How to Know When God Wants You to Retire : Newell Wealth Mgmt (2024)

How to Know When God Wants You to Retire : Newell Wealth Mgmt (1)

How to know when God wants you to retire is an interesting question. It’s also one I’ve been asked a few times. Let me share a story before we dive into my thoughts on this topic.

I know a gentleman who retired in his early 60s. His wife passed away, so he was a widower with three adult children. He decided to retire because his work was increasingly frustrating, and the call to do something better was stronger. He was financially able to make a move and decided to retire.

He was very tech-savvy, working with video production and things like that. He spent time on Sundays helping his church with their video technology. He also spent a lot of time traveling the country and the world, shooting videos for mission trips.

During these trips, he would capture his experiences, assist mission groups with technology, and create videos to share with churches or global organizations. He found a purpose in life and retirement.

I worked with him for about ten years after he made that decision. Every day, he was excited to get up, pack up, and head to “work” because he was making an impact. He felt that his retirement came when God wanted it to. So, how do you know when God wants you to retire?

Feeling at Peace

If you’re feeling worried, anxious, or unsettled, consider taking another look at retiring. Many clients tell me that they came to a feeling of peace that it was the right time to retire. Feeling peace is an essential piece of making this decision.

Consider what is causing your feelings. Is it financial? Social? Identifying the trigger can help determine if you have more work to do or if you simply need to find your purpose.

Aside from being at peace with your decision, a few more things may help you answer the question of how to know when God wants you to retire.

First, I’m not a Pastor, but I am a Christian. I’ve read the Bible a couple of times which by no means makes me a theologian. However, I have been a financial planner for over ten years and have worked with many Christians who are considering retirement.

Ideas About Retirement

My first suggestion is to consider the general idea of retirement from a biblical worldview.

The Bible is pretty quiet on the topic of retirement. There are some Old Testament passages that refer to the Levitical priests. Generally, they retired around age 50 from the priesthood. They were then taken care of for the remainder of their lives.

I don’t know that this idea necessarily translates well into modern-day society. The resounding idea of retirement now is that you work until your mid-60s and then enjoy the remainder of your life leisurely.

Modern retirement ideas are possibly slightly at odds with the biblical concept of retirement or what God calls us to do. We’re always to be on a mission, right? This idea means whether you’re working for a company or not, you should be doing your assignment.

From a biblical standpoint, retiring is just a turning of the page. I think of it like this. God wants us to be at work for His Kingdom, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. Whether you clock in at a company or live off your investments, Social Security, or pension, a Christian needs to define what God calls you to in this season of your life.

Maybe it’s

  • Helping out with your kids or grandkids more
  • Serving at your church with youth or some other ministry
  • Doing local outreach

Maybe, like my friend, it’s traveling on mission trips that go into places and proclaim the gospel. There are many things you could choose to do. That’s not to say you can’t have fun or take a vacation. God gave you this life, and He wants you to enjoy it!

Enjoy life, but at the same time, remember that God wants us to be on a mission and use the time and resources he’s given us to bring Him glory. Answering the question of how to know when God wants you to retire involves having the proper framework of what you mean by “retirement.”

Retirement is a confusing word from a biblical standpoint because God never wants us to stop going about our work. We’re to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. Think about your next mission and what God is calling you to do.

I could go on for pages about this, and I’m sure theologians have covered it more thoroughly than I ever would. The idea is to provide a baseline understanding of what retirement is and how it looks from a biblical worldview. With that, the second step becomes clear.


If you’re thinking about retiring, you must take it to God in prayer. We have to pray for God’s guidance and God’s will. He says he’s a light unto our path. He will guide our path or direction.

How to Know When God Wants You to Retire : Newell Wealth Mgmt (2)

As you’re trying to discern how to know when God wants you to retire, go to Him in prayer and ask. You don’t always know the whole vision, but He will show you the next step. He may even give you a specific answer.

If you don’t have an answer, it may just mean to wait. Or perhaps it means that God wants you to decide what is right and will be behind you to honor your decision.

Prayer is the key to many things in our life. Have your friends, family, or pastor pray with you because retiring is a big decision. Ask God for guidance and wisdom.

Retiring is a significant moment in your life. It’s also not an irreversible one. If you decide to retire a little early and realize after six months you want to return to work; it’s okay. Pray about it.

What’s the Calling?

A crucial question to ask yourself when thinking about retirement is this. Are you retiring from something or to something?

Are you

  • Frustrated at work
  • In a stressful environment
  • Bogged down in red tape, and you’ve had enough

It’s okay and understandable to get away from that. Before you decide to retire to get away from something, be clear about what you’re retiring to.

Leisure time and vacations should be part of your retirement mix. However, God does not want us to sit and watch TV all day. He wants us to be productive. Think about what your calling is. What has the Holy Spirit laid upon your heart to do?

Relationships in Retirement

We’re answering the question of how to know when God wants you to retire, but there is a secondary question as well. What does your spouse think about you retiring? Specifically, how your retirement might affect your relationship with your spouse.

Studies show that it goes one of two ways. If you’re both working and one spouse stops, tension can arise in the relationship. One spouse has much more time on their hands while the other does not.

Having one person with the freedom of time and the other needing approval to miss work can be a source of discord. It can cause friction when one spouse is free to go and do things, and the other is not. Trying to retire at the same time is typically ideal.

What if your spouse hasn’t been working and you were the breadwinner? It can also cause strain on the relationship due to differing schedules or now having time on your hands but needing to figure out what to do with it.

Relationships have been proven to be a big part of having a happy and fulfilling retirement. God calls us to love Him and love others. We have to have the “others” portion as well. Having relationships with not only your spouse but also your family, friends, and the community is essential.

Talk to your spouse to listen to their thoughts about your retirement. Are they on board with the idea or feeling anxious about it? Also, cultivate friendships outside of work before you retire to help you transition to retirement.


We’ve now reached the topic of finances. How to know when God wants you to retire probably lines up closely with your ability to provide for yourself and your family. It’s just a reality that you must be financially prepared to retire.

God tells us to provide for ourselves and provide for our families. We all have moments of faith where we must trust Him to provide. There’s this tension within the Bible of being a prudent steward of the resources that God gives us but also having faith to trust him if those resources go away.

I think it’s still prudent to know, understand, and make plans because God directs us to be good stewards of our resources. When it comes to retirement, have you saved well? Have you invested well?

One thing that I wrestle with is the idea of saving money for retirement. Retiring is not necessarily a biblical mandate. What has brought me peace is knowing there are lots of stories of men and women throughout the Bible who had the resources to support God’s work in the kingdom.

There’s a difference between saving and investing. Piling up cash in a bank account is one way to set up your retirement finances. Investing in companies through stocks, mutual funds, or even real estate is a more strategic approach to being financially able to retire.

From a financial standpoint, can you retire and still support yourself and your family now and in the future? Consider the cost of things like

How to Know When God Wants You to Retire

How to know when God wants you to retire is difficult for anyone to give a direct answer to. Each of us has a different situation and a unique calling. Use these five things to help you sort through whether your desire to retire is your timing or God’s.

  1. What’s the idea of retirement in the Bible, and how do you define retirement?
  2. Pray about it. Ask God to give you direction, and ask others to pray for you.
  3. What’s your calling? Don’t just retire from something but retire to the next thing.
  4. Relationships. What does your spouse think? If you’re unmarried, talk to a trusted friend or confidant about your decision.
  5. Consider your financial situation. Are you able to retire? God may be calling you to retire, but if you aren’t financially able, you may need to reevaluate for the time being.

The decision to retire can be both exciting and overwhelming. If you need some guidance or have more questions, I’m happy to help.

We can meet virtually or in person if you live in the Central Florida area. Please email me, call/text at 407.337.7128, or schedule a meeting atSchedule – Newell Wealth Management (

How to Know When God Wants You to Retire : Newell Wealth Mgmt (3)

Kyle Newell

I own Newell Wealth Management and am a fee only financial advisor in Winter Garden, FL, serving clients in the greater Orlando, FL, area in person and across the country virtually. I like to keep things simple, focus on what we can control and continuously strive to deliver better than expected outcomes. I seek first to understand, then work together with a client to craft plans, put those plans into action and review them regularly.Am I perfect? By no means. Yet, I will continue to try my very best for the clients I serve.

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Newell Wealth Management, LLC (“NWM”) is a registered investment advisor offering advisory services in the State of FL and in other jurisdictions where exempted. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The presence of this website on the Internet shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services to persons of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by statute. Follow-up or individualized responses to consumers in a particular state by NWM in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements or pursuant an applicable state exemption.

All written content on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of NWM, unless otherwise specifically cited. Kyle Newell and NWM are neither an attorney nor an accountant, and no portion of this website content should be interpreted as legal, accounting or tax advice. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by our firm as to other parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. There is no assurance that the views or strategies discussed are suitable for all investors or will yield positive outcomes. Investment involves risks including possible loss of principal and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Any economic forecasts set forth may not develop as predicted and are subject to change. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation.

How to Know When God Wants You to Retire : Newell Wealth Mgmt (2024)


How do you know when God wants you to retire? ›

He will guide our path or direction. As you're trying to discern how to know when God wants you to retire, go to Him in prayer and ask. You don't always know the whole vision, but He will show you the next step. He may even give you a specific answer.

How do you know when it's the right time to retire? ›

If you feel like you've completed what you set out to do with your work, that is one indication it may be time to let it go. When you are financially secure enough that you no longer need the income, and feel that you have done all you need to do at your job, retiring might be the right choice.

Does the Bible tell us to retire? ›

The Lord said to Moses, “This applies to the Levites: Men twenty-five years old or more shall come to take part in the work at the tent of meeting, but at the age of fifty, they must retire from their regular service and work no longer.

How do you know if you have enough money to retire early? ›

To see how much monthly income you could count on if you retired as expected in five years, multiply your current savings by 4% and divide by 12.

What do the Scriptures have to say about retirement? ›

Numbers 8:23-26 contains the only specific reference to retirement in Scripture, and it refers to the work of the Levites. At the age of 50, the Levites ceased their regular functions, but they still had a role which may be viewed as 'being useful'.

What does the Bible say about retirement savings? ›

Although there are several verses in the Bible about money, the Bible doesn't seem to have specific verses referring to retirement. However, it does point out the importance of rest. God, our creator, understands the value of rest and relaxation.

What is the 3 rule in retirement? ›

The 3% rule in retirement says you can withdraw 3% of your retirement savings a year and avoid running out of money. Historically, retirement planners recommended withdrawing 4% per year (the 4% rule). However, 3% is now considered a better target due to inflation, lower portfolio yields, and longer lifespans.

At what age does it most benefit you to retire? ›

67-70 – During this age range, your Social Security benefit, if you haven't already taken it, will increase by 8% for each year you delay taking it until you turn 70. So, if your benefit will be, say, $2,500/month if you start at your full retirement age, it would be more than $3,300/month if you can wait.

Should I retire now or wait? ›

Deciding when to retire is a personal question that depends on your health, life expectancy, financial needs, and individual circ*mstances. Different benefits and retirement plans have key dates tied to your age, such as Social Security benefits and required minimum distributions.

What does the Bible say about leaving wealth? ›

The Bible does talk about leaving an inheritance to children. Proverbs 13:22 says “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.” In the cultural context that it was written, it is clear that passing land to the children and grandchildren would enable them to survive.

What does the Bible say about living old? ›

He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age” (Ruth 4:15). “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days” (Job 12:12). “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life” (Proverbs 16:31). “I said, 'Let days speak, and many years teach wisdom.

What does the Bible say about seniors? ›

Proverbs 20:29 – “The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their grey hair.” Job 12:12 – “So with old age is wisdom, and with length of days understanding.” Psalms 92:12-15 – “The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

What not to do before retirement? ›

Plan for healthcare costs in retirement, pay off debt and delay Social Security until age 70 to help maximize your benefits.
  • Quitting Your Job. ...
  • Not Saving Now. ...
  • Not Having a Financial Plan. ...
  • Not Maxing out a Company Match. ...
  • Investing Unwisely. ...
  • Not Rebalancing Your Portfolio. ...
  • Poor Tax Planning. ...
  • Cashing out Savings.

What happens if you dont have enough money when you retire? ›

If you retire with no money, you'll have to consider ways to create income to pay your living expenses. That might include applying for Social Security retirement benefits, getting a reverse mortgage if you own a home, or starting a side hustle or part-time job to generate a steady paycheck.

How long will $1 million last in retirement? ›

How long will $1 million in retirement savings last? In more than 20 U.S. states, a million-dollar nest egg can cover retirees' living expenses for at least 20 years, a new analysis shows. It's worth noting that most Americans are nowhere near having that much money socked away.

What does the Bible say about retirement and work? ›

According to the Bible, it's acceptable to retire from one job; however, it never says we ought to stop working. It's a privilege to labor as unto the Lord. As I read Holy Scripture, this means working diligently until the day you die (factoring in physical and mental abilities, of course).

What happens to your mind when you retire? ›

Research shows a connection between the early stages of retirement and cognitive decline, and numerous studies indicate that retirement can exacerbate a slew of mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression.

Is it normal to feel lost when you retire? ›

Both new retirees as well as those who have been retired for years can find themselves feeling lost or stuck. It's OK to ask for help. If you're feeling depressed or you'd like to talk to someone, it may be time to reach out to a mental health expert.

Will I be happy if I retire? ›

About 67% of retirees who are 15 years or less into retirement said they're happier since retiring, and 82% said they're more relaxed on a typical day. While only 8% report feeling less happy in retirement, about a third said they're not more happy than they were before leaving the workforce.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.