Kid reviews for The 100 (2024)

age 13+

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MaGrDo Teen, 15 years old

March 2, 2023

age 13+

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much sex

1 person found this helpful.

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miraculous.stranger.things Teen, 13 years old

November 4, 2021

age 14+

watched all 7 seasons, very violent but insanely good

Let’s get this straight, The 100 is a violent show. People are brutally shot, killed, people get whipped, choked, and hung. It’s a very violent show but filled with an amazing plot and storyline. I definitely watched this show too young, age 11 I think, I was quite mature for my age (I read YA fantasy and YA dystopian stuff) but this was a. too much violence for a 11 year old. Maybe MATURE 13 yr olds could watch this show. But I do want to highlight the good aspects of this show. There are amazing, strong women who have become role models and won’t take no for an answer. Honestly, Lexa is probably my favorite, but I love Octavia, Clarke, Raven, Emori, Madi, Echo, Indra, and Harper. I like them all and they are SO strong and such strong women. I also love Bellamy, and Murphy. There is also some romance, but it is also mainly in season one. There are a couple of scenes I prefer to skip romance and violence scenes. So yeah, it is an amazing show and I love it but it is for MATURE 13 yr olds and up.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

Too much sex

1 person found this helpful.

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rafecameronsgf Teen, 14 years old

March 29, 2024

age 13+

Insanely good but dark show

Review after all 7 seasons: this is a brutal yet incredible show set in a dystopian world. There is a lot, and I mean a LOT of violence (no gore just blood) shown. People are sh0t, stabbed, hung, killed by poison gas, etc. There is constant fear and suspense in the show which makes it exciting yet could be a lot to handle for younger viewers. By 13 many teens would be exposed to dystopias like the hunger games and the 100 isn’t much different. Not much swearing or sexual content, occasional uses of b*tch and sh*t. This is an emotional rollercoaster of a show and one of my favorites. 13 years is perfect to watch it.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

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SYLVIA234 Teen, 16 years old

March 14, 2024

age 16+

good show but….

I loved the first 2 seasons of this show until the main character became bisexual. not saying this is right or wrong but this was a turn off for me especially with the kissing and sexual related scenes that happened in the same sex relationship. After that point I stopped watching but if you are ok with that it’s a good show besides some violence!

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Chick-fil-a Teen, 15 years old

January 31, 2024

age 14+

awesome show, not for younger viewers

really great show, i don’t think i’ll ever find another show to beat this one! great strong female role models and great cast. lgbtq+ is very common and accepted in this show. although an amazing show it is very very violent and graphic, at least one character gets killed off every episode sometimes in very brutal ways. a. ton of war scenes. capital punishment is very regular and normal in this show. characters get high and drunk to deal with past events and trauma. but looking past that it’s an amazing show, not much swearing. definitely worth a try. first few episodes are a little cringy but once they get on their feet it’s amazing! go watch it!!

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

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lemon2 Teen, 13 years old

July 28, 2023

age 13+

As someone who watched this when they were 8...

Yes, I actually watched this when I was eight. Every single episode, I even started watching it a second time - though I only got to the 3rd episode before getting bored and moving on. It was one of the things I looked forward too every night, I got to cuddle up with my parents and watch one of my favourite shows. Of course, it probably would have been better if I watched it when I was a little bit older, and if I had the hindsight I do now at freshly 12, my parents probably should have waited at least a couple of years before exposing me to it. That being said, I haven't seen any major effects from watching the 100 so young. No nightmares, excessive fears, etc. Really the only bad thing that could've come from that show was a slight desensitization to violence and curses, which is basically inevitable if you're a kid now. If I'm focusing on an actual review of the show, I would rate it a 4/5. My parents and I began the first episode, and immediately turned it off because of the unremarkable acting. A couple days later, we came back to it, having nothing else to watch. By episode 4 of season 1 we were all fully absorbed, and by season 2, the actors had fully adjusted to their characters and the acting had become much better. Aside from the acting, here are some complaints I have regarding The 100. Firstly, there are many plotholes. Being an 8 year old, I didn't notice them very much unless they were glaringly obvious, but looking back and reading these other reviews, it was pretty evident. My parents and I would often find ourselves frustrated with the characters and yelling "why didn't they just do this!" Another thing is the excessive violence and gore that is unnecessary and unneeded. There is cannibalism, graphic violence (at least in an 8 year olds eyes), you see people eating human chunks for dinner, decapitation, dismemberment, an eye gouging, gory heart surgery, beatings and wrist slitting as well as torture. One of only things that has stuck with me is in season 5 ( SPOILER WARNING) when it shows the people in Octavias bunker fighting to the death, and then the other citizens eating the dead persons body parts. (SPOILERS DONE ) The first 4 or 5 seasons are great, there is multiple new plot twists and the story goes all sorts of ways. By season 6, though, me and my parents were getting pretty bored of it. We were ready when it was over. Even I could tell the plot twists were becoming forced and the creators were trying to create suspense and excitement that wasn't really there. Now let us focus on the good parts. Firstly, the world building is INCREDIBLE. There are multiple different dialects and cultures. You can even find whole dictionaries by extremely devoted fans if you want to learn the languages. The 100 also deals with the concept of politics between the different clans, and the main characters often have to rely on bargains or alliances with other tribes in order to prosper. (slight spoilers ahead) An example of this is the main character, Clarke Griffin, forming an alliance with the leader of trikru (one of the clans), Lexa. (spoilers done) This leads into another great aspect of the show, the role models. Almost all the leaders of the clans are strong, powerful women that serve as positive role models to viewers, myself included. They all have flaws, which is extremely important in order for people to be able to relate to them. The character development is also admirable, specifically John Murphy. His character arch was honestly flawless.My hands are starting to hurt from typing so I'll make this next part shorter. This is just to rebuke some other things people have said that I think may have been slightly over exaggerated. To begin, I've seen a lot of people saying there is a fair amount of nudity and sex in this show. Sex is insinuated, but usually people just kiss and it cuts to another scene. The only way nudity is shown is when people are swimming in their underwear and bras, and a couple times when people are kissing, though that only shows shirts off as well. As long as your kids have the basic understanding of sex, (which they usually do by around grade 4,) I think they will be fine on that front. There are curse words such as da**, bit**, and he**, so if you don't want your kids hearing that then I wouldn't recommend watching this.Overall, I think the viewing audience of this show depends wholly on maturity. It's an amazing show with positive role models and lots of great plot twists and character development, but there is also excessive violence and gore that could frighten young kids.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

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the fenkster Teen, 14 years old

May 14, 2023

age 14+

Good, little violent in parts, and a few genocides

Good role models there is violence and a few genocides but overall pretty good

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the fenkster Teen, 14 years old

May 14, 2023

age 14+

Good, little violent in parts, and a few genocides

Good role models there is violence and a few genocides but overall pretty good

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michal Teen, 14 years old

April 27, 2023

age 13+

Depends on your maturity.

I’m 13 and me and my mom love this show! It does get pretty violent but if you don’t want to watch it you can just skip. There are some scenes that younger kids may not be allowed to watch but like I said you can just skip. As for cursing, the most you will hear is da**, a**, and bi**. Overall I think it just depends on your child’s maturity.

This title has:

Great role models

Too much violence

Too much sex

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gwill1 Teen, 13 years old

March 15, 2023

age 14+

This is an amazing show with a great plot. I watched it at 13 and that was a mistake. The first few seasons have a good amount of sex scenes but shows no nudity. It’s pretty good amount of gore throughout the show. I would suggest this to anyone under 14. Occasionally they swear but definitely isn’t often and no f-word. There are suicide attempts and that is a red flag for young people not being able to tell right from wrong. They’re are many difficult decisions that are impossible but overall this is an AMAZING show!!!!

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

Too much sex

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Kid reviews for The 100 (2024)


Kid reviews for The 100? ›

Teenagers below 14 and especially children shouldn't watch this. The story and lore are very engaging but the show doesn't miss shocking scenes like torture, prolonged executions, being burnt alive and surgeries without anesthesia.

Is The 100 kid appropriate? ›

There is a lot of violence and gore scenes. In Season 6 someone is burnt alive, could be disturbing for some. The show uses blood and gore extremely often, even outside of violent scenes.

Is The 100 book appropriate for 12 year olds? ›

In my opinion this book is amazing! I fell for it just after reading the first chapter and finished it in a day of non stop reading! This book contains a variety of mystery, violence and romance all at the same time. I rated it 12 and up due to there being gore and violence, sexual references and mild language.

What is good about The 100? ›

The epic discoveries, the numerous battles, the constant travelling, and the intense power struggles that make up The 100 will certainly keep you on your toes the entire time. Once you start watching the show, you literally won't be able to stop!

What is the purpose of the show The 100? ›

Three generations have been born in space, but when life-support systems on the Ark begin to fail, one hundred juvenile detainees are sent to Earth in a last attempt to determine whether it is habitable, or at least save resources for the remaining residents of the Ark.

When did the 100 get bad? ›

6 The 100 Season 3

The narrative feels unfocused, with questionable character choices that detract from the overall impact. Bellamy's sudden alignment with Pike against the Grounders feels forced and out of character.

What age group is 100? ›

Centenarians: A segment of the oldest-old are centenarians, that is, 100 and older, and some are also referred to as supercentarians, those 110 and older (Wilcox, Wilcox & Ferrucci, 2008).

Does the 100 have inappropriate content? ›

Expect some strong language ("hell," "damn," and the like) and hints at romance, plus some partial nudity (a teen strips to her bra and panties to swim, for instance) in this thriller.

Does the 100 book have romance? ›

It's all about the romance. The Romance: Utterly ludicrous. There's 100 kids on board the spaceship sent to earth.

Is the 100 book series clean? ›

It's a futuristic dystopian novel that includes some violence. All crimes committed are punishable by death through lethal injection, and it's mentioned that countless people in the colony have already been executed.

Why was The 100 cancelled? ›

The 100 ended with its seventh season because showrunner Jason Rothenberg felt it was the right time to conclude the story of the characters and didn't want to overstay their welcome.

Did The 100 get good reviews? ›

The 100 is better than it has to be, a little more exciting and surprising and intense. For longtime fans of The 100, the new season finds viewers rewarded with a deeper look at the characters, including what drives them and what it takes to have them make unexpected and sometimes questionable decisions.

Is Clarke good or bad in The 100? ›

Clarke was an easy character to hate in The 100 because of her horrible decision and actions, but that was ultimately the entire point of the show. Despite being the central protagonist in The 100, Clarke Griffin tends to be a rather unlikable character—but this assists with the series' themes.

Why do people like The 100? ›

I love the drama, because it's not all teenage drama after the first few episodes. It's truly about survival after a nuclear war, how human-kind responded, and how Earth evolved from it. Human-kind get spread throughout space and each culture adapted and created their own beliefs.

Why is everyone hallucinating in The 100? ›

Just when you thought The 100 might have landed in paradise, you find out this new planet is actually a hellscape. It turns out the eclipsing suns cause a strange toxin to be released from the plants on the planet, which induces rage, violence, paranoia, and hallucinations in most people.

Was the baby a hallucination in The 100? ›

Jaha falls in the door ON THE BABY. But my screams to The 100 writers were unnecessary because there is no baby. Turns out oxygen deprivation is giving Jaha hallucinations, now in the form of his deceased son. Ghost Wells (whom it was quite nice to see again) gives him a touching speech while holding the black knight.

Is the movie it ok for 11 year olds? ›

Due to the graphic and intense nature of the movie, it may not be suitable for children under 12 or 13. While some children may be able to handle the content of the movie, it is ultimately up to the parents or guardians to decide whether their child can handle the content.

Do they swear in the 100? ›

Profanity (1)

Frequent use of hell, damn, and dammit.

Is the movie old appropriate for a 12 year old? ›

Old | 2021 | PG-13 | – 5.6.

Can my 11 year old watch Stranger things? ›

First, there is a ton of violence. Teens/tweens are brutally killed, their bones snapped, eyes gouged out, eaten by monsters etc. There is a terrifying possession scene is season two and there is an exorcism scene that is very scary. In season four, a group of younger kids are killed in a horrific massacre.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 5972

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.