Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (2024)

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Is My Internet Bill Tax-Deductible?

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (1)

There’s really nothing better than working from home. You can roll out of bed and be at work without needing to commute and worry about traffic or bad weather. The pandemic played a huge role in shifting how people worked, showing us that running a business doesn't always have to be from a storefront. What's made this possible, of course, is digital technology. It has completely changed our lives in every possible way, especially how and where we conduct business. The internet provides anyone access to a network of possibilities, including freelancers and small business owners. If access to the internet is necessary for your work as a self-employed person, you might wonder whether you can write off your internet bill or at least a portion of it. You might also have questions like “Does the internet count as part of a utility bill?” or “Are utilities even tax deductible?” Read on and find out!

Table of contents

Key takeaways...Read more

If I work from home, can I deduct internet costs?...Read more

When is my WiFi bill nondeductible?...Read more

Can a W-2 employee deduct their internet costs?...Read more

Does the home office write-off cover all internet costs?...Read more

How to write off WiFi for business...Read more

What else can I claim on my taxes?...Read more

Key takeaways

  • Internet costs are no longer a type of remote worker tax deduction and are only available to self-employed individuals.
  • A portion of your internet can be a home business tax deduction.
  • Utilities are tax-deductible if you work from home.

If I work from home, can I deduct internet costs?

The answer to this question depends on whether you’re self-employed or work for an employer. Before 2018, full-time employees could write off internet costs as a remote worker tax deduction on their income tax returns. This is no longer the case. For most self-employed people, the internet is necessary to conduct business. You might have an online clothing store, teach piano lessons to students across the country or stream on Twitch. The internet makes it possible for you to run your own business, and without it, your business wouldn’t exist. You can deduct internet costs if you work from home or regularly do business online. Running a business online can include:

  • Acquiring new business or customers through various platforms
  • Online banking for your business
  • Sending emails to customers or vendors
  • Monitoring analytics
  • Researching new products or pricing information

This deduction can lower your 1099 income, which helps you pay less in SE tax. A self-employed tax calculator can help you calculate this.

When is my WiFi bill nondeductible?

Let’s say you work for Instacart and manage most of your business on the road. You receive assignments, use the maps feature and check on your payments. Once home, you use your personal internet to create a monthly budget. Your monthly budget isn’t technically related to your job, so you couldn’t write off a portion of your WiFi for business. But if you were sending work emails or reviewing your Instacart finances using your home internet, a portion of your home internet bill would be tax deductible. You can always use a 1099 tax calculator to find all the deductions you can claim.

Can a W-2 employee deduct their internet costs?

Sadly, no. Working from home as a W-2 employee doesn’t qualify you for any work-from-home tax deductions. Some employers will reimburse employees for their interest costs, but that’s totally up to the employer. Before 2017, employees could actually write off the expenses if they were 2% greater than their annual gross income. After the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the IRS scrapped this rule until 2025.

Does the home office write-off cover all internet costs?

Like most self-employed individuals, you probably use your home internet for both personal and business purposes. You can only deduct the portion of your bill that's used for work, so you need to calculate your business-use percentage. This can be a bit tricky and requires some math, but at least it saves you money when paying estimated quarterly taxes. For example, if you run your own business from 9 am to 5 pm every business day and you’re awake from 7 am to 9 pm, you'll need to:

  1. Calculate the hours you’re awake
  2. Calculate how many of those hours you use for business
  3. Divide the answer from step two by the answer in step one
  4. Arrive at your business-use percentage

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (2)

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (3)Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (4)

So, in this case, your business-use percentage is 41%, which means you can write off 41% of your WiFi bill.

How to write off WiFi for business

You have two options for how to deduct your internet bill, either as a work-from-home tax deduction or separately on Schedule C. If you have a dedicated space in your home for your home office that you use often and it’s your primary place of work, you’re eligible to claim the home office deduction. You’ll need to calculate the deduction for your home office using IRS Form 8829. If you choose the regular method, you can include other working-from-home tax deductions like:

  • Office plants
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Renter or homeowner insurance
  • Office furniture
  • Phone bill
  • Laptop (through depreciation)

Or, you can choose the simplified home office deduction if you want to deduct your entire home office without a lot of calculations and just deduct $5 per square foot of your office or workspace. If you’re not taking the home office write-off, you’ll need to report your internet deduction on Schedule C and attach it to your Form 1040. With this option, you can write off part of your WiFi for business even if you are experiencing a loss, unlike with the home office deduction. A loss can help lower your taxable income. So which option should you choose? Generally, reporting your internet costs on Schedule C is the safer choice. The reason is quite straightforward – you can only use the internet for the working-from-home tax write-off when you have income left over after covering all your other work-related expenses. If your income doesn't outweigh your total expenses for the year, you won't be able to claim a home office deduction in that tax year.

What else can I claim on my taxes?

When you work for yourself, you can take advantage of many self-employed tax deductions to help lower your taxable income and save some money. When paying income tax, you can also claim the standard or itemized deduction for your personal expenses. The obvious way to go is whichever route gives you the most tax savings.

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (5)

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (6)Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (7)

The IRS also sets a standard deduction amount each year to match rising costs and inflation. How much you get to deduct with the standard deduction depends on your filing status (single, married filing separately or married filing jointly). This option is convenient, saves time and anyone can take it, even if you don’t have any deductions to itemize. Unlike the standard deduction, itemizing your personal expenses requires some recordkeeping. But you can claim more deductions and potentially save more money. It takes more time and effort, though, and not every item qualifies for a deduction. You can write off expenses like dental costs and charity contributions. If you're already claiming the internet deduction, you may be asking yourself, “Are utilities tax deductible?” You can deduct a portion of your home utility bill as a working-from-home tax deduction as long as your home serves as your business HQ. Does the internet count as a utility bill? Well, it depends. Claiming internet costs as part of the home office deduction, it is a separate cost to utilities. If you’re not claiming the home office deduction, you should report the internet on Line 25 on Schedule C under “Utilities.” You can also include any work-related gas, water and electricity costs. It would be nice if you could just record these business expenses and be on your way. But things are never that simple with the IRS, who require proof that you actually had a business need for the expenses you claimed. So start saving receipts and other proof of purchase statements. Business expenses need to be ordinary and necessary to qualify as a self-employment deduction. Suppose you’re a social media influencer. You can deduct internet costs if you work from home as it's a necessary expense. You can also write off buying a high-quality camera as taking photos is an ordinary part of your work.

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (8)

Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (9)Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (10)

Examples of ordinary and necessary expenses :

  • Work uniforms
  • Courses for a certification or license renewal
  • Repairs and maintenance of business equipment
  • Office supplies
  • Advertising
  • Office utility bills

Tracking income and expenses is a tedious process. But with FlyFin, income and expense tracking happens automatically. A.I. finds every possible deduction, so you never have to worry about receipts or spreadsheets again. An expert team of CPAs is always available to help answer any question you have about deductions, and they file your taxes for you when the time comes. Tax filing has never been this easy.

Office Supplies Tax Deduction

Office supplies are tax deductible for self-employed individuals and can be reported under the office expenses category on Schedule C.


Phone Tax Deduction

Cell phones can be a business tax deduction for self-employed individuals if it is an ordinary and necessary expense. A separate business cell phone can be fully written off.


Advertising Tax Deduction

Ordinary and necessary promotion expenses and marketing expenses are tax-deductible for self-employed individuals. They should be claimed on Schedule C when filing 1099 tax.


Business Insurance Tax Deduction

Self-employed individuals can deduct business insurance expenses from their 1099 taxes. Sole proprietors and single-member LLCs can claim it on Schedule C.


Meals Tax Deduction

The meals and entertainment deduction in 2023 allows 1099 workers to deduct 50% of business meal costs. Certain meal and entertainment expenses are still fully deductible.


Business Travel Tax Deduction

Expenses related to traveling are deductible for business purposes. A per diem rate is set for deductible travel expenses.


Charitable Contribution Tax Deduction

If you make a charitable donation to an organization, it might count as a tax deduction. Not all charitable donations count as a write-off.


Clothing And Accessories Tax Deduction

Self-employed individuals can take the clothing tax deduction if their clothes cannot be worn outside the work environment.


Commission And Fees Tax Deduction

Self-employed individuals can claim certain commissions and fees as tax deductions if they are related to their business and are ordinary and necessary.


Contract Labor Tax Deduction

If you do any contract labor, you will have to pay contract labor taxes, also known as SE tax. Estimated payments quarterly need to be made for tax liabilities over $1,000.


Medical and Dental Tax Deduction

Certain dental and medical costs can be claimed as a medical tax deduction if itemized when paying income taxes. Expenses have to be more than 7.5% of AGI.


Rent Tax Deduction

Rent is tax deductible for self-employed individuals who work from home or have a separate office space. Some states offer renters tax credits to lower state taxes.


Repair and Maintenance Tax Deduction

Capital improvements can be claimed as a tax deduction through depreciation. Repairs to rental properties can be claimed as a business expense.


Professional and Legal Services Tax Deduction

Legal fees are tax deductible from 1099 taxes under the legal and professional fees category on Schedule C. The category also includes consultant and tax prep fees.


Shipping Tax Deduction

Business-related shipping expenses are tax-deductible. Shipping supplies and the cost of shipping are included as write-offs.


Software Tax Deduction

Software depreciation can be claimed with the straight-line method, Section 179 or through amortization. Report software depreciation on Form 4562.


Student Loan Payment Tax Deduction

Student loan interest paid is tax-deductible, and every type of education loan qualifies for the deduction.


Taxes and Licenses Tax Deduction

Self-employed individuals can take the license fee tax deduction on taxes and licenses that are ordinary and necessary business expenses.


Training and Education Tax Deduction

The educator expenses tax deduction allows eligible educators to deduct $300 of unreimbursed expenses from their taxes. Use education tax credits to lower tax liability.


Utilities Tax Deduction

Utilities are tax deductible when they are an ordinary and necessary business expense. They can be claimed with the home office deduction or as a rental property deduction.


Vehicle Insurance Tax Deduction

Interest on a car loan is tax deductible if it is used for business. Choose between the standard and actual method when claiming the vehicle deduction.


Vehicle Purchase Tax Deduction

You can claim the vehicle tax write-off if you’re self-employed and use your vehicle for business. It can also be taken if you lease your vehicle.


Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction

The mortgage interest deduction can be claimed by homeowners who itemize their expenses. You could claim the mortgage interest tax credit if you’re in a lower tax bracket.


Office Supplies Tax Deduction

Office supplies are tax deductible for self-employed individuals and can be reported under the office expenses category on Schedule C.


Phone Tax Deduction

Cell phones can be a business tax deduction for self-employed individuals if it is an ordinary and necessary expense. A separate business cell phone can be fully written off.


Advertising Tax Deduction

Ordinary and necessary promotion expenses and marketing expenses are tax-deductible for self-employed individuals. They should be claimed on Schedule C when filing 1099 tax.


Business Insurance Tax Deduction

Self-employed individuals can deduct business insurance expenses from their 1099 taxes. Sole proprietors and single-member LLCs can claim it on Schedule C.


What’s FlyFin?

FlyFin caters to the tax needs of freelancers, gig workers, independent contractors and sole proprietors. But anyone can file taxes through FlyFin! FlyFin tracks all your business expenses automatically using A.I. technology. Then, our CPA team files a guaranteed 100% accurate tax return for you – to save you a couple thousand dollars and a ton of time on your taxes. In addition, you can download the FlyFin app and have your taxes filed in less than fifteen minutes, saving time and money.

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On average users save $3,700

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FlyFin is the world’s #1 AI and CPA tax filing service for freelancers, self-employed, business owners, 1099 & W-2 workers. A.I. finds every tax deduction and starts to build your tax returns, saving you hours of tedious work. A dedicated CPA prepares your federal & state tax returns from start to finish and ensures your taxes return with precision. A.I. and CPAs work together to make your tax filing 20x faster and 5x cheaper. Act now and file your IRS tax returns with FlyFin before the last day to file taxes in 2023.

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A.I. eliminates 95% of your work: A.I. analyzes your expenses, identifying every tax write-off automatically. This helps freelancers and self-employed individuals filing Schedule C with their 1040 forms save $7,800 on average, more than in previous years.

Dedicated CPA file taxes from start to finish : You're assigned an expert CPA to prepare your federal and state tax returns for your review and e-sign. When everything is ready and reviewed, the CPA will efile the income tax federal return, and your taxes are complete for the year.

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Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? (2024)


Is My Internet A Work From Home Tax Deduction? ›

You can deduct internet costs if you work from home or regularly do business online. Running a business online can include: Acquiring new business or customers through various platforms.

Can I write-off my internet bill if I work from home? ›

If you're a W-2 employee and work from home, your internet bill is not tax-deductible. If you're in that position, consider asking your employer about potential opportunities for reimbursem*nt — including expense programs and work-from-home stipends.

Is internet considered a utility for home office deduction? ›

Calculating Your Internet Deduction. Internet expenses associated with your home office are deductible on the “Utilities” line of Form 8829. Expenses associated with an office in the home either are considered a direct expense or an indirect expense.

Is there a tax deduction for working remotely? ›

The law went into effect in 2018, eliminating the home office deduction for people who work for an employer. However, it's scheduled to expire in 2026. So, if you're an employee, your home office expenses are not tax deductible – even if you do all of your work from home.

Who qualifies for home office deduction? ›

The home office deduction allows qualified taxpayers to deduct certain home expenses when they file taxes. To claim the home office deduction on their 2021 tax return, taxpayers generally must exclusively and regularly use part of their home or a separate structure on their property as their primary place of business.

How do I claim internet on my taxes? ›

To claim a deduction for home phone and internet services, you must meet all of the following conditions:
  1. You must incur the cost and use the service to perform your work duties.
  2. You must have a record of your expenses and use of the service.
Apr 25, 2023

Can I write off my phone and internet? ›

For most tech gadgets, you can only deduct the percentage of the cost that matches the percentage of time that you used the device for business purposes. If you take a tech deduction, the IRS may ask for documentation—receipts, canceled checks, invoices, or bank records—for the expenses.

How much of my phone bill can I write off? ›

If you're self-employed and you use your cellphone for business, you can claim the business use of your phone as a tax deduction. If 30% of your time on the phone is spent on business, you could legitimately deduct 30% of your phone bill.

How much can I claim for utilities working from home? ›

That mean you can deduct 10% of your utility bills (electricity, water and gas), mortgage payment or rent, property taxes, mortgage interest, homeowners insurance, repairs, and maintenance.

What are the 3 general rules for qualifying your home office as a business expense? ›

Key Takeaways
  • The self-employed are eligible for the home office tax deduction if they meet certain criteria.
  • The workspace for a home office must be used exclusively and regularly for business.
  • Total deductible expenses can't exceed the income from the business for which the deductions have been taken.

Can a w2 employee write off home office expenses? ›

If you use your home office for your W-2 job and your side gigs, you won't be able to claim your home office as a tax deduction. The IRS allows you to deduct expenses for having a dedicated space where you regularly and exclusively conduct your self-employed business.

What states allow home office deduction? ›

Alabama, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania all provide a deduction for unreimbursed employee business expenses on their respective state income tax returns, he said.

Can you write off rent? ›

Rent is the amount of money you pay for the use of property that is not your own. Deducting rent on taxes is not permitted by the IRS. However, if you use the property for your trade or business, you may be able to deduct a portion of the rent from your taxes.

How do I write off my home office? ›

You can deduct $5 per square foot, up to $1,500 or 300 square feet, a year for your exclusive home office space -- if it's used for the full year. If you only use that space part of the time, then you prorate that amount, Tippie said.

Can I write off a laptop for work? ›

The answer is yes! If the computer is used for business purposes, it is classified as a legitimate tax deduction on your return. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) states that W-2 employees can no longer claim tax deductions for business expenses – including computers for work.

How do I enter home office expenses in Turbotax? ›

On the Here's your [type of work] info screen, scroll down to the Expenses section, and select Start next to Home office. Enter the info about your home office.

How much of my phone bill can I write-off? ›

If you're self-employed and you use your cellphone for business, you can claim the business use of your phone as a tax deduction. If 30% of your time on the phone is spent on business, you could legitimately deduct 30% of your phone bill.

How much of my phone bill can I claim? ›

July 24, 2023

You can't just claim the whole bill though (unless you only use it for work). The claim must be equal to the amount you use for work purposes. For instance, if for work purposes, you use 25% of the total use of the phone plan, for 11 months of the year, then that is all you can claim.

Can a W-2 employee write-off expenses? ›

There are a number of tax deductions that W-2 employees can use to reduce their taxable income. The simplest and usually largest deduction is the Standard Deduction. Other deductions include itemized deductions, 401(k) plans, and IRA contributions.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.