Extra Large Money Tree (2024)


Extra Large Money Tree (1)

Extra Large Money Tree (2)

Extra Large Money Tree (3)

Extra Large Money Tree (4)

Extra Large Money Tree (5)

Extra Large Money Tree (6)

Sale price$130.00
'; document.body.appendChild(myprimeDiv); } })

Scientifically known as the Pachira aquatica, the Money Tree is a wetland plant native to Central and South America. Although this swamp-loving plant can reach 60 feet in the wild, you can expect your indoor Large Money Tree to grow between a much more manageable 3 to 6 feet tall. With trunks that seem to swirl together, blooming into a canopy of fern green foliage, our Money Trees will make a visually striking addition to your biophilic design. Ready to pick out the right Money Tree for you? Browse through our Pafe Live photos to pick the exact Money Tree you’d like out of our current inventory. We’ll deliver your Money Tree to you in our sustainable, super secure packaging system no matter where you live in the U.S.

Large Money Tree Benefits

The Money Tree is believed to attract good fortune and — you guessed it — money! Some say it can even promote healthier sleep, reduce stress, and decrease conflict in the home. We can’t confirm the science behind those beliefs, but research does suggest that the Money Tree is an effective air purifier. Place this adorable plant beside your bed at night, and take a deep breath. You just might sleep better and feel at ease, and you’ll definitely be breathing in cleaner air!

Dancing in the Rain

The Money Tree plant you get from our online plant shop is actually made up of multiple Pachira Aquaticas, tenderly hand woven together as each grew to maturity. Thanks to the Money Tree’s umbrella-like foliage, the plant’s swirling trunks appear to be dancing in the rain, adding whimsy and romance to your indoor garden.

The Money Tree is Your Pet’s Bestie

If you’re a pet parent looking for a non-toxic plant you can keep around your beloved fur babies, you’ve come to the right plant! Money Trees are non-toxic to cats and dogs. We can’t stop your pet from nibbling on your precious Money Tree, but we can promise you that it won’t kill your cat or dog. (We’ll send all the good vibes to your devoured Money Tree, though).

A Plant for the Serial Over-Waterer

Does your green thumb occasionally go black from root rot? Figuring out how much water to give your indoor plants can be tricky for lots of plant parents. Unfortunately, most houseplants can’t tolerate too much trial and error. Which is why the Money Plant is a great option for you! Money Plants kinda like damp soil (they’re native to swampland), so the occasional overenthusiastic watering session probably won’t kill it.

Now that you're an expert with the Money Tree, order this plant by 7PM est to get this plant shipped out of our greenhouse in New Jersey tomorrow (if you are wondering the arrival time, check with the zipcode validator on top of the Add To Cart). Seriously, our plant shipping solution is truly protective and innovative to ensure your plants arrive safe and intact! In case you were still wondering, we WILL send out the EXACT plant that you picked out, just like that of a local nursery or garden center, except we have more and fresher plants to choose from and you can't find our PAFE fine ceramic planter options anywhere else other than our website :)

For any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Hello@PafePlants.Com or call/text (609)-968-7063!

Also See:

  • Medium Money Tree (Braided)
  • Medium Money Tree Stump
  • Large Money Tree Stump

${pot_variant_id == ""?$('div#pot_thumb_variant_id_0').text().trim().split('\n')[0]:text_title[0]}


`) var arrayOfElements=document.getElementsByClassName('pot-default');var lengthOfArray=arrayOfElements.length;for (var i=0; i{ $('.subplant_selection .pick_plant').each(function(evt){ document.getElementById('subplant_'+$(this).data('slug-subplant-id')+'_chosen').style.display = 'none'; $(this).text('Select').css('background','#4C904F') document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').classList.remove('active_select') for( var i = 0; i < chosen_variant_id_array.length; i++){ if (chosen_variant_id_array[i] === $(this).data('slug-variant_id')) { chosen_variant_id_array.splice(i, 1); } } chosen_variant_id_pot_array[$(this).data('slug-variant_id')] = ''; })// subplant from not selected to selectedconsole.log('Selected subplant_id: '+subplant_id);// change the name to 'CHOSEN' + text + link (and scroll) to pot selectiondocument.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').innerHTML = '



'; console.log(document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').innerHTML)// set to subplant to 'chosen'document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').style.display = 'flex'; document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').classList.add('active_select')// add this chosen variant id to the chosen selection:chosen_variant_id_array.push(variant_id);console.log('Chosen_variant_id_array:', chosen_variant_id_array);// add this chosen subplant id to chosen array:chosen_variant_id_data_array[variant_id] = subplant_id;console.log('Chosen_variant_id_data_array:', chosen_variant_id_data_array); $(this).text('Unselect').css('background','rgba(238, 27, 27, .85)')// show angle photos of this variant:toggle_angle_photos(subplant_id, 'show'); chosen_variant_id_pot_array[variant_id] = currently_active_pot_id; console.log('Chossen length**************: '+chosen_variant_id_array.length) if(chosen_variant_id_array.length){ $('.step_1').fadeOut('slow', function() { $('.selected_plant').html(`

Extra Large Money Tree (8)

${$('[data-slug-subplant-id="'+subplant_id+'"] .subplant_chosen').data('title')}

${$('[data-slug-subplant-id="'+subplant_id+'"] .subplant_chosen').data('price')}

`) $('.step_2').fadeIn('slow'); $('svg.back_button').show() });} // no scrolling needed// QUICK FIX, adding pot selection }, 450)} else {// unset subplant selection:console.log('Deselected subplant_id: '+subplant_id);$(this).text('Select').css('background','#4C904F')// delete variant id from chosen variant array:document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('subplant_'+subplant_id+'_chosen').classList.remove('active_select')for( var i = 0; i < chosen_variant_id_array.length; i++){ if (chosen_variant_id_array[i] === variant_id) {chosen_variant_id_array.splice(i, 1); }} // TODO: check for text..//update plants chosen text://document.getElementById('plants_chosen_text').innerHTML = 'Plant(s) chosen: '+chosen_variant_id_array.length;// make angle photos inactivetoggle_angle_photos(subplant_id, 'hide');// no scrolling needed// QUICK FIX, delete pot selection for this variantchosen_variant_id_pot_array[variant_id] = '';} })function deselectSubplant(evt) {// TODO: check to see if this function is still relevant...console.log('Unchoose clicked');}//// Add to cart://function AddProductsToCart() {// add all chosen products to cart:if (chosen_variant_id_array.length < 1) { console.log('No data found: '+chosen_variant_id_array) alert('Plant not selected, Kindly select the plant again!') $('.back_button').click()return false;}var add_items = [];var add_items_pot = [];console.log('Start AddProductsToCart', chosen_variant_id_array);for (var i=0, l1 = chosen_variant_id_array.length; i {toggleHighlights('#highlights_desktop', 'toggleHighlightsDesktop');});}if (document.getElementById('toggleHighlightsMobile')) {document.getElementById('toggleHighlightsMobile').addEventListener('click', event => {toggleHighlights('#highlights_mobile', 'toggleHighlightsMobile');});}function toggleHighlights(typeId, typeIdText) {//let current_display_setting = document.querySelector(typeId+" .highlights_v2_extra").style.display;if (current_display_setting == 'none') {// show:document.querySelector(typeId+" .highlights_v2_extra").style.display = 'block';document.getElementById(typeIdText).innerHTML = 'Learn less (click on a point above for more details!) ▴';} else {// hide:document.querySelector(typeId+" .highlights_v2_extra").style.display = 'none';document.getElementById(typeIdText).innerHTML = 'Learn more ▾';$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(typeId).offset().top -150 }, 'slow');}}var currently_active_subplant_id = '';var basket_added_variant_id_array = null || [];var chosen_variant_id_pot_array = [];var picked_for_me_active = false; function PP_openNav() { document.getElementById("overlay_pick_plant").style.width = "100%";}function PP_closeNav() { document.getElementById("overlay_pick_plant").style.width = "0%";}function PP_scrollTo(scrollto) { if (scrollto == 'pot_selection') {$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#step_2_text').offset().top }, 'slow'); }}// click on subplant (variant) image:// toggle angle photos: function toggle_angle_photos(subplant_id, todo) { if (todo == 'show') { // show: console.log('show subplant_id: '+subplant_id); $('[subplant-id-div]').hide(); $('[subplant-id-div="'+subplant_id+'"]').show(); document.getElementById('product_page_angle_photo_text').style.display = 'block'; // disable any borders from angle photos: $('.angle_image').css({"border-color": "transparent", "border-width":"2px", "border-style":"solid"}); } else { // hide: console.log('hide subplant_id: '+subplant_id); $('[subplant-id-div]').hide(); document.getElementById('product_page_angle_photo_text').style.display = 'none'; }} // click on subplant (=subproduct =variant) (REPLACED WITH OTHER CODE):var elementProductImages= document.getElementsByClassName('subproduct_thumbs');for(var i=0;i 0) { elementDontCareCheckbox.checked = false; alert('You already selected one or more plants and it is an excellent choice!'); return; } console.log('Pick for me selected'); subplant_id = '00001'; variant_id = '44732295708895'; currently_active_subplant_id = subplant_id; currently_active_variant_id = variant_id; // checkbox is clicked, so hide subplant selection images and choose the first subplant: document.getElementById('subplant_images').style.display = 'none'; // change 'pick pot' color: //document.getElementById('product_page_pick_pot_inactive').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('product_page_pick_pot_active').style.display = 'block'; // change pick pot text: document.getElementById('step_2_text').innerHTML = 'STEP 1: Pick a pot for your plant'; // show add to cart button: document.getElementById('add_to_cart').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('add_to_cart_third_section').style.display = 'block'; // add variant id to chosen variants array: chosen_variant_id_array.push(variant_id); // add subplant id to chosen array: chosen_variant_id_data_array[variant_id] = subplant_id; // add empty pot selection to chosen subplant id chosen_variant_id_pot_array[variant_id] = ''; // show pots: TogglePotSelection('show', ''); // update JS that a pick for me option was selected picked_for_me_active = true; document.getElementById('plants_chosen_text').innerHTML = 'Plant(s) chosen: '+chosen_variant_id_array.length; PP_scrollTo('pot_selection'); console.log('chosen_variant_id_array: ', chosen_variant_id_array); } else { // show the subplant selection images: document.getElementById('subplant_images').style.display = 'block'; //document.getElementById('product_page_pick_pot_inactive').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('product_page_pick_pot_active').style.display = 'none'; // reset selection JS arrays: currently_active_subplant_id = ''; currently_active_variant_id = ''; chosen_variant_id_array = []; chosen_variant_id_data_array = []; chosen_variant_id_pot_array = []; picked_for_me_active = false; // hide pots: TogglePotSelection('hide', ''); } }, false);} // $('.pick_plant').click(function(e){ // e.preventDefault(); // $(this).closest("#"+$(this).data('target')).find('img').click() // })function randomIntFromInterval(min, max) { // min and max included return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)} $(document).on('click','.pick_one_for_me',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var rndInt = randomIntFromInterval(0,1) console.log(rndInt) var cookie_data = getCookie("products_shown").split(":") var url = cookie_data[0] var values = cookie_data[1].split('-') unselectAll() setTimeout(()=>{ document.querySelectorAll('[data-position]').forEach((x, key, arr)=>{ if(x.style.display == 'block' && rndInt){ console.log(x.getAttribute('data-position')) document.querySelector('[data-position="'+x.getAttribute('data-position')+'"] .pick_plant').click() rndInt = 0; return; } rndInt = randomIntFromInterval(0,1) }) }, 600) }) function unselectAll(){ $('.subplant_selection .pick_plant').each(function(evt){ document.getElementById('subplant_'+$(this).data('slug-subplant-id')+'_chosen').style.display = 'none'; $(this).text('Select').css('background','#4C904F') document.getElementById('subplant_'+$(this).data('slug-subplant-id')+'_chosen').classList.remove('active_select') for( var i = 0; i < chosen_variant_id_array.length; i++){ if (chosen_variant_id_array[i] === $(this).data('slug-variant_id')) { chosen_variant_id_array.splice(i, 1); } } chosen_variant_id_pot_array[$(this).data('slug-variant_id')] = ''; }) }$('.back_button').on('click', function(){ $('.step_2').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $('.step_1').fadeIn(); $('svg.back_button').hide() $('.subplant_image_wrap').slick('refresh'); })}) var d = new Date(); d.setDate(d.getDate()-1);


View and choose from real life photos of this plant.

Know exactly what you're getting. Click "Pick Your Plant" to get started

Extra Large Money Tree (9)

As Fresh As It Can Get.

From Our Greenhouse To Your House

All your plants will be prepared and sent out directly from our greenhouse where all plants are kept in optimal condition and treated regularly with pest control.

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Article information

Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated:

Views: 5820

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.