two glasses and glasses on the table.

“I wanted to do something special for you, darling.” He said. “I always go to your house and eat the food you make, so I wanted to give back.”

I smiled at him, helping myself to a portion of the meal. My boyfriend also bought bottles of Soju and some wine. Because he was the oldest, he insisted on serving me the drink.

“Thanks.” II thanked him. “Everything is perfect, Hyunjin.”

I ate the first spoonful, tasting the food. He also tasted it, making a small face, usual when he liked something.

“It's so good.” I spoke.

The rapper and I finished eating, and even though I offered to wash the dishes, he forbid me from going near the sink. The brunette invited me to see a horror movie.

I sat down on the soft sofa, right next to him. Hyunjin began the horror film, adjusting himself on the upholstery. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the idol's hand slide over my shoulder, caressing me.

We hugged for most of the movie, until he put his hand on my thigh. It was an innocent gesture, but the hair on my body stood up, and I bit my lip, deciding to stop the movie.

I pulled the rapper by the neck, making him turn towards me. I kissed him very cheerfully. He returned the gesture, taking his hand off my thigh and placing it on my face.

In a bold move, I lay down on the couch, pulling him on top of me. Hyunjin wasn't heavy, but he still stayed on his knees so he didn't put all his weight on me.

The kiss continued, and the man let his mouth roam my face, distributing kisses until he reached my neck. I wore a black tank top, which left him free to leave me with several hickeys.

I took my hand to the hem of his shirt, letting it penetrate the fabric, feeling his slim abdomen. I felt him get goosebumps from my touch, and I gave a cheeky smile when I saw that Hyunjin kissed my breasts.

Suddenly, he stopped, sitting on the sofa and taking off his t”shirt, leaving just his pants on. I smiled when I saw the red marks I had left on his skin, probably my neck was equally marked.

“We're going to miss the end of the movie.” He said, laughing.

“We can see it again tomorrow.” I spoke. “However, we would lose the ending the same way.”

The brunette came back on top of me, taking his hands to the hem of my blouse, asking permission with his eyes. I nodded, biting my lip and stretching my arms to help him with the task of getting me naked.

Hyunjin unbuttoned my dark wash jeans, and pulled them off, throwing them on the living room floor. The man looked at me, seeing that I was wearing a burgundy lingerie set.

“You are beautiful.” He said.

I smiled.

“You too, Hyun.” I said, pulling him again so that he was on top of me.

The idol's mouth went straight towards my breasts, which were still covered by the bra. I let out a low moan, caressing the back of his neck.

Hyunjin continued moving down with his lips, placing kisses down my abdomen, and stopping at my panties. He sent me a smile. To my surprise, he came towards my lips again, kissing me.

I reciprocated, letting the rapper's tongue enter my mouth.

My nails made small welts on the man's pale back, who sighed at the sensation.

“I love you.” He confessed, between the kiss.

“I love you.” I said, feeling his hand go down my body, stopping at my panties. The feeling was wonderful, and he looked at me, as if asking if he could continue with the touches. If I think, I kissed him again, authorizing Hyunjin to do whatever he wanted with my body.

#hyunjin#imagine#insert reader#fanfiction#fic#fluffy#smut#stray kids#stray kids imagines#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin x y/n#hyunjin x you#hwang hyunjin#hwang hyunjin x reader#lee felix#bang chan#lee know#kpop#kpop imagines#kpop smut#imagine hot#fanfic#ao3#wattpad#x reader#bangchan x reader#felix x reader#lee know x reader


Jul 24

Do the pantheon boys have any accents?

yes, they do! but given none of them have lived in their place of origin for many years (or in some cases, have been purposefully trained into a "neutral" accent), i imagine that most of them are pretty subtle xD

since i'm thinking of it, actually, let me try to think of all the main TAU cast's accents and jot them down for my own reference later - i'll also do my best to find video examples if possible, but it's always best to listen to a real native speaker to know what the accent is really like!

Abaddon = very subtle southern accent (southern Oklahoma to northern Texas) that has been trained into neutrality, leaving a slight musical drawl/slowness to their speech. certain slang - "y'all, yonder, reckon" - as well as the pronunciation of words like "squirl" or "pee-can" give it away. hilariously, this example is genuinely the least offensive one i could find - texas & oklahoma are very conservative xD

(honorable mention - abaddon also speaks mexican spanish, and unconsciously adopts a guadalajara accent during (and shortly after) speaking it. besides killer, they are arguably the most dual-cultured!)

Axe = slight new york accent (italian) that was probably a lot stronger back when he lived in his original AU. it sounds like he tightens his cheeks around or shortens certain words - sh*t like "there ain' nuttin' over 'ere". however, his accent is has been significantly harder to parse since his head injury, since it gave him the equivalent of aphasia - he now speaks much, much more slowly and with a noticeable slur.

(fun fact - horror is the only monoglot in nightmare's pantheon! all of the others are fluent or near-fluent in at least two languages :D)

Blue = blue has the most neutral (or "general") american accent here! i'm not a linguist (nor extremely familiar with linguistics) so take this with a grain of salt, but certain parts of the US don't carry strong distinguishing features in their regional accents - a phenomenon that was exacerbated in blue's AU due to the EXTREMELY successful integration of monsters. listening to him, it would be almost impossible to tell where he's from... which is northern California!

honorable mention: blue is actually also fluent in californian spanish - hence how he enjoys undernovella with error! i could not find a video example of this, but the spanish-speaking communities of california are from mexico, so cali and MX spanish should be largely the same.

Cross = typically neutral, but like abaddon, this is another case of learned neutrality; in times of high stress, you'll hear a slight spanish accent (columbia) bleeding through. he's been speaking english alongside spanish since he first learned to talk, and his father did not tolerate the mixing of accents - he wanted cross to sound like a native english speaker - so you won't hear him make grammatical errors, but flirt with him enough and you'll eventually hear the accent come out!

Dream = spanish accent (spain); he's not actually fully fluent in english yet, so you'll occasionally catch him making some grammatical mistakes common to spanish natives - like "how it looks like?" instead of "what does it look like?", or "i have hunger" instead of "i'm hungry". this is especially common when he's tired or alone with blue. in fact, BECAUSE he's learning english from blue, he will likely also develop a very "neutral" american accent as he reaches fluency!

Dust = dust is selectively mute and spends most of his time communicating with ASL, but when he does speak, he has a pretty noticeable korean accent - likely because he lacks the practice the others have with speaking in english. (he understands it perfectly.) thank you to @spookitordukeit for providing a good example! keep in mind that dust struggles to force his voice to intonate (or his face to emote), so it can be difficult to tell when he's asking questions.

Error = if bumblebee from the 2007 transformers movie was put through a f*cking bitcrusher and frequently glitched out, overlaid itself and repeated sounds or phrases, then you might get something close to how error talks. in fact, in-world, it takes practice to learn to understand error's speech. you might hear a variety of accents from the different clips that make up his voice, but none of them are his! *

* error's voice may be made of different clips of voices, but all of them are "edited" in real time into (roughly) a baritone, so it's not immediately obvious that they're other people's voices being used.

Killer = arabic accent (saudi arabia). * killer has been speaking english for at least 10 years, so he could absolutely adopt a "neutral" english accent if he wanted to, but he's arguably the most dual-cultured member of the team aside from abaddon - he still actively curses and sings in arabic, and mumbles under his breath so that he can get away with talking sh*t. (this doesn't work on nightmare, unfortunately - and by this point, horror and dust have been around him more than long enough to have picked up a lot of Essential sh*t Talking Words.)

* thank you to @signanothername for helping me find a video that was actually from saudi arabia! the previous example was from qatar, a country to the immediate east, and i wasn't sure how drastically that would affect the accuracy. this one should be better :>

Nightmare = this is extremely difficult to answer - nightmare is fluent in many languages and has had a lot of time to perfect them, but unfortunately, there is a bit of a stigma in english that certain british accents (none seen in the working class) are considered "more intelligent". i believe nightmare, who is extremely careful of his image, has chosen to purposefully adopt a contemporary rp accent for this reason. that said, it's the most obvious when he's enunciating, and he doesn't actually tend to use any british slang; he speaks very neutrally.

#keegan talks#ask#multiverse tau#utmv#abaddon byrd#horror sans#swap sans#cross sans#dream sans#dust sans#error sans#killer sans#nightmare sans#oh god i got sucked into researching this one#i didn't watch the entirety of every video here so ill say i cant vouch for all the content in them but i tried to find ones that were like#the least offensive/obnoxious#because some of them were sh*t like SPEAKING ENGLISH IN KOREA AND SEEING IF ANYONE UNDERSTANDS ME??!!!#and i was like oh my god so thats not just a thing gringos do in mexico LDHSGOASHGADOHGADS#you didn't ask this anon but i think out of the cast here#killer abaddon dream and nightmare are probably the best singers#killer absolutely tops that list. sorry to the others but he's different like that <3#abaddon comes after only because he's been trained to sing#and then nightmare and dream are the best besides that#horror cant sing - dust is mute - and cross would try his f*cking hardest if he had a few beers in him but............#well.... he would try his best. that's what matters <3#and then blue couldn't pour a tune out of a bucket if the instructions were on the bottom but he more than makes up for it with#enthusiasm and ✨audacity✨#and then error#let me just say........ thinking about it gives me the shudders.#take that as you will


Feb 2

random cod hcs #3 - roach

everyone’s favorite little bug boy, the best guy (I have been watching playthroughs and sh*t and I am officially hyperfixated). here are some hcs for the guy who's probably now my favorite character. also making it clear now that he’s audhd, if you disagree you’re wrong /j. but that will be influencing some of these headcanons

he definitely likes collecting rocks, especially special ones like if they’re super smooth or have some different colors. any special rock goes into his collection. his prized possession is a rock that sparkles in the light

he doesn’t have one set love language, he has two; penguin pebbling and parallel play. you know he really likes someone when he gives them a rock, the prettier/more rare the rock the more he likes the person. parallel play is usually reserved for people he’s closer to

despite what people may first think, he’s really good at masking. he did it his whole life; it’s only now that he’s in the 141 that he feels okay to unmask, after more than a few conversations about how no one would judge him for being himself. now he’s nonverbal or semiverbal almost all the time, but that doesn’t save the task force from a little chaos. he’s comfortable enough to unmask all the time now, knowing one of the others can explain if anyone new questions him

he’s fluent in many different sign languages, and can read, write, and listen/understand many languages as well. he knows how to speak most of these languages too, but not as fluently and he never really needs to. it helps whenever a translator is needed, the team always goes to Roach first

he loves that his callsign is Roach, since in his teen years he had a hyperfixation/borderline special interest on bugs/insects. however his favorite were ants, with moths being a close second because of how pretty they are

yes he loves pokemon, he has a gameboy advanced and a copy of emerald that he plays whenever he struggles with falling asleep. he also has a card collection, but hasn’t added to it in a while

he sleeps like he’s dead. there is no movement when he falls asleep; people have to actually go over and check that he’s breathing, that he has a pulse, anything to make sure he’s just asleep and hasn’t died

he can and will fall asleep anywhere on base. it’s like playing hide and seek only the hiding one fell asleep

despite what some people think, he's extremely organized. but that's because he color codes everything. if he needs to highlight, he's color coding his highlighters - each color is for a certain thing. same with sticky notes. colors are universal - red is for enemies, targets, etc, while blue is for dates, stuff like that

#gary roach sanderson#gary sanderson#cod roach#roach cod#cod headcanons#cod hcs#cod#call of duty modern warfare#listen they just feel right#no im not projecting#not at all


Dec 10, 2023

Ninjago headcanons again but my high school with no powers AU (post 1/5)

/!\ TW : traumas, E.D, depression, SH, cigarettes and dr8gs, bullying, mental health, violence, VERY long post with the worse grammar possible /!\

This will be a serie of 5 posts with 3 characters each time. Any ideas, suggestions, headcanons or anything to complete mine is appreciated !

Kai Smith

• is 17 y/o

• is in 11th grade

• uses he/they pronouns but prefers being seen as a guy

• androgyne and pansexual

• are Mexican by their mother and Japanese by their father

• fluent speakers in Spanish and Japanese

• he’s between 5’7 and 5’8 tall (somewhere between 1m70 and 1m72)

• they’re the 3rd older after Zane and Cole

• they’re born on 18 august

• has I.E.D (intermittent explosive disorder)

• has insomnia since the burglary happened (in my AU, Kai and Nya’s parents died stopping burglars who entered in the house, Kai were 10 and Nya 9)

• everyone knows him and his relation with his siblings and how you shouldn’t hurt or annoy them if you don’t want to go to the hospital (that’s what happened to Lloyd’s bullies in middle school)

• due to what they did to Lloyd’s bullies, they had to pay for the damage and the treatment. It took them almost a year and half to find the money

• has a LOT of followers on his socials, especially instagram

• is good at English, P.E., politics and social classes and surprisingly good at art (only at whatever touching fashion like anatomy, outfit sketches and drawing different textures/fabrics)

• wants to be a model or work in fashion industry

• has dated a lot of people in their life but it never lasted more then two months because of his I.E.D that their partner didn’t understand or search to understand, his habit to never seek help or say anything about his feelings

• is currently dating Skylor since the beginning of summer but they realise that they have maybe catch feelings for Cole

• is the only one with Jay to have a driver license

• always getting in trouble with school or students because they fight a lot (is easily provoked)

• work hard after school everyday (he’s overexploited by his boss and knows it but can’t quit his job because he couldn’t afford the apartment or pay any food)

• hate seeking help, see it as weakness

• his insomnia get worse due to his night job and homeworks

• hide his dark rings with a bit of makeup

• was extremely afraid to wear dresses and skirts, anything for «girls» at school but since 10th grade they found the confidence to wear whatever they want and enjoys it

• loves help Lloyd with his art project when they need a model

• goes to art galleries with Lloyd and anything linked to fashion with Skylor and Cole

• have his right eye that moves more slowly than the other and his right pupil bigger and the left one because of one of the burglar : one of them was about to hit Nya by throwing some glass at her and he got between them to protect his sister and his upper eyes take some glass and that stupid little idiot tried to remove it but only make it worse and now, plus making his vision worse they also have a scar now

• loves going out at night with Cole when they end up high and talk about life and philosophical things in the moonlight

• organise hangouts with the entire friend group to the mall when he has enough money and they always ending up to do a sleepover at someone’s house (usually Jay’s because his parents are the kindest people ever)

• ALWAYS wear one black converse and the other red that he wrote on some lyrics of Lana del Ray «Say yes to me…» and «If you dance,…» that he match with Cole’s converse

• always on energy drinks to stay awake

• have an amazing sense of style and can make a beautiful outfit with the bare minimum, and can spend HOURS in a thrift store

• is a party animal since he can rarely go to parties with his job but those parties usually finished with him fighting or being so high or drunk he can’t even go home (he already spend a night outside bcz of that)

• they hate themselves for being a such problem and «bad brother», for being not mentally stable or economically stable as well

• they stop taking their medicine for their I.E.D because he couldn’t pay for both of his treatments and Lloyd’s ADHD medication

• used to skip meals to feed Nya and Lloyd, sometimes does it when it’s the end of the month and he can barely buy enough food for two persons

• has a HUGE crush on Cole since the beginning of the year

• was afraid for Nya when she gets in her first relationship but relax and learn to trust her and saw there were nothing to be worry about

• their fav artists are Hozier and Lady Gaga

• always ask to their therapist what Lloyd said to her but she always give answers like : "Kai, would you, please, considerate to turn off your big brother mode for an hour ?"

• doesn’t know to swim since they’re hella scared of water

• can plays drums

• definitely a mama’s boy

• has a naturally hotter body temperature

Cole Hence Brookstone

• is 18 y/o

• is in 11th grade because he repeat his 9th grade

• uses he/him and sees himself as a cis man

• gay

• is Algerian on his mother side and Indian on his father side

• fluent speaker in Arabic, Hindi and French and is learning Korean and Spanish

• he’s the second tallest after Zane : he’s between 6’2 and 6’3 (between 1m90 and 1m93)

• always sleeping in classes he found boring because his sleep schedule is a totally mess (goes with Kai in the back of the class and do their nap together)

• he’s the oldest of the group, being born one month before Zane

• doesn’t know what to do after school and he feels anxious about it because all his friends have already some ideas

• writes songs/poems in class in a notebook where he writes about his life/traumas, his thoughts and draws some doodles, he considers it like his diary and never shows it to anyone

• he has been diagnosed with an E.D (boulimia) at 6 and even tho he tried to handle it, he always has like severe periods in a year where he loses a lot of weight and feels extremely tired and bad, at the point he did a depression in 9th grade. It was already hard to get ready for school and go to classes so doing homework and listening to the teachers was almost impossible that’s why he repeated the year

• he get, followed after by Nya and Lloyd when they get 16, a motorcycle licence one week after he got 16. He needed it to drive himself to school since his dad isn’t always at home because of his work and since he’s often drunk he prefers to go by himself

• he smokes and very rarely dr8gs with Kai. Lloyd often ask if he could pay them some cigarettes but Cole never does because 1 : "you’re literally a walking angel alive, you’re too pure for that sh*t" and 2 : " You want me dead and your siblings in jail ??"

• genuinely DESPISE P.E. class because of the changing room mostly. When he was in 8th grade he has been bullied for being gay and “watching boys changing in P.E.” and has been beaten up by his classmates for that. The year after the boulimia didn’t help and he would constantly comparing himself to other and thought he eat too much and doesn’t do enough sport, adding to that the comments of the P.E. teacher

• never goes outside without his headphones and a pair of earbuds too in case his headphones die

• people usually think he’s tough but actually he’s the kindest and sweetest guy ever and gives the best hugs when you need it

• does sleepovers with Skylor and Vania or just Vania but Nya, Pix and Skylor often invite themselves to the party

• speaks to Skylor in Arabic just to watch others’s faces

• learns Korean to understand Jay and Spanish to understand Kai, Nya and Skylor

• plays guitar and has a band with Morro, Akita and Vania

• he does not sing because he just can’t but he can perfectly do rap and beatbox

• he has daddy issues not due to his family legacy but mostly due to his father who can’t make his grieve of his wife and drink

• can do breakdance but will never do it in high school

• protects Lloyd every times he sees they’re being annoyed

• has a ton of pairs of converse but one black with the lyrics « say yes to heaven» and «I’ll dance» that Kai and him matched

• BIG HUGE fan of Cigarettes after sex (his fav songs of them are Sunsetz and Cry)

• his fav artists are Cigarettes after sex, TV girl, Arctic Monkeys, Conan Gray and Pyo (he’s a little singer go listen to his songs they’re worth it *^*)

• his coming out to his father was an absolute disaster and is one of his biggest traumas : his dad saw him and Kai kissing each other one day, so when he explained that Kai was more than a friend and that he was attracted to men, they had a huge fight while Kai was trying to defend his boyfriend but he had to go outside to calm himself down while he heard the screams and shoutings of the two men. After like a half of an hour, his father decided to kick him out of the house. He had to sleep at the Smith’s. The next day he tried to talk to his dad but he was drunk and told him he had no son, that he was dead and that’s why he threw all his stuff out of the window. Cole just took the stuff that was still intact -which means not a lot- by holding tears and leave the house

• spend two months in a hospital because of his ED which became so severe he lost 15 or 20kg (~33 and 44 ibs), he had a constant headache, was very tired close to the dehydration

• loves skateboarding with Morro and Lloyd

• after getting out of the hospital and tried his best to recover of both his traumas and his ED he get a tattoo for this : a dragon with lilies’s petals and flames

• has a big crush on Kai since middle school and Jay was the first to noticed it

• him and Jay have the most philosophical and deepest conversations ever about love and relationships, at 3am, calling each other on discord and playing horror video games

• studies with Zane (at least tries to) and our poor Zane had to survive to a freaking out lost Cole in math : " WHAT’S x ? WHAT’S y ? WHERE ARE NUMBERS WHEN YOU NEED IT ??!!"

• goes to gym with Zane, Kai and Nya

• mama’s boy club with Kai

Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon

• just turned 16 a few weeks ago

• are in 11th grade too (skipped 1st grade)

• use they/them pronouns and identify as a trans man

• thought they were biromantic and asexual but after a sexuality identity crisis that everyone has been, they discovered they were aroace

• they have autism and ADHD

• is Japanese on his mother side and Chinese on his father side

• can speak Japanese and Spanish thanks to the Smith siblings

• they’re 5’2 (1m57) will have growth spurt and be taller than Kai, being like 5’9-5’10 (1m77)

• they’re the youngest in the group

• has been abandoned by their parents in an orphanage at a very young age because their parents are criminals (i will develop this point later because i have literally no idea for now ;-;) but they ran away because of the way kids were treated. They found Kai after a month to live in the streets and quickly bonded after a talk. Kai decided to help Lloyd after heard their story and brought them home

• when they entered in the first time in a school they’re like 5 and it was in a kindergarten and they feel really different of the others kids, feel lost and overwhelmed by all the social interactions like at the orphanage but worse and cried almost all the morning before a teacher came and help them to calm down. And it was like that for a whole week, Lloyd didn’t wanted to disappoint Kai or Nya or took the risk of being rejected again so the teacher helped them to talk to Kai when he picked them up. Kai contacted a doctor who told them to see a psychiatrist for that case. So Kai contacted his therapist who diagnosed his I.E.Dto make an appointment. She was very kind with Lloyd and after a few months she diagnosed them both autism and ADHD

• are very intelligent but started getting bag grades after 6th grade because of the school system that is absolutely terrible for them with their ADHD and autism

• they’ve been bullied since 5th grade and started developing a school phobia and since they say everything to their siblings, Kai and Nya let them stay at home when they don’t feel like to go to school

• Jay helps them handle their ADHD since he has it too and also gives them tips about their transition since Jay’s also trans. Zane give them advices on their autism since they are autistic

• are extremely good at art and their whole bedroom is literally an art studio with graffiti on their walls, a lot of finished or unfinished paintings and a LOT of sheets filled with sketches and drawings on the floor or on his desk

• own like 6-7 sketchbooks, have started them all but never finished them (yet they still hope to finish them)

• have a few hyperfixations and the biggest ones are definitely sharks and video games (Jay bought them some books about sharks and gives them some of his own video games and Cole some plushies of sharks)

• have two hoodies (one green that looks like a frog and an another black that looks like a cat) that they put on when they feel overwhelmed by the noise around them

• have tried to learn how to play guitar but failed miserably so instead they just play violin and they’re amazingly amazing at it ✨

• have wayyyyyy too much plushies that they found on thrift store, theirs siblings/friends gave them or just found them in public places being lost for days. Lloyd gaves names and pronouns to each of them

• used to wear glasses but always ended up broken either by their bullies or by themselves so Pixal and Zane designed, with the help of their parents contact lenses for their 13th birthday

• vans shoes lover

• have for best friend Akita, a girl in their class and with who they have their best laughs in class. She’s their confidante after Kai and Nya

• often skating with Cole and Morro

• teach Akita how to do skateboarding

• their fav artists are Cavetown, The Neighbourhood, Feldup (mostly known in France even tho his songs are in English) and Hozier (thanks to Kai)

• always draw in class except History and English classes, their fav (they’re kind of history nerd)

• have depression episodes more or less serious but they are cutting themselves during those and try to attempt to k!ll themselves (mostly due to bullying and their poor self esteem)

• when they have nightmares they go to sleep with their favourite plushies in Kai’s bed, with Nya when she does nightmares and they both hug Kai for comfort and warmth because Kai has a naturally hotter body temperature

• often think about how they got adopted by Kai, where and who were their parents and ask themselves why they decided to abandon them, and always end up crying, feeling useless, unworthy and unwanted

That’s it for now !! Hope your day was great if not, i hope your tomorrow will !

The next characters in the next post will be Jay, Nya and Zane ! Hope you enjoyed those headcanons I may considering to make a fanfiction based on it idk anyways bye byeee !!

#ninjago#cole brookstone#kai ninjago#kai smith#lavashipping#cole x kai#lego ninjago#ninjago cole#ninjago nya#jay walker#ninjago lloyd#lloyd garmadon#zane julien#ninjago kai#ninjago zane#ninjago headcanons#au ninjago#high school au


May 6, 2023

Darling Charming Headcanons:

Her full name is Princess Darling Dainty Demure Charming.

Darling found out she was attracted to women on Legacy Day when Raven refused to sign the Storybook of Legends.

She has had a crush on Raven and Apple at different points in time.

She wears frills and lace to hide her muscles.

Her fascination with Wonderland and knights were both sparked by reading the poem “Jabberwocky”.

She and Apple have known each other since they were little, but Apple was always paired off with Daring because of their “destiny”. Darling only got to know Apple when they entered high school.

When outside of the White Knight’s armor, she uses her hair-swooshing magic touch for combat. While her enemy is charmed into slow motion, she can take them down without them knowing what hit them.

Unlike most princesses, she can’t and will not sing. However, she can whistle up a symphony.

She can play the harpsichord and the harp.

Darling is tiny. She’s not as short as Maddie, but she’s shorter than Apple.

She once painted her family’s entire white rose garden red. No one ever found out it was her.

She can speak fluent Riddlish.

She resents her parents immensely for locking her in a tower. While they were trying to keep her away from the relentless flock of boys fawning over her, she felt like she was being punished for being a victim.

She has trouble making attachments. With boys, she never knows if they’re truly interested in getting to know her or if they simply want to woo her. With girls, she’s afraid of getting too attached lest they reject her. Either way, she can’t be herself around people and they end up loving a shadow. For a while, the only person she truly connected with was Dexter.

She gets bored extremely easily.

When she was locked in her tower, she would exercise constantly to prepare for her escape. If she heard someone coming up to check on her, she would pretend to cry to hide the sweat on her face.

She’s a horse girl.

Like her brother Daring, she loves kids and is very good with them. She is especially close with her little cousin Good-Enough because she sees herself and Dexter in him.

She can see herself having a family, but the thought of settling down and retiring from adventuring scares her.

She has debated telling Rosabella about her adventures as the White Knight several times. Rosabella has known for a while, after finding some armor in Darling’s closet, but she decided to wait until Darling was ready to tell her herself.

She has some unresolved anger issues. She’s been forced to hold back and bottle up her emotions for years. If she didn’t have the White Knight as an outlet, she would have snapped years ago.

The day she was released from the tower was her planned escape day.

Darling will only slay a dragon as a last resort. She would rather make it back off and relocate it far away from people than have to kill it.

Darling only became interested in Apple after Dragon Games. Before that, she didn’t see Apple as anything more than Daring’s Damsel-in-Distress. But seeing her take charge against the Evil Queen on a dragon made her think there’s more to Apple.

Both Dexter and (surprisingly) Daring are supportive of her being a knight. Daring is only on board because, after her kiss with Apple, he believes it’s her destiny. She takes what she can get.

In the future, she hopes to officially receive a knighthood both in Ever After and Wonderland.

#ever after high#eah#ever after high headcanons#eah headcanons#darling charming#eah darling#charming siblings


Jun 18

Exiled Hearts: How to keep a secret? (1)

Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader.

Summary: You and Sam are tired of just being friends and decide to reveal your feelings for each other, but are you willing to accept Sam's dating conditions?

Bingo: a folklore song - Exile.

Genre: Angst and fluff - 4782 words

Warnings: Break-ups, secret relationships, discontent, fights.

A/N: I'm not fluent in English, so a lot of mistakes can happen.

This story takes place between 12x09 and 12x22.

You are my homeland

The boredom was killing your brain slowly, this gray room with only a sink, a toilet and a bed was leaving you crazy with every passing second.

Today is the 47th breakfast they bring to you, so you assume that it's been 47 days since Sam, Dean and you were arrested for trying to kill the president, obviously none of the agents would believe that it was Lucifer who was in the president's body, so there was nothing to be done.

Since you were arrested, you had no contact with the boys, which made you extremely apprehensive. You weren't afraid of the agents, but you were afraid of what they might do to Sam and Dean to get information.

Two years ago, the boys saved you from a Wendigo attack in your hometown. You had an unstable life, with a horrible job and you were completely alone, so when you found out what they were doing, you wanted to help them even though you knew how dangerous this job was and even though the boys were opposed to it, especially Sam. However, after a lot of phone calls and insistence, they agreed to let you help on a few, just a few, hunts.

Well, you were unlucky enough to be present when they went after Kelly Kline and Lucifer, who was in the president's body.

The agents interrogated you first, because they thought that since you had a clean record, unlike the brothers who had been on the FBI's radar for years, you would be easy to manipulate and tell them everything. They expected you to say that the three of them were part of a terrorist organization or that the boys had taken you hostage (Sam would surely approve of this idea so that you could get away from this prison as soon as possible) but you remained silent the whole time.

You didn't want to admit it, but this situation was making you panic.

This morning, there was something different going on: the guards seemed more agitated and were running around complaining all the time. You thought it was just a lame attempt by your brain to entertain you, until your cell opened, and you were faced with Sam.

"What? How did you..." You tried to ask how he managed to escape, because it seemed impossible, but you should have figured that nothing is impossible for a Winchester.

"We'll talk later, now we need to get out of here" He grabbed your arm and dragged you quickly out of the cell.

Dean was waiting for you outside. While Sam searched the paddy wagon, Dean talked to Castiel on the phone and you analyzed how to turn off the electric fence that surrounded the whole place, after a while you finally found the booth that controlled the gate. You thanked yourself internally for not having to climb over the fence in front of the boys wearing that jumpsuit.

The gate opened and then you ran, you ran a lot.

"All right, so we got, what, hour till dark? Which puts us, what, six hours till midnight?" Sam asks as soon as you've slowed down.

"That sounds about right" Dean answered, analyzing the territory to see if you'd need to run again.

"What's going to happen at midnight?" You ask, because you don't understand Sam's concern about the turn of the day.

"Dean, we have to talk to her about this."

"Okay, we will. All right? later "

That conversation made you even more worried. What were they hiding from you? How did they manage to escape from their cells? Where were you going now? You had so many questions, but they couldn't be answered now. You had at least 10 men after you, you had to keep running.

You went even deeper into the forest, but it wasn't helping; the agents were still on your tail. It was then that you noticed one of the men moving away from the group and warned the boys. After all, even if he had a gun, it was still three against one and you trusted the brothers' agility.

“This is Norton. I’m..." It was time to put the plan into action. Before he could finish his sentence, Sam came at him and started choking him with his forearm. Dean quickly grabbed the agent's Walkie-talkie.

"Norton has gone night-night"

"Winchester" Another agent answered through the Walkie-talkie.

"This the man-in-charge?" Norton was completely out on the floor. Sam had taken his gun and was keeping watch.

"That’s right."

"Well, let me tell you how this is gonna go" Dean continued his conversation with Rick Sanchez "You’re gonna call your boys, and you’re turn around, and nobody’s gonna get hurt."

"No, no. Here's how this is gonna go. I take my highly trained soldiers, track your ass down, and you get hurt" Sanchez pauses dramatically, probably in an attempt to frighten you "A lot. Including the girl" When Sam hears this, he immediately pulls you close to him "You can't run forever, you're trapped out here."

Sam feels guilty every day for bringing you into this life, even though you've already explained to him that you're in this life because you want to be. That comforts him sometimes, but at times like this he just wants to get you to safety and never let you be in danger again.

Sam can't bear the thought of losing you or of something bad happening to you. Dean, Mary, Cas and you are the most important things he has, even if he hasn't admitted it to you yet. He considers you his homeland, the place where he knows he can count on for anything and, if he could admit it to you, he would look you in the eye, hold your face and tell you that he wants to be by your side forever.

"Well, what we have here is a failure to communicate" Dean's instinct for negotiation had already worn off "Cause we’re not trapped out here with you. You’re trapped out here with us" Sam reloaded his gun so that the noise would make it clear that you were now armed as well.

You finally managed to leave Sanchez and his men behind, even if it wasn't for long, but you hoped it would be enough time to put the new plan into action.

"That'll work," said Dean as you briefly analyzed the old house you were going to use as bait.

You entered the house and began your preparations. Dean quickly found a lamp and a lighter, you found a first aid kit and a bear trap which you gave to Sam to hide outside, while you and Dean prepared the house and went over the plan.

"And what am I going to do?" You ask when Dean has only mentioned his and Sam's name in the execution of the plan "I know I'm not very good at physical fights, but I don't want to stand here and watch while you do all the work."

"You're not going to watch. Take this" He hands you the gun they stole from Norton "I know your aim's great."

You were happy to finally have an important part in the plan. Sometimes it's a bit frustrating having to stay in the shadows of the two of them, but you haven't been on many hunts for experience, so you understood why.

Finally, you and Dean finished the traps inside the house, and you went outside to see how Sam was doing. When you finally found him, he was just finishing installing the last bear trap.

"Hey, look out! I've put one nearby" He warned you when he saw you. You stood where you were waiting for him to come to you and guide you along the safe path "How are you feeling?"

"Horrible in that outfit" You point to the gray jumpsuit. Sam laughs as he guides you both to sit on a rock "And very tired."

"I understand, I am too" It was rare for Sam to admit he was tired, and you felt he trusted you when he said it.

"So, what's going to happen at midnight?" You asked, but you were afraid of the answer.

"Y/n... Dean and I made a pact with Billie. We died and came back to life because of her, that's how we managed to escape" He sighed before continuing "At midnight we have to fulfill the pact, she's going to take a Winchester."

"What?" You stood up and didn't care how loud your question was.

"Shh... You might attract attention, calm down," he said, pulling you back to sit next to him.

"How could you do that?" You could feel your heart beating faster and faster "She can't take any of you!"

"Y/n, it was a fair deal. Dean and I agreed to all the terms."

"But you shouldn't have! I thought you were the sensible one in the group, the one who made smart choices." You couldn't hold back the tears, so they were soaking your cheeks.

You were thinking that you would soon lose someone very important to you. If it was Dean, you'd lose a great friend, almost a brother. If it was Sam, you'd lose the man you've been in love with for two years and never had the courage to tell him.

"Please don't cry" Sam reaches out to touch your cheek and wipe away your tears.

"You can't expect me to be okay after receiving news like that."

"I know" Sam pulls you closer and hugs you. The hug was long and the whole time he was gently stroking your hair to try to calm you down.

You wanted to beg him to stay with you, because you wanted to love him and be loved by him. He couldn't leave without you living your great love story and Dean needed to be here to see it happen too.

"Have you decided who it's going to be?" You asked as you walked away.

"Not yet, we'll decide when the time comes" When Sam held your chin and lifted your face so you could look at him, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach "I don't like to see you cry, I prefer it when you smile" Your eyes were fixed on his and his on yours. And finally, under that beautiful but uncertain night, Sam brought his face close to yours and dragged his lips across yours a few times, making the desire grow even more in both of you "Can I do this?"

"Please, do it."

He pushed your hair away and held your cheek. His lips quickly found yours, enveloping you in a slow, passionate kiss. You trailed your fingertips down his neck, dragging them lightly. You smiled when you felt him get goose bumps. This seemed to arouse Sam's feelings even more, so he grabbed your hair and slid his tongue in to meet yours.

You didn't want to pull away, that kiss was incredible, but to both of your misfortune, you heard footsteps and moved away quickly. When you looked to the east, you saw some lanterns that were far away but coming towards you.

"They're coming" Dean ran from inside the home to warn you.

So many signs

After you and Sam exchanged such a passionate kiss while you were alone in that forest, the men who arrested you finally showed up and you put the plan, not so elaborate, but which the three of you believed would work, into action. You were right, the plan worked.

All of Sanchez's " highly trained soldiers" were injured, but you and the Winchesters made a deal not to kill any of them. As much as they had left you locked up for a month and a half, they were just doing their job, but you made it clear that if they tried to come after you, there would be big consequences.

And then you found Castiel and Mary, it was clear how worried they were about the boys, you're sure they spent the whole time looking for Sam and Dean. You stayed in a corner near a tree, almost hidden, because you didn't want to disturb the family reunion.

"Y/n, come here" Dean called to you and you finally approached.

You were never very good at introductions, but at some point, you would meet Mary Winchester, since she had come back from the dead. You were afraid she wouldn't like you, especially now that Sam had kissed you and you hoped that meant you were willing to try something more.

"Mom, this is Y/n" Dean introduced you "We saved her two years ago from a Wendigo, she helps us on a few hunts. Y/n, this is our mom."

You approached her and extended your hand in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Winchester."

"Nice to meet you too. And just call me Mary." She held out her hand to greet you too. "Were you stuck there all that time with my sons?"

"Yes, unfortunately I had the misfortune to be with them when they sent Lucifer back to his cage."

The whole way, you were chatting to Mary, trying to make a friendship, which made you forget that midnight would soon be here. When the car began to shake and stop working, you felt your heart grow faint.

Billie explained the whole deal that Sam had explained to you earlier to Mary and Castiel, who certainly didn't like what they heard. So, when Billie said it was time for a Winchester to die and Mary offered to go in place of one of her sons, the boys tried to stop her, but the reaper used her skills to push them away. She then pointed the gun at her own head and said goodbye to the boys, but Castiel surprised everyone when he simply killed Billie.

Dean ran to check that his mother was all right and you went to Sam's side to comfort him, even though Castiel was impulsive, he saved Mary. You put your hand on his to hold it, that wasn't a problem for you. Dean always joked that you should be together, and you knew he'd be happy when you told him what happened between you and Sam on that rock, you'd been thinking the whole way about how you were going to tell him. However, to your surprise, Sam ignored your gesture, he took two steps to the side, away from you and said nothing.

You didn't like it and you didn't understand why Sam was so uncomfortable when you were near, but you didn't insist, as he had just been through a difficult time. On the way home, however, both boys noticed that you were getting restless. You were all tired, so you decided to go home and not mention it.

You were finally in the bunker.

You were already in bed, ready to go to sleep, when someone knocked on your door. It was Sam.

"Hi, I just came by to see if you were okay," he said as he walked in and closed the door.

"I am and, actually, I was asking myself the same question about you" He pushed the sheets aside and sat down next to you on the bed "You weren't uncomfortable at all when you kissed me, but when I tried to hold your hand..."

"I know it was awkward, but..." He sighed, not knowing how to start this conversation "What did that kiss mean to you?" That kiss was so intense, in a short space of time you managed to express more feelings than in two years of living together, he knew exactly what that kiss had meant to you, but he needed to hear it.

"Absolutely everything I've been longing for since I met you. I never had the courage to tell you how I felt for fear of your reaction, but neither of us needed to say a word to know that there's a lot more going on here than just friendship" He held your hand, as he should have done before "So, what's got you like this?"

"Y/n, what I feel for you is so... inexplicable, that I'm glad I managed to express some of my feelings with that kiss" He closed his eyes and sighed before continuing "But I'm still confused. I know we can try to take this further, if you want."

"I do, Sam. You know that."

"I know and I want to too, but I need you to be patient" You didn't understand what he was getting at "If we're in a relationship now, I still don't want to tell my family."

"Why?" You didn't expect to hear that.

"I talked to Dean about you officially being part of the team." You'd waited so long to hear that. "So, if we're going to work together, I don't want to mix things up. Especially with my mother here, they'd be apprehensive if we went out hunting and let our feelings get in the way of our work."

You didn't like the idea, but you thought maybe Sam was right. You can't mix hunting with a relationship and maybe by keeping it hidden, you could separate things. That wasn't what you expected, but you hoped that you could keep this secret if it meant having Sam by your side.

You could have told him that you didn't like the idea, but afraid that this would be your only chance of having him, you didn't tell him.

"All right, I guess you're right."

"Really? So, you're okay with it?" You looked at him and nodded. Sam smiled at you and moved closer to kiss you. This time the kiss was less slow than the first, but it had the same desire and passion. You felt your body yearning for more and you were sure Sam's was too when he laid you on the bed and started unbuttoning his own shirt "Your room is warm."

"I'm sure that's not why you're taking your shirt off" You slid your fingers over his bare chest and admired him for a few seconds before grabbing his hair and kissing him again.

If Sam's kisses were incredible, spending the night with him was even better. You woke up to the birds singing and rolled over to find Sam and hug him, you hoped to feel his hands in your hair and hear his voice, freshly awakened, close to your ear as he wished you a good morning, but Sam was no longer beside you in bed.

You stayed in bed a little longer, trying to understand why he had left you there alone after the great night you'd had, so you decided to send him a message hoping he'd say he was in the bathroom and would be back soon to be with you.

"Good morning, Sam. Where are you?"

"Good morning, love. I'm in my room."

You couldn't resist smiling when you saw that he called you love. It felt like you were living in a dream.

"In your room? Why are you in your room?"

"Dean would have been suspicious if he'd seen me coming out of his room this morning, especially in the same clothes he'd seen me in."

"So, I got dressed and went back to my room at dawn."'

You were so disappointed that you just threw your cell phone on the bed and got up to put on your clothes, without even saying anything to Sam.

You and Sam were in the car waiting for Dean to come back from the market so you could go on your way. Jody called a few hours ago saying she needed help with a vampire nest, and you quickly grabbed your things and headed off. After the British started helping you with the hunts, they seemed to have tripled, so you packed up your things and went to live in the bunker at the boys' request.

You accepted quickly because you thought you could spend more time with your secret boyfriend. That hasn't changed much.

"Sam, I was thinking we could go out, you and me. I did some research and found a café with a tempting menu." You turned the screen of your cell phone to show him the place.

"I heard Jody and the girls talking about this place, they seem to frequent it. If we show up there, the two of us alone, and they're there?" You rolled your eyes shamelessly, not caring if Sam saw it.

You picked up your cell phone and went back to your seat in the back, remaining completely silent. Sam realized that you hadn't liked his answer, picked up his laptop and got out of the front seat to sit next to you.

"Since we started dating four months ago, you've never taken me on a date."

"I know, come here" He slung his arms over your shoulders and leaned your head against his chest "We've had a lot of cases to deal with lately and I couldn't think of any way to go out without arousing suspicion. We'll still go out, I promise."

You couldn't explain how much it was getting to you. It was always the same excuses: "We can't do that because they might find out", "I can't be alone with you for too long because they might get suspicious" or "We have to be careful, with any slip-up they might find out." Everything you wanted to do with him, even the simplest things, had some risk and you always had to do everything as hidden as possible. When he suggested not telling his family about your relationship, you didn't think he would be so extreme.

And now you were beginning to feel that you didn't matter to him, because at no time were you the priority.

"Okay, we can do something when you think it's safe," you said even though you still weren't convinced by Sam's excuse.

You were at Jody's house talking about the best strategy for attacking the vampire nest on the night of the next day, even though you were extremely tired from all the research, you were still there trying to help. Jody prepared a room for the boys and a bed for you in Alex and Claire's room, as they were both on a school camp.

You had a headache from reading on your laptop for so long, so you went to the kitchen to get some water to take your medicine, when you saw Sam and Dean's bedroom light on and them talking.

"So, you're telling me there's nothing going on between you and Y/n?"

"No, Dean. There isn't."

"I can't believe it! I always knew you had feelings for each other, but why hide it? I saw you two in the car today, you were close, don't you think?"

"Damn it, Dean. I don't have feelings for her. We're friends."

That hurt like hell. Sam was denying to death that the two of you were together and Dean didn't seem as opposed to the idea as Sam said he would. So why did he keep lying? You started to think that maybe Sam didn't have feelings for you, that's why he didn't want to assume you, but the idea of always having someone available to offer him affection was good for him. Or maybe it was embarrassing for him to have a girlfriend like you while there were much better women out there.

You didn't know the exact reason, but that night you went to sleep crying thinking about the possibilities. None of them were positive.

The next day, you were getting ready to go to the place where the vampire nest was supposed to be. After breakfast, you told Sam that you had overheard the conversation between him and Dean, hoping that he would tell you why he had been so secretive about your relationship, his eyes were clearly swollen from crying all night, but he said that you had work to do and couldn't get involved in feelings right now.

You were in Jody's living room packing the supplements you needed to take. Sam had gone to the bathroom but returned a few minutes before the scheduled departure time.

"Has anyone seen my phone?" He said, "I've looked in the bedroom and I can't find it." Everyone in the room denied it and you began a long search for Sam's cell phone, since it was where the vampires' location was, you couldn't leave without it.

"It's here, love" His cell phone was between the sofa cushions, and when you turned to give it back to him, you realized that everyone in the room was staring at you in surprise. It was then that you realized what a big mistake you had made.

"Love, huh" Dean said, smiling at you both. He was clearly happy, again invalidating Sam's theory.

"What are you talking about?" You tried to change the course of the conversation, even though you knew that neither Dean nor Jody were idiots, but you should try.

"You called him love."

"No, I didn't."

"I heard it too," Jody commented. Obviously, neither of you would believe this lie. You might have thought it was funny, but when you looked at Sam he had a clearly enraged expression, Jody and Dean also noticed the tension in your gaze "I think we'd better put the things in the car, don't you, Dean?" The elder Winchester followed the sheriff out of the house.

"How could you make such a big mistake like that?" Sam shouted after they left. You'd never seen him so angry, but this situation was getting out of hand, you couldn't stand being kept in the shadows when clearly everyone around you approved of this relationship.

"You know what, Sam? I'm tired of it!" You also shouted "You told me you didn't want to mix things up because of work and that your family, especially Dean, wouldn't approve of our relationship, but that's a lie!"

"How can you say that?"

"I can make a list of all the times Dean Winchester nearly burst into flames at the possibility of his brother dating his friend." Your heart ached and you made no effort to hold back the tears. "I don't want to do this anymore. I've hated having to hide our relationship since the day we started doing it." You looked at him, crying even more at having to do this. "Hiding our relationship was your only condition and I should have denied it, so I'm doing it now, Sam. There's no way they can know about something that no longer exists."

"What?" Sam's hands were shaking, and you saw the tears running down his cheeks. You didn't answer, you just went to the room you'd spent the night in and started packing up your things "I never learned to read your mind, Y/n..."

"Yeah, you never learned to read my mind" You scoffed at his sentence as you rolled your eyes.

"I couldn't turn things around, because you never gave a warning sign. You never told me you didn't like it."

"I gave so many signs, Sam!" You shouted as you cried and threw your things into your suitcase "You couldn't change because you didn't pay attention to any of them, I wonder if at some point you paid attention to me" You took a deep breath "This isn't what I expected when you kissed me that night, but I thought that with or without your condition I'd be happy, because I'd be with you. I was wrong."

"I imagined that at some point we'd get used to it," he whispered.

"So, you wanted it to be forever?" That was worse than you thought "And I imagined that at some point you would change your mind. It was already doomed to fail, Sam. We just ignored it."

It took you five minutes to pack your bags and leave Sam alone in the hallway, with all his love bruised and his heart screaming for him to come after you, be totally honest and apologize. He couldn't lose someone he loved so much that's what he's avoided these last four months, but he forgot that it wasn't just death that hurt, but seeing you go with the intention of never coming back into his life too.

His greatest fear had always been losing you, and he hadn't realized how much his actions were taking him away from you. Now, that fear has become real. However, the part of his mind that he thought was rational kept him standing there as he watched you go.

#supernatural x reader#supernatural#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester#sam winchesterxreader#sammy#spn fanfic#spn#sam x reader


Jun 13, 2023

Anonymous asked: Of all the many languages you speak which is your weakest one? Do you use those languages?

It’s privilege to learn any language that isn’t your mother tongue. As Ludwig Wittgenstein correctly observed, “The limits of my language means the limits of my world”. If English is our native tongue we put ourselves at a disadvantage because we expect every other nationality to take the trouble to speak it. There seems no incentive to learn a foreign language. We become lazy not just in language but also in other ways including our cultural enrichment, our imagination, and a misplaced sense of our self-importance in the world.

Of the European languages I know, I probably think German would be my weakest. When I was in school in Switzerland you’re brought up in three languages: French, Italian, and German (even if the Swiss speak Swiss German). When I say weakest I mean I can converse fluently, but I don’t have time to read German literature in the same immersive way I would say with French literature or take any special interest in German affairs.

I would say I’m fairly fluent in French now but still prone to silly mistakes. I’ve been told that I can speak without an accent and that is heart warming to know, because that was always the goal once I moved here to France. I don’t really use French in my work as it’s a multi-national entity and so English is the default language of corporate world, but I’m speaking French pretty much the rest of the time outside of work.

I was extremely fortunate to be born into a multi-lingual family where Norwegian and English were spoken from birth. All my siblings were being versed in Latin (not Greek which came years later after doing Classics at university) by the time I was 8 or 9 years old because my father was a classicist and he felt Latin was the building blocks to mastering other languages.

All this occurring whilst we moved lived and moved around a lot in the world such as China, Japan, India, and the Middle East. When I was initially sent to one of the first of my English girls boarding schools I was horrified that most of the girls only spoke English. I thought I was the stupid one for only knowing 6. Boarding school, if nothing else, gave me a great privilege to hone in on the languages I did know and start to learn others.

My parents didn’t take the easy way out and put us children in international schools like all the other expat children. That would have been too easy given how tight knit the British expatriate community was out there. Instead we were left to sink or swim in local schools in places like Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan or Shanghai in China or in Delhi, India. It was a struggle but you soon find your feet and you stumble towards some basic level of fluency.

I’m fortunate that before Covid my corporate work took me often to the Far East and it was a great opportunity to hone what I already knew. The result is I can converse and take business meetings in Chinese and Japanese (though English gets thrown into the mix too).

I would say Chinese is more of a struggle for me these days because I’ve not been back since before the Covid lockdown in 2020. Chinese is one of those languages that can easily melt away if you don’t get the chance to converse in it on a regular basis. Japanese less so, probably because the culture had more profound impact on me than Chinese culture.

Hindi is less of an issue because I have close Indian friends and also I watch Bollywood movies as well as converse with Indian immigrants here in Paris who have local stores. Urdu I learned through the backdoor because Urdu has a spoken affinity with Hindi (if you know Hindi then you know spoken Urdu, more or less, especially in Northern India and cities like Delhi where Urdu was born in the burnt ashes of Mughal India). Reading is another matter because they each use different scripts - Sanskrit for Hindi and Arabic and Persian script for Urdu.

Strangely enough when I was doing my tour in Afghanistan years ago with the British army, I would speak Urdu with local Afghans who served as official translators or were selling goods on the base. These Afghans knew Urdu because an entire generation of Afghan boys and girls grew up in refugee camps on the Pakistani border during the different phases of the Afghan war. I have very fond memories of their friendship and hospitality, but less so of the war itself.

With Arabic, it had lapsed woefully until I did a posting in Dubai in the past year (as catalogued in my blog) and I found myself suddenly remembering a lot and asking Arab friends. Soon I was able to hold my own amongst my colleagues and corporate clients. In these cultures it’s really hard to stay focused because so many of them speak very good English. So it’s hard to get them to stick with their own language because you want to learn from them - but they want to show off their English proficiency - and so you have to be polite but persistent to stick with Arabic.

If you’re learning a new language then I hope you stick with it. There’s almost nothing more rewarding in your life than the disocovery a rich culture through language. The key is to find a way to make it fun rather than a trip to the dentist chair for a root canal operation.

Thanks for your question.



Dec 31, 2023

Do you have any Alessi headcanons for someone desperate ?🫣 Too shy to come off anon to ask ..

uHHHHHHHH MAYHAps :) Thank you for the ask! I’ve been dying to write for awhile :) !

I legit don’t know what I have and haven’t posted yet since I haven’t been on tumblr for a hot minute but uhhh uhhhhhhhh. There’s lore-dumps near the top, but it gets better near the end I promise

Obligatory song for my headcanon posts. There’s no specific reason for this song, it’s just a banger, and I’m also trying to be very normal about Walid Toufic and not put his music for every single Alessi post

Alessi’s of Lebanese-Armenian descent, but extremely estranged from his Armenian roots due to internal family issues — mostly his father facing scorn from his intolerant side of the family for marrying an Armenian woman. Despite this, Alessi was very close with his mother and, even as a grown man, regrets not learning more from her. Of course, he’s never going to admit this, no matter how obvious it may be that he tries to pick up parts of the Armenian language and culture

Alessi was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1951, but was eventually forced out due to a civil war in 1975. Though, what gave him the final push to leave was a falling out with his siblings. With both their parents gone, his sister going off to a loveless marriage, and his brother wanting to join the war effort, Alessi loses control of Sethan during a confrontation and turns them into children. This ends up as a strange, happy accident as he would try keeping up the charade for a few days, exploiting their memory being reverted to fake a “happy family” in an effort to keep the last remnants of his old life from slipping away

Things end horribly for Alessi as his siblings eventually find out and oust him from the home they all grew up in. With nothing left for him, he leaves and dedicates himself to mercenary work throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa to keep himself afloat

With fourteen years under his belt by SDC, Alessi’s considered one of the best in the region. And since he’s well-traveled, he’s proficient in a majority of the Arabic dialects, so nine times out of ten, nothing got past him in Dio’s mansion regardless of where the other assassins were from

The joke is that most Arabs don’t understand North Africans, but everyone can understand Egyptians, so whenever Alessi wants to phase out of a conversation, he’ll slowly change to to a dialect that’s “further out” and difficult to understand despite Levantine being his first

Since French is a secondary language in Lebanon, much more prevalent during Alessi’s time in schooling, and especially North Africa for mercenary work. He knows enough to get around like the basics, but can’t read or write for sh*t. His little brother was easily more fluent than him, so he has a weird sort of resentment yet fondness for the language. Whatever French he knew definitely came back when he was chasing around Polnareff in the Sethan arc

Very, very curly hair, but he doesn’t take care of it. Back as a kid, when he had his mom, she would help him and he was basically a puff-ball, but as an adult, he doesn’t have the slightest clue on how to style it while also maintaining his hair. If you catch him when he just wakes up, or immediately after a shower, it’s seemingly perfect but then he’ll proceed to douse himself in a can of hairspray

The gun he uses in SDC isn’t his, it’s his late brother’s. But going into that right now on why and how he even got it should be it’s entirely own post so —

Any endearment at all related to babe/baby will have him throwing up in his mouth. It’s one thing to mention a child, it’s another to somehow relate it back to HIM. Honestly, Alessi doesn’t read as a “habibi” person to me, he’s too bitter to be a “habibi” person. Albi and eini come much more easily to him as petnames to call someone

He’s a sucker for trashy American television. He used to think he was above it, but now if you leave him alone for long enough, he’ll put on TLC and binge whatever’s on. Although back home, he had a thing for spaghetti westerns even if they were horribly dubbed in Arabic

Adding to the Western trend, he was super into Lucky Luke comics as a kid. Since they were really popular in the Middle East, and the translated ones were produced in Egypt. It’s definitely not a stretch that during the 80s and SDC, his grown, mercenary ass sat down to watch cartoons of his favorite cowboy. Would Alessi hog the mansion’s TV to watch Lucky Luke? Perchance. Would he stay cooped up in his Luxor hotel room to watch it? Also perchance

Tintin was popular, too, but I think I need an outside opinion on that. If a Tintin person could come back to me about this please help

Hol Horse fascinates him. Not in an admiration sort of way, but a “holysh*t a real cowboy” sort of way. To Alessi, it’s like Hol crawled out of his family television and old comic books

I don’t know who it was, but I want to say back in like,, 2016ish one of the original Dio’s f*ckhouse blogs had a headcanon that Hol was actually from New England or something, but basically nowhere near “the Wild West” or even the South. So the image of Alessi being interested and asking him stuff while Hol Horse is just,, sweating bullets because he’s not a “real cowboy” is hilarious to me

Because of what happened with his sister, Alessi’s very standoffish when it comes to love. He’ll take any chance he can get to mock touchy couples and heckle anyone that he thinks is getting “too intimate” in public, but I think we all know he’s compensating for something

But the moment someone touches him or is very direct about making a move, he flusters and doesn’t know what to do with himself. Cheesy pick-up lines will only embarrass him and he can’t tell whether or not you’re making fun of him

Having gone through wide extremities of emotions when he was younger, and then having to suppress them all as a mercenary, Alessi wouldn’t understand sensitivities. Especially since he’d have to adopt a pragmaticism in his line of work to keep himself alive — and arguably sane. He’d get confused over someone being upset over an inconvenience that isn’t “up to par” to what he went through, but at the same time fly off the handle at small things happening to him since he bottles up all his emotions

If someone cries around him, he falls into the routine of having this initial frustration, stuffing it down to not make things worse, and eventually follow through with a weird shoulder pat — sorta like “there, there”. After that, he’s clueless

#Jjba#sdc#Stardust crusdaers#Alessi#alessi jjba#alessi jojo#Ask#anon#headcanon#I don’t know how long ago you sent this in but I’m profusely asking for your forgiveness anon#Every break I have a 35% chance of spawning in so hi Muslim’s back :0 BDBJK#I would just like to say that I could elaborate so much more on the sibling falling out thing because I’ve been cooking for YEARS#I’m really cool about asks. It might take a bit but I’d love requests :)#Most of these were written at 2am ;3
Discover Top Posts Tagged with #hes extremely fluent especially since this year | Tumgag (2024)


How do I find old tagged comments on Facebook? ›

To check Activity Log, click your profile icon > "Privacy & settings" > "Activity log" > "Comments" > "Activity you're tagged in" > "Posts and comments you're tagged in." Activity Log lets you filter comments by date, person, or audience.

What is the difference between tagging and mentioning on Facebook? ›

Their name is then added to the post as “[Your Name] was with [Their Name].” They, too, receive a notification that they've been tagged. So a mention is essentially for when you want to talk about someone, while a tag is essentially for when you want to say you were with someone.

How do I review posts I've been tagged in? ›

Turn on Timeline Review to see posts you're tagged in
  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Privacy and tap Profile and Tagging.
  4. Tap Review posts you're tagged in before the post appears on your profile?
  5. Tap On or Off to turn Timeline Review on or off.

How do I stop bots from tagging me on Facebook? ›

Selective Hashtag Use: Avoid broad hashtags that attract bots. Location Tagging Caution: Limit location tags in posts to avoid bot attention. Report Bots: Manually reporting bots helps Facebook identify and remove them. Use Advanced Tools: Third-party platforms offer more sophisticated spam filtering options.

How can I find a post I was tagged in on Facebook? ›

  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name.
  2. Tap .
  3. Tap Activity Log.
  4. Tap View Activity History, then tap Filters.
  5. Tap Categories, then tap Activity You're Tagged In.
  6. Tap Photos you're tagged in.
  7. Tap the photo you want to hide.
  8. Tap to open the photo, then tap to the right of the photo.

How to find a specific Facebook post from years ago? ›

Finding Your Old Posts & Activity (Computer)
  1. Click your profile photo at the top-right corner of Facebook. ...
  2. Go to Settings and privacy > Settings.
  3. Scroll down the left panel and click Activity log. ...
  4. Click Your activity across Facebook. ...
  5. Click Date and select a date. ...
  6. Click Posts. ...
  7. Choose which old posts you want to find.
Jan 20, 2024

Is tagging the same as hashtag? ›

In Facebook and Instagram, tagging notifies the recipient and hyperlinks to the tagged profile. Hashtag: A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a social media post to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it.

When you tag someone on Facebook, does it show up on their timeline? ›

The post you tag the person in may also be added to that person's timeline. For example, you can tag a photo to show who's in the photo or post a status update and say who you're with. If you tag a friend in your status update, anyone who sees that update can click on your friend's name and go to their timeline.

Is tagging good or bad? ›

Increased engagement (comments, likes, and shares) is a direct result of tagging, which makes posts visible to a wider audience. Another benefit is the strengthening of professional ties that might develop as a result of tagging someone in a post.

When someone tags me on Facebook, I can't see it.? ›

If you want to review all posts (including friends' posts) before they appear on your profile, you need to turn on timeline review. Bear in mind that if someone you're not friends with tags you in a post, you'll be prompted to review it to appear on your profile, even if you don't have timeline review turned on.

Who can see posts that you're tagged in on your profile? ›

When someone tags you in a post, it will be visible to: The audience selected by the person who made the post. The audience you indicate in your Profile and Tagging settings. You can choose to automatically add your friends, select specific friends or not add anyone to the audience of the post you're tagged in.

Why is a post I'm tagged in not on my profile? ›

You can choose whether posts you're tagged in appear on your profile automatically or manually. When you choose to add photos and videos manually, they'll appear on your profile only after you approve them. By default, when someone tags a photo or video of you, it will automatically be added to your profile.

Is Facebook all bots now? ›

Pretty much everyone these days knows that a sizeable chunk of many social media accounts are automated. An estimated 95 million Instagram accounts and 270 million Facebook accounts are thought to be either bots or fake profiles.

Why are there so many spam accounts on Facebook? ›

Fake accounts across social media platforms represent profiles that may or may not be linked to a real person, They are often created from stolen information from real accounts. Typically, these accounts are set up to make people believe their friend or favorite business has simply created another account.

Why are bots adding me on Facebook? ›

It's possible that you clicked a malicious link, downloaded a bad file, or logged into a fake Facebook Page and someone got access to your account.

Why can't I see previous comments on Facebook? ›

If the app or browser has accumulated cookies that are clogging the cache, recent information, including comments, won't be displayed. Cookies store data regarding login and preferences about the Facebook app on your device so that it loads quickly the next time.

Why do old comments disappear on Facebook? ›

Facebook comments can disappear for one of two reasons: the person who posted the comment on a post deleted it or the person who owns the original post deleted the comment because they didn't like it.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.