High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) In India (2024)

In India, the percentage of High Net Worth Individuals (HNI or HNWI) have gone up in recent times, owing to a surge in business opportunities, foreign investments, and new-age digital entrepreneurs. This lead to a tectonic shift in the wealth management industry.

A one-dimensional approach to private wealth management can shunt the diversification of asset allocation, and the new-age Ultra HNWIs are willing to explore avenues with tech-enabled, holistic solutions that span an entire spectrum of financial services.

The Indian market for ultra HNWI investments is still very nascent and yet to be explored to its full potential. There is a wide range of investments for HNWIs that includes estate planning and tax planning, alternative investments, fixed deposits, treasury bonds, government and corporate bonds, etc. even structured philanthropy indicating a commonality when it comes to their investing modus operandi.

The Difference Between HNWI, Emerging HNWI and Ultra HNWI

HNI or HNWI Emerging HNWI Ultra HNWI
Individuals with more than Rs 2 crores investable capital Individuals with an investable surplus of Rs 25 lakhs to Rs 2 crores Individuals who have assets worth 200 crores and above.

What Is a High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI)?

A person or family with significant financial wealth is called as a high-net-worth individual (HNWI). HNWIs typically have investable assets over a particular threshold, including cash, securities, real estate, and company interests. The precise barrier may vary depending on the nation and financial institution, although it is typically set at a high level. To protect and increase their wealth, HNWIs frequently look for specialised financial services and investment options catered to their affluent status.

The number of ultra-HNWIs in India has been growing at 12% CAGR.

Types of High-Net-Worth Individuals

Based on their sources of wealth and investing choices, High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) can be divided into various groups. Here are a few typical examples:

  • Investors classified as sub-HNWIs have a net worth between $100,000 and $1 million, excluding their personal belongings, real estate, collectibles, and consumer goods.
  • Individuals with a net worth between $1 million and $5 million, excluding personal assets, property, collectibles, and consumer durables, are referred to as high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs).
  • Individuals in the very-high-net-worth (VHNWI) category have a net worth of at least $5 million, excluding their personal belongings, real estate, collectibles, and consumer goods.
  • People with investable assets of at least $30 million, excluding personal assets, real estate, collectibles, and consumer durables, are considered ultra-high-net-worth people (UHNWIs). They constitute the wealthiest category of HNWIs.

It's vital to remember that these criteria could change depending on places, currencies, and financial organizations. Additionally, when calculating net worth in the context of HNWIs and UHNWIs, it is customary to exclude personal assets, property, collectibles, and consumer durables.

How Are HNWIs Categorized?

HNWIs are categorized based on the value of their liquid financial assets. Here are the common categories:

  • Sub-HNWIs: Investors with liquid financial assets between $100,000 and $1 million, excluding personal assets like a primary residence.
  • High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs): Typically defined as individuals with at least $1 million in liquid financial assets, excluding personal assets such as a primary residence.
  • Individuals with investable assets of at least $5 million, excluding personal assets such a principal residence, are considered to be very high net worth (VHNWIs).
  • Individuals with an ultra-high net worth (UHNWI) have investable assets worth at least $30 million, excluding personal assets like a principal residence. They represent the HNWIs with the greatest level of wealth.
  • It's important to keep in mind that these classifications may change based on particular institutions, geographical areas, or currencies. Additionally, it is standard practice to exclude personal assets, especially principal residences, when calculating the net worth of HNWIs and UHNWIs.

What Benefits Do HNWIs Get?

High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) enjoy several benefits due to their affluent status. Here are some common advantages they receive:

  • Personalized Managed Investment Accounts HNWIs often qualify for personalized managed investment accounts that cater to their specific financial goals and risk tolerance. These accounts provide tailored investment strategies and access to a wider range of investment opportunities beyond regular mutual funds.
  • Estate Planning Sophisticated estate planning services are advantageous for HNWIs. In order to secure a seamless transfer of assets to subsequent generations, reduce tax ramifications, and safeguard their heritage, their wealth and assets must be structured.
  • Tax Planning HNWIs have access to professional tax planning services that assist them in streamlining their tax strategies, lowering their tax obligations, and maximizing their chances of tax savings. These services can help people save their wealth as much as possible and pay as little tax as possible.
  • Portfolio management Services for professional portfolio management are frequently available to HNWIs. Expert wealth managers or financial advisors can help clients create and manage diversified investment portfolios that are specifically catered to their individual financial goals and risk tolerances.
  • Diversification
  • HNWIs frequently receive information on exclusive investment possibilities that may not be accessible to the general public. These possibilities may include hedge funds, venture capital agreements, private equity investments, and other types of alternative investments.
  • Access to Resources and Networks HNWIs can take advantage of networking opportunities to build a strong network of professionals, business leaders, and like-minded people. Additionally, they may get access to materials like research papers, market analysis, and training sessions tailored to HNWIs.

It's important to note that the specific benefits and services available to HNWIs may vary depending on their financial institution, wealth manager, or advisory firm. Each client's situation and needs are taken into consideration when providing personalized services to HNWIs.

What is KredX?

KredX is India’s leading invoice discounting platform, providing businesses and their suppliers with cashflow solutions while offering investors a unique opportunity to make low-risk and high-returns investment within a short time span. The alternative short-term investment product enables investors to invest in a brand-new asset class and get above-market returns at minimal risk.

A Profitable Solution for Investment & Portfolio Diversification

Embrace Portfolio Diversification with KredX

At the end of 2017, holding shares in businesses was the most favoured investment channel for Indian HNWIs, making up for almost a quarter of their assets. Cash, bonds, real estate, and equities accounted for over 21%. Most investments, including equity funds, are associated with a high level of risk, and therefore diversification of portfolio is required to maximise the returns. Invoice Discounting is a great opportunity to build a portfolio in a novel way for HNWIs seeking diversification in their investment plan. With KredX the HNWI portfolio strengthens to form a remunerative investment avenue at minimal risk to compensate for the deficiencies of the changing markets.

Why More HNWIs Are Making The Switch To KredX

KredX offers a reliable and definitive short-term investment option for HNWIs with minimal risk. Invoice discounting is a safe investment and a brand-new asset class with a healthy portfolio diversification at above-market returns and minimal risk in a short time frame. The entire process is fool-proof, wherein:

  • KredX monitors the security of every transaction through Escrow Accounts for both Businesses and Investors, separately.
  • All the important data points after evaluation by the KredX risk team are summarised in different reports at the vendor, enterprise, and deal level.
  • Pre-vetted and verified invoices are uploaded on the platform with credit score and reports for investors to make a sound investment decision.

The Pros Of Invoice Discounting For HNWI

Unique fixed-income decisive short-term investment

  • Strengthen your portfolio with maximum returns within 30-90 days
  • Profitable asset class for 12-20%* IRR
  • Crafting solutions to earn annualised returns in 30-90 days at low risk

Secured Risk Mitigation

  • Comprehensive business model with no execution or market risk
  • 360° credit risk analysis system at multiple stages
  • Multiple verifications of the relationship between borrower and enterprise

Eligibility Criteria:

To start investing in KredX, one has to be:

  • A citizen of India (can be an NRI too)
  • Should invest a minimum of 3 lakh INR
  • Should hold a valid PAN card

How It Works?

  • Investor signs up and logs into the KredX platform
  • Investor purchases the invoices of their choice
  • Funds are disbursed to the vendor’s bank account in 24-72 hrs
  • Upon tenure completion, enterprise credits invoice amount into an Escrow account
  • KredX then transfers this amount to the investor
  • Investor makes ~12-20% profit in 30-90 days


High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI) in India is defined as someone with liquid assets of at least $1 million. These individuals often seek the assistance of financial professionals to manage and preserve their wealth. Being an HNWI grants them access to additional benefits and investment opportunities that are typically unavailable to the general public.

Private wealth managers actively pursue HNWIs due to the complexities involved in maintaining and growing their assets. While the United States currently has the highest number of HNWIs globally, India also boasts a significant number of wealthy individuals.

It's worth noting that liquid assets do not include primary residences or works of art, as these cannot be easily and quickly converted into cash. HNWIs in India rely on financial experts and specialized services to navigate the complexities of wealth management and maximize their investment potential.


1. Who can invest with KredX?

Individual resident investors, HUF / Proprietorship registered in India Institutional investors, NRI investors (Provided you have an NRO account and comply with basic predefined KYC guidelines- Pan card and valid Indian address proof)

2. Is there a minimum amount for investment?

You can invest a minimum of INR 3 lakhs per deal.

3. Why HNWIs should invest through KredX?

Invoice Financing is a very niche product and KredX's Invoice Discounting platform ensures higher short-term yield for its investors. Our conservative and ever-evolving risk management policies minimise the risk of investing for our investors.

4. Will the financial information of the company be shared to a third party?

No. Being an ISO 27001:2013 certified private entity which deals with secure information from the clients, KredX takes strict measures in dealing with secured information.

5. What is the maximum tenure for invoice discounting?

KredX provides the option of short-term investments to our investors due to which the maximum tenure for a discounted invoice is 90 days.

High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) In India (2024)


Who qualifies as a high net worth individual in India? ›

High-net-worth individuals (HNIs) are wealthy individuals occupying financially privileged positions in society. In India, HNIs are those with investable assets of over Rs. 5 crore. HNIs need to invest and must have a long-term vision.

What net worth is considered rich in India? ›

The Knight Frank Wealth Report suggests that the entry point for the top 1% in India is around $12.4 million (slightly over Rs. 102 crore), considering wealth encompassing assets, investments, and property.

Who qualifies as a high net worth individual? ›

Key takeaways. A high-net-worth individual is typically defined as someone who has liquid assets of between $1 million and $5 million, although there's no firm definition of the amount as some institutions may define the range differently.

How many ultra high net worth individuals are there in India? ›

The number of UHNWIs in India fell 7.5% to 12,069 in 2022 from 13,048 in 2021 on the back of an economic slowdown, interest rate hikes, the depreciating rupee, and geopolitical uncertainties tracking the global trend.

Who qualifies as HNI in India? ›

A high net worth individual or HNI is a category of investor in the Indian stock market. Although there are no official criteria that an investor must meet to be classified as a HNI, individuals with a net worth exceeding ₹5 crore are widely considered to be in this category.

How many people in India have 100 crore rupees? ›

Cut to FY21, and the number of those earning more than Rs 100 crore increased to 136, though their combined income rose to Rs 34,301 crore, State Bank of India researchers said in a new report released Friday. This represents a dip in the share of these top income earners compared to all income earners.

What is the top 1% net worth in India? ›

The 10,000 wealthiest individuals of the 92 million Indian adults own an average of 22.6 billion rupees ($271.91 million) in wealth, 16,763 times the country's average, while the top 1% possessing an average of 54 million in wealth.

How many people in India have net worth of 1 crore? ›

1,319 Indians boast Rs 1K crore net worth; Mukesh Ambani richest: Hurun.

What is considered upper class in India? ›

The upper class in India generally refers to the wealthiest segment of society. However, there is no fixed income bracket that universally defines the upper class. It is often associated with high net worth individuals, business tycoons, and top executives who earn substantial incomes.

Is 5 crore a lot of money in India? ›

Is 5 crore rupees a lot of money? - Quora. Yes, 5 crore rupees is a substantial amount of money. In the context of Indian currency (INR), 5 crore rupees is equivalent to 50 million rupees.

Is 10 crore rich in India? ›

Yes. You are. Not only you, with 10 crores networth, your household can be safely placed in Top 10 percent in world (i.e you are considered rich in most of the countries including India,china and usa). However, to be become part of top one percent your household needs to have networth of more than 75 crores.

At what net worth are you considered rich? ›

According to Schwab's 2023 Modern Wealth Survey, Americans perceive an average net worth of $2.2 million as wealthy​​​​. Knight Frank's research indicates that a net worth of $4.4 million is required to be in the top 1% in America, a figure much higher than in countries like Japan, the U.K. and Australia​​.

Is 50 crore rich in India? ›

The lifestyle of people with 50-100 crore net worth in India is ultra luxurious as they have money to buy anything that they like. They live in big mansions where they have a number of servants at their homes for help and have a chauffeur to drive them to their destinations.

What is the difference between HNI and ultra HNI? ›

A high-net-worth individual is a person with at least $1 million in liquid financial assets. An ultra-high-net-worth individual has a net worth of more than $30 million.

How to be ultra rich in India? ›

How To Become Rich In India
  1. 6 Ways to Become Rich in India. Like everyone, you too want to become rich. ...
  2. Living Within Your Means. This means managing debt and learning to budget. ...
  3. Creating An Emergency Fund. ...
  4. Making Money From Stock Market. ...
  5. Mutual Fund Investments. ...
  6. Rebalancing Portfolio. ...
  7. Becoming A Venture Capitalist.
Apr 12, 2024

What is the net worth of upper middle class in India? ›

Their net worth can range from INR 10 lakhs to INR 50 lakhs (approximately $14,000 to $70,000), depending on their level of savings and investments.

How much net worth is required to be a millionaire in India? ›

When we say “Millionaire”, it means someone who has a total net worth of around $1 million, or Rs 8 crore in Indian currency apart from the house they live in!

How many people in India have net worth above 1 crore? ›

The number of people earning above ₹1 crore annually has risen to over 2.16 lakh as of December 31, 2023, for Assessment Year 2023-24, Parliament was informed on Tuesday.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.