Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (2024)

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (1)

Five-year-old Timothy Wiltsey disappeared from a carnival in Sayreville in1991. Or so his mother said. His remains were found a year later, strewn in a swampy creek behind a vastindustrial property in Edison. The cold case haunted detectives and the community for decades.

Now, more than 24 years later, Michelle Lodzinski, 48, wastried and convicted for her son's death.

Check out the timeline of how Lodzinski was brought to justice and review all the twists and turns in the case. Below, read through a comprehensive review of24 years of headlines, developments and breakthroughs and the people involved in the case.

READ:Lodzinski guilty of murder: Social media reacts

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (2)

Jan. 5, 2017:Lodzinski sentenced to 30 years in prison

Dec. 1:Lodzinski's new sentencing date set for Jan. 5, 2017

Oct. 25:Judge deniesmotions for acquittal, new trial

Aug. 23:Lodzinski's attorney argues for new trial or acquittal

Aug. 19:Lodzinski's sentencing postponed; attorney seeks acquittal or new trial

May 25: On the 25th anniversary of Timothy's disappearance, Lodzinski’s brother writes a letter tothankthose who helped search for his nephew

May 18:Lodzinski found guilty

May 17:Lodzinski trial: Jury foreman dismissed

May 16:Little deliberating as judge questions every Lodzinski juror

May 13: Jurorsare scheduled to hear recorded testimony from three previous witnesses

May 12:Jury deliberation to continue in Lodzinski trial

May 11: Closing statements made in the Lodzinski as jury gets set for deliberations

May 10: Final witness testifies, defense rests in Lodzinski trial

May 4:Arizona man testifies he did not kill Timothy Wiltsey

May 3: Michelle Lodzinski will not tesify in herown defense

April 28: A week with delays in testimony

April 27: Witness testifies Arizona man may have killed Timothy

April 26:Expert: Lodzinski suffered from personality disorder

April 21: Defense expert claims blanket has noconnection to Timothy

April 20: Three teens spot boy at carnival but are unsure if it's Timothy

April 19:Michelle Lodzinski's sister stands by her side

April 14: Carnival workerremembers boy he thought was Timothy

April 13: Judge denies defense motion to dismiss Lodzinski's murder charge

April 12: Medical examiner testifies Timothy's death was a homicide; state rests

April 7:Questions raised about whether Timothy could have been strangled

April 6: Former FBI agent testifies items found with boy's remain were not a direct link to his mother

April 5: Lodzinski feels she wasn't cut out to be a mother

April 1: Timothy's babysitter remembers blanket found with remains

March31:Tidal waters didn't carry Timothy's remains to Raritan Center

March 30: Retired Bound Brook teacher testifies he found Timothy's sneaker

March 29: Lodzinski's ex-boyfriend testifies he didn't have anything to do with Timothy's death

March 24: Michelle Lodzinski was allegedly pregnant weeks after son's disappearance

March 24: Police viewed Michelle Lodzinski as suspect in son's disappearance from the start

March 23: Police testify Michelle Lodzinski showed no reaction upon learning Timothy's skull had been found

March 22: Timothy's dad, George Wiltsey,testified Lodzinski wanted nothing to do with him

March 18: School nurse reports Timothy missed many school days

March 17: Timothy's babysitter identifies a blue blanket found with his remains

March 17:Teeth found on skeletal remains found at Raritan Center are matched to Timothy Wiltsey

March 16: An emotional first day to testimony withtears shed in courtroom

March 16:The trial gets underwaya month after jury selection

Feb. 25: The trial considersthe prosecution's request for a gag order against Lodzinski's attorney

Feb. 25:Michelle Lodzinski finally speaks in court to address her heavily bandaged hand and judge denies gag order

Feb. 17:As many as 100 potential jurors are being called every day

Feb. 16:Judge allows Arizona man to testify in Lodzinski trial—The judge in the Lodzinski trial ruledthan an ex-con from Arizona will be allowed to take the stand and tell the jury that jail cellmate once told him about raping and killing a boy at a park in 1991

Opening argumentsset for March 8

It was a blanket that convinced authorities tofinallybringdown Michelle Lodzinski.

Investigators say they had always suspected Lodzinski of knowing what happened to her son. But they just couldn’t prove it:There was no concreteevidence tying her to the crime.

Investigators had contacted the IRS for help in finding out whether Lodzinski had tried to sell her son for financial gain. The U.S. Treasury Department, however, was unable to uncover any large transactions tied to Lodzinski.

The FBI sprayed Lodzinski’s car with a chemical that could detect the presence of dried blood, but found none. They also couldn’t find any blood in Lodzinski’s home. The FBI even got permission from one of Lodzinski's friends to wire his car to see if she would confess any details. She did not.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (3)

But years later an investigator with the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office realized that they had missed something.

Timothy’s remains at Raritan Center were found with a blue-and-white blanket. At the time, investigators showed the blanket to Lodzinski and her mother. Both said they did not recognize it.

Just a few years ago, the blanket was shown to a Lodzinski relative who hadbeenTimothy's babysitter.She recognized it.

Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Scott LaMountain said the blanket was significant because the day Timothy went missing was one of the hottest Memorial Days ever.

The blanket and Timothy's remains also were found just over a quarter of a mile from a Raritan Center business where Lodzinski had worked just a few years earlier.

Lodzinski also lied about not recognizing the sneakers found at Raritan Center, the FBI said, even though she had provided police with the Payless shoe box that had contained the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles child-size 13 sneakers she said he had beenwearing on the day he disappeared.

But Lodzinski attorney Gerald Krovatin is skeptical.

"We heard an explanation of a blanket just now, but criminal cases don't get better with age, so we'll be very eager to hear what the state's theory is based on this newly discovered evidence 23 years later," Krovatin said.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (4)

Michelle Lodzinski was just 17 years old when she gave birth to Timothy.The prosecution will argue attrial that Lodzinski killed her son because he was a drag on her social life.

She was a high school drop-out who ran away from home, going to live with relatives in Iowa. That's where she metGeorge Wiltsey, got pregnant and gave birth to her son. The relationship did not last and Lodzinksi moved back to New Jersey six months after Timothy's birth.

Neighbors who spoke to reporters and investigators in the days and weeks after Timothy’s disappearance couldn’t agree on whether she was either a doting or careless mother. She had trouble holding down jobs, but refused to go on welfare. She relied on her father for money and managed to pay tuition for Timothy to go to pre-kindergarten at a Catholic school

Investigators also heard that she was "a party girl" who liked to dress "fashionably." She often left Timothy in the care of neighbors so that she could stay out late. She dated many men, but she was a single mother and her relationships didn't last long. The boyfriends, neighbors said,did not seem interested in becoming fathers.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (5)

One of the great unknowns in this case is just how Timothy Wiltsey died. By the time the FBI and police found Timothy’s scattered remains — a skull and bone pieces of his jaw, arms and legs – he already had been dead for months, his body submerged in water.

The county medical examiner in 1992 ruled the cause of death unknown, but the manner was homicide.

Because the original examiner has since died, prosecutors reached out to retired state medical examiner Geetha Ann Natarajan to review the case and issue her own report. She reached the same conclusions.

Natarajan doubted Timothy’s death could have been accidental, as Lodzinski’s attorney suggested during a pre-trial hearing last year, because nobody called 911 and an accident doesn’t explain why his remains ended up in a creek in a desolate swampbehind an industrial park six miles from home.

The FBI administered a lie-detector test to Lodzinski on May 27, 1991, just days after Timothy's disappearance.

She failed.

A week later, she failed a second test administered by the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office.

During the first interview, Lodzinski gave at least three different explanations for Timothy's disappearance, the FBI said. The test administrators said she exhibitedwide emotional swings, made little or no eye contact, and showed more concern for herself than for her missing child. She kept asking the test administrator, "How am I doing?"— a sign of deception, officials said.

Lodzinski even lied about the lie detectors, telling friends that she had passed them, the FBI said.

Lie detectors, however, are not always reliable and are not used as evidence in trials.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (6)

One of the reasons authorities have always suspected Lodzinski (beside her apparent lack of anguish in the days following Timothy’s disappearance) was that she couldn’t keep her stories straight. She alsoadmitted concocting a number of them.

Among her varied explanations and recollections of how Timothy disappeared:

►She lost sight of him after getting on line to buy a soda.

►A man grabbed Timothy off a carnival ride and warned her to stay away before walking off with two other men. (After telling the FBI and Sayreville police this story on June 6, 1991, she stormed out of police headquarters and told officials she had just made it up to get them off her back.)

►On June 7 Lodzinski told a friend that she had met a female friend who was with her own children at the carnival. The friend agreed to take Timothy on a ride while Lodzinski grabbed a soda. When she returned they were gone.

►To police, she says that she ran into “Ellen,” a woman she knew as a customer at Amboy-Madison Bank, where Lodzinksi had worked. When the two walked to her car to grab some money, the woman held her up at knife-point and abducted Timothy.

►In another story, it was a man who was with Ellen who abducted Timothy at knife point, threatening to disfigure his "cute face" if she didn't walk away.

►Depending on the version, Ellen either had one, two or three male accomplices, or was alone.

Lodzinski was arrested and charged in 1994 --not with the murder of her son, but with faking her own kidnapping.

Lodzinski was reported missing by her family on Jan. 21, 1994, when they found her car running outside her brother’s Woodbridge home. She was found the next day at a bus station in Detroit after she made a phone call.

Lodzinski claimed that she had been abducted by two men claiming to be FBI agents. Just like so many of her stories about Timothy’s disappearance years earlier, authorities knew she was lying and she soon fessed up.

Why did she make up that story?

Authorities said Lodzinski was trying to avoid having to testify against her boyfriend, a Union County Police Department officer, who was being investigated for running license plates of cars Lodzinski claimed were following her.

For this crime she was sentenced in March 1995 to six months of house arrest and ordered to seek counseling.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (7)

The defense's star witness at trial may beDamien Dowdle, 42, an Arizona man who claims his jail cell mate, Bernard Joseph McShane,once told him about raping and strangling a boy in a park.

But there are a few problems with Dowdle's story, which the prosecution will be sure to exploit during cross-examination.

McShane, who is scheduled to testify for the prosecution, denies the story.

Dowdle initially told authorities that the slaying had happened in Georgia because he remembered McShane saying it was in "Atlanta City."Another jail cellmate told Dowdle that McShane may have actually been referring to Atlantic City. But Atlantic City is nearly 100 miles from Raritan Center.

Dowdle also served an 18-year prison sentence for a couple ofrobberies, which could hurt his credibility with jurors. Additionally, Dowdle says he himself was sexually assaulted by McShane, whichthe prosecution could use to suggest anulterior motive behindDowdle's testimony.

Since her arrest in 2014, the prosecutors and defense attorney in the Lodzinski case have made numerous appearances before a judge to determine what the jury will and will not be allowed to hear during the trial.

Superior Court Judge Dennis Nieves ruled last year that prosecutors would not be allowed to use the statements Lodzinski made to the FBI after lying about being kidnapped. The prosecution also will not be allowed to call to the stand an expert on killer mothers.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (8)

May 25, 1991 ►The search for Timmy

Michelle Lodzinski, a 23-year-old single mother from South Amboy, reports her son Timothy Wiltsey, 5, missing from a Memorial Day weekend carnival at John F. Kennedy Park in Sayreville.

A massive manhunt ensues, lasting days and involving hundreds and hundreds of law-enforcement officials and volunteers.

The case makes an indelible impression on parents and young children who decades later would remember the fear and anxiety they felt following the case on the news and in their neighborhoods.

May 30, 1991 ►Cloud of suspicion

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (9)

Not only are authorities suspecting that Lodzinski may be behind her son's disappearance, but that suspicion is growing in the public as well. People wonder why Lodzinski doesn't appear to show any emotion when she's on the news.

"It just doesn't seem right," one search volunteer tells the Home News days after the disappearance. "Why isn't she talking? What is she hiding?"

But Lodzinski does talk. She gives an interview to the Home News explaining she is not one to show a lot of emotion.

"I'm not trying to hide anything," she says. "Whoever has him, wherever he is, I just want him back."

May 31, 1991 ► National headlines
The Timothy Wiltsey missing-person case appears on Fox's "America's Most Wanted" for the first time.

Timothy's face also would appear on milk cartons and New York Yankee Don Mattingly would plead for his safe return.

Oct. 26, 1991 ► A breakthrough

A birdwatcher spots a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sneaker in the marshlands of the industrial Raritan Center in Edison. Timothy had been reported wearing such sneakers the day he went missing. Investigators conducta search on Nov. 26, but find nothing.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (10)

April 23, 1992 ►A grisly discovery

The FBI, State Police and Sayreville police descend on Raritan Center, the spot where a little boy's shoe had been found six months earlier, and quickly find the matching sneaker. About a 100 yards away, they also find a skull, leg and arm bones, part of a pelvis and a lower jaw.

An FBI agent orders the search after Lodzinski's mother told him that her daughter had once worked at Raritan Center.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (11)

Jan. 21, 1994 ►The kidnapping hoax

Lodzinski's family calls police to report her missing from her brother's Woodbridge home after finding her car open and running.

March 1995 ►House arrest

In March 1995 she is sentenced to six months of house arrest and counseling for the hoax.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (12)

December1997 ►The computer theft

Lodzinski pleads guilty to stealing a laptop computer from a former employer in order to give it as a gift to her boyfriend, the Union County cop. It was the cop who had discovered it was stolen.

A judge sentences a pregnant Lodzinski to a day in jail for violating the terms of probation from her kidnapping hoax sentencing. The judge also allows her to leave the state.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (13)

2003 ►She moves to Florida

Lodzinski marries in Minnesota in 2001 and has a son. The marriage doesn't last and in 2003 she moves to Florida, pregnant with her second son, and buys a home.

Lodzinski settles in Port St. Lucie, Florida, working as a paralegal for a law firm. She doesn't change her name but manages to live in virtual anonymity in her new community even as law local law enforcement keep tabs on her and investigators back in New Jersey keep the case alive, hoping for a new breakthrough.

Aug. 6, 2014 ►Charged with murder

More than two decades after the disappearance and death of little Timmy, Lodzinski is charged in her son's murder.

Lodzinski is held on $2 million bail and is sent to New Jersey the following month to await trial.

February2016 ►Lodzinski trial begins with jury selection

Lodzinski's murder trial begins in the New Brunswick courtroom of Superior Court Judge Dennis Nieves.

Michelle Lodzinski murder case — all you need to know (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.