The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

IN AND ABOUT TOWN. AMUsem*nTS. Mysterious Disappearance. IN AND ABOUT TOWN. -One month of 1872 is gone.

-Rawson, Evans Co. succeed L. O. Rawson Co. -During January 230 lodgers were received at the Central police station.

-A doctor was arrested Wednesday for driving over a bridge faster than a walk. -The halls of the Kennard house are being handsomely frescoed. -The Union feed company has filed its certificate of incorporation with the county recorder. -The monthly business meeting of the Young Men's Christian association will be held this evening. -Commissioners of acid oil works is suggested as an appropriate change for "commissioners or waterworks." -Four policemen are off duty because sick -Officers Graham, Hoffman, Sumner and Radney.

-Rev. W. D. Godman lectured Wednestho day evening at the Newburgh insane asylum on "The elements of character." -A chess match by telegraph with Cin. cinnati is again talked of by Cleveland playefs.

-The firemen's relief fund is $50 richer by reason of a gift from the Globe iron works company. -Jane Courtney, a little girl, fell while on the way home from school Wednesday afternoon and broke an arm. -There were 1,885 pianos and 3,947 watches returned for taxation in Cuyahoga county, in 1871. Fitzgerald last evening took out his watch to tell a stranger the time; he now asks the police to find his watch and arrest the thief. -The employes of the American Merchants' Union express company will give their second annual ball next Wednesday evening in Garrett's hall.

-Protests against the bill before the icgislature relative to hunting may be found at the stores of Rawson, Evans W. J. Farrar and R. Hattersley. -A New Lisbon paper says that a prominent young gentleman of that town is soon to marry a fashionable young lady of Cleveland.

-Somebody tried to fire a house at the corner of Hill and Commercial streets last night. The negro who lives there has troublesome enemies. -Rev. Dr. Shepard, now absent in Pennsylvania, will not return for several days after the time appointed.

Ie, however, CXpects to be back within ten days from now. -A youth is in prison for stealing $95 from a man who keeps a saloon on the Island of Cuba -not the isle of that name in the West Indies but a classic preciuct of this city. -Twenty-one news dealers of this city have petitioned the Council to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of papers like the Police News and Days Doings. The matter has been referred to the city solicitor. -A lady living Prospect street attempted to thraw outa a frozen water pipe with a gas store.

The energy of two men saved the trouble of calling out the fire department. The bath room is closed for repairs. "Joe" Murch has been appointed by the directors of the Forest City base ball club to have charge of the refreshment saloons at the ball grounds for the coming season. "Joe" will remodel the club house, and fit it up in fine style, as he so well knows how. -The weather clerk at Washington may save himself the trouble of writing (and the government expense of telegraphing) every day "Dangerous winds are not anticipated for to-night." That will be understood hereafter unless notice to the contrary is given.

Joe Emmett Takes a Drink. A Baltimore paper says of Joe Emmett, who played an engagement here a few months ago: He commenced his engagement on the 15th, for a week, to a big house. There was also a large house on the 19th. Joe was in a happy condition, for he came before the audience, sat down, and taking one of the violins from the orchestra commenced to play. The members of the orchestra hecame indignant left their seats.

The audience laughed and hissed. Stage Manager Willlams sent his wife to induce Emmett to leave the stage, but he told her to "go and take 3 drink." Manager Ford closed his engagement at once, and Bishop with the Rand sisters were requested to play. Joe seems to have taken a couple of teaspoonfuls too much. Real Estate Transfers. The following sales of real estate have been filed for record since our last report: George Watkins to Jacob Jaros -East Cleveland, lot 36, grantor's allotment; $369.

$626.50. Jacob Jaros to Vaclay Neubauer, same lot; A. Cody to R. A. Gould -East Cleveland, lot 3, grantor's allotment; $3,300.

Ford Holden to F. Swoboda -East Cleveland, lot 7, S. L. Severance's allotment; $1,350. J.

M. Curtiss to Fanny I. Gay-Brooklyn village, lot 35, Betts Bibbing' allotment; $1,100. W. to Thomas Martin--City, half of lot 80, Taylor farm allotment; $1,200.

L. R. Quay-City, 35 feet front on Third street; $350. John Marquardt to Tappan- City, lot 360, college tract; $1,700. W.

M. Tappan to Ann Keheles, same lot; $2,500 W. II. Trascott to Thomas Tappenden-City, 31 feet front on Cypress stect, corner of First avenue; $1,300. Hoyt Perkins to William, Joseph and Adolph Neracher-City, lots 48 and 50, grantou's allotment; $5.50.

F. 0. Packard to Elias Rheinheimer-Newburgh, 40 feet front on Bismarck avenue; $380. J. N.

Frazee to N. Keys--Independence, part of the Marsh farm; $2:25. John Crowell, to William Bresi Cleveland, 74 feet front on St. Clair street; 2:20. A.

W. Bishop to F. F. Benedict--Middleburgh, undivided half of part of the Warner furm; $2,000. W.

S. Chamberlain to D. F. Grasselli- East Cleveland, sublot 47, grantor's subdivision; J. F.

Bair to Frederic Barlag-sublots 2 and 3, grantor's subdivision; $1,200. Fredorick Dohnke to William Kuntz-City, the rear part of sublot 5, Hadlow's subdivision; $550. William Hart to Emma E. Malone- 84 feet front on Euclid avenue; $22,000. Nicholas O' Laughlin to R.

B. Peebles-City, 40 feet front on Clinton street $3,200. John Werr to Mary -City, lot 35, II. Stone's sutdivision; $1,500. 11.

G. Folger to C. W. Manning--City, 32 feet front on Carroll street $2,900. F.

M. Stearns to N. 8 parcel of land; $214.37. A. T.

Mills to John 16 acres $1,800. The Herald and High Bridge. In an editorial in the Herald on Wednesday afternoon it is charged that Mr. Beavis suppressed the estimates of the city civil enginoer as to the cost of a high bridge and it is also stated that there was not even a pretense of surveying more than one routemeaning the route from Superior street to Franklin street. the Herald editor seen the PLAIN DEALER a little earlier he would have known better--as he knows now because the engineer's report on no lesg than three several routes was republished from the PLAIN DEALER in the Herald of Thursday.

The editorial and copied, report both appearing in the same Herald make amusing reading. Do They do it A correspondent writes us declaring that he believes that many druggists pay physicians a per cent. for every prescription sent them and then says it is not right, that "one the ethical obligations of tho ancient code of Salernum forbade every physician to share in the profits of apothecaries or to keep a drug store. The reason why it is not right for medical men to share in such profits is, unless the physician possesses moral character of the highest degree, he is apt to furnish a small drug store in the bed room of his patient with drugs that may and often damage to the sick person who takes them." AMUsem*nTS. THE ACADEMY.

"Amy Robsart" was played at the Academy of Music Wednesday evening for the last time. To-night "Lady Audley's Secret" will be presented, Mrs. Bowers appearing in the character of "Lady Audley." The gagement of Mrs. Bowers and Mr. McCollum will close with Saturday.

BRAINARDS' ILALL. The dramatic combination under the management of the celebrated Johnny Allen and the no legs famous "Little Mac" will give performances in Brainards' ball to-morrow and Saturday evenings. A CONCERT will be given at Central rink this evening. Misses Minnie Goodman, Carrie and Christie Spencer, Emma Humphrey, Minnie Marshall, Clara Strong, Ida Bartholomew, Anna Tibbals, Katie Heimerdinger, Ella Crittenden, Kittie Ilickox and Mary F. Morris will be the performers.

Vocal and instrumental music makes up the programme. During the evening the whole dozen young ladies will play on pianos simultaneously. The fortunate one of the number who receives the greatest number of votes will be given a sewing machine. Meteorological. Sergeant Mosher, of the signal service charge of this station, furnishes the following summary of the observations for the month of January, showing daily and monthly mean of barometer and thermometer; monthly velocity of wind and amount of rainfall with the prevailing direction cf wind: Date.

Mean Daily Mean Daily RainBar. Ther. fall. January 32 1.00 25 33 .00 40 .65 34 .01 36 .00 20 30 .00 20 29 9th. .30 32 31 .00 10th.

.30.14 34 37 12th. .29.92 39 96 31 .01 .03 16th .30.01 .02 17th .30.35 .29.69 33 21st ..29.97 22d ...29 66 14 .00 24th ..30.10 15 .00 .30.01 .00 26th. .29 80 .00 27th. .29.69 .00 15 .01 6 .00 30th. .30.39 .00 31st ..30 32 .00 Monthly mean.30.06 25 Total Prevailing ...2.00 wind, southwest.

Another Project. People who think that the annoyance and danger occasioned by trains passing the foot of South Water street is the only difficulty in way of easy communication between the two sections of the city -who seen to believe that the delays during the season of navigation at the draw bridges are of no consequence--are casting about for all sorts of plans to overcome this trouble. The latest plan mentioned is to tunnel under the city from the east end of the Union depot to a point at the foot of Champlain street. The distance would be about 2,400 feet and the estimated cost about $300,000. The trains would be backed out of the Union depot to enter the tunnel.

But the crossing at the foot of Champlain street would rot be relieved by this plan. United States Courts. Circuit Judge Emmons on Wednesday announced bis disposal of cases heard by him as follows: Starkweather, assignee VA. Cleveland Iron Company. Remanded to district court.

L. W. Ford, assignee VS. E. N.

Keyes et al. Same order. Samuel Leonard vs. the tug Volunteer Judgment afirmed with costs. 1.

N. Bill, assignee TS. L. Dalrymple ct al. Remanded to district court.

The following cases were tried before Judge Sherman and a jury: The United States Frederick PAumm, of Lima, Allen county. Indictment for being 8 retail liquor dealer without payment of special tax. Found guilty, aud sentenced to pay a tine of $50 and the costs. Frederick B. Mordhurst, of Cleveland.

For filling old cigar boxes, from which the stamps had not been erased, with new cigars. Found guilty. Curling. What has become of the curling club of Cleveland that nothing is heard of its lic playing this winter? One match with the Detroit club which was to have taken place some time ago was indefinitely postponed on account of the inability of some of the Cleveland players to participate and since then our club, which in previous winters has won a creditable reputation for its skill, has kept very quiet. Chicago has recently won the national medal; can Cleveland win it The curling match for the national medal was played last Tuesday in Milwaukce, the Chicago and Milwaukee clubs being the contestants.

Chicago won after a close and highly interesting contest, the winners leading by only four points. The spot selected for the contest was on the river, between Oneida and State street bridges. The clear sky, frosty and bracing atmosphere and keen ice combined to inspirit the contestant3, and the result was superior play and a fine match, as the closeness of the game fully attests. The skips of the opposing rinks were as follows: Rink No. 1, Forest, Chicago, and Johnston, Milwaukee; rink No.

2, Hutton, Chicago, and Hair, Milwaukee; rink No. 3, Wilson, Chicago, Bryden, Milwaukeo. Play commenced at a. and lasted until with an intermission of one hour for dinner. In rink No.

1 the Chicagoans led from the start, and steadily increased their lead until the close, when they were twelve points ahead. The Milwaukeens played beautifully and made 8 gallant tight, but they were fairly overmatched. The veteran Forrest had trained his men so that they were invincible, while he was a host in himself, in half a dozen Instances securing tallies for his rink when Milwaukee was lying to advantage. The play of Robert Clark, of the Chicago rink, 8 beginner, surprised everybody. In rink No.

2 the Milwaukecans overmatched and outplayed their opponents. The tally at noon stood a tie, but in the afternoon the Chicagoans fell behind, and at the close Milwaukee was 11 points ahead. Hair, the champion skip of the Milwaukee club, played well, but those who pretend to know say not up to his average. David Alston, of the Chicago rink, young but keen curler, made a number of fine shots, fairly rivaling his skip, Hutton, John Alston, of the Chicago club, kept the players in this rink in the best of humor throughout the play with his quaint remarks. In rink No.

3 the players were very evenly matched, the contest throughout being close and exciting. At noon Chicago was only one point ahead, and at the close had succeeded in adding but two more tallies. Wilson, the Chicago skip, maintained his reputation as an invincible curler. He was ably seconded by the members of his rink, James Campbell, especially, playing well. The following is the score of the game by rinks CHICAGO.

MILWAUKEE. Rink No. 1.... .26 Rink No. .14 Rink No.

2... 19 Rink No. 2... .30 Rink No. 3.........23 Rink No.

3... .20 Total .68 ...64 TO THE PEOPLE OF CLEVELAND.W. A. Hance, Agent Wilson Sewing Machine Company, Springfield, 0.: We take pleasure in informing you that the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machines we purchased from you January, 1871, to be used on shoe work in our factory in the Ohio and Maryland penitentiary by prison laborers, have given entire satisfaction, and our machinist informs u3 that they have cost less to keep them in repair for the past year they have been in use than any of several hundred of the other kinds of sewing machines used in our establishment, Yours truly, JAMES JONES Columbus, 0. BALT.

BOOT AND SHOE Baltimore, Md, Mysterious Disappearance. Wednesday night 8 young man who makes his home at a boarding house on St. Clair street went to his room rather late. Ho missed his trunk. That indispensable receptaclo of property contained 8 considerable quantity of clothing and other articles of value to him.

He roused tho boarders who near him and made carnest inquires for roomed the truuk. No one knew anything about it. He then hurried to the police station and reported that he had been robbed. The case was put in the hands of the detectives. Thursday morning he mentioned the affair at breakfast when the mystery was dispelled in this wise: The room.

he occupied had a short time befcre been occupied by a man who had gone to Cincinnati and had left his trunk in the house. On Wednesday he sent for it and the chamber maid, knowing the room he had occupied, delivered to the expressman the wrong trunk. The baggage Was recovered from the express office just in time to prevent its shipment to Cincinnati. Nilsson. Christine Nilsson and her opera troupe havs given Cleveland the "go-by." Neither has the Academy of Music been engaged for a season opera or Case ball for even concert.

This comes of having no opera one. house. Columbus and Buffalo will be favored and we believe that Detroit and Tole: do and perhaps Akron will be visited by the troupe. German in the Free Schools. EDITORS PLAIN DEALER: It was certainly 8 good movement to have the German language introduced in the schools, but being a new branch of instruction it requires a certain system for its application, that the scholars may obtain a thorough knowledge therein.

In the first place no scholar should begin its study before he has obtained con siderable progress in the English, say after two years schooling, as he may for the norelty be more anxious to learn the foreign his own language. In the second place, which is of great consequence, the German teacher must be complete master of the English language and bestowed with more than common patience, as it 18 very difficult fur the born American to apprehend the German, particularly the pronunciation thereof. Finally it would be to advantage if one or two days in the week would be set apart exclusively for the teaching of German. Then the scholar would be more able to advance in spelling, reading and writing, especially the latter, which requires a good deal of practice, as their letters are so different from our own. When some of the scholars get so well advanced as to be able to converse, then nothing but German should be spoken during school hours and one or two hours devoted entirely to conversation, the best way to get a thorough knowledge of the language and a correct pronunciation.

E. very fine Japan tea at one dollar per lb. PEARSON WILLARD. For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary complaints "Brown's Bronchial manifest remarkable curative properties. Drs.

Weber Smith have removed to No. 87 Prospect Olice hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.

and 7 to 8 p. m. Awks The whole stock of fine jewelry a Kidd 239 Superior street, will be sold regardless of price for the next thirty days in order to reduce stock. Flavoring Extracts" for 1872 are warranted strictly pure and equal in strength to any brand in America. Price reasonable and for sale everywhere.

Consumers desiring reliable goods ask for J. M. Senly Detroit. jau23-10t SOMETHING NEW IN ULEVELANDENGLISH ALE AND IRISH PORTER IMPORTED IN CASKS. -Bass celebrated Pale Ale, brewed at Burton-ou-Trent, England, and Guinness, Son Dublin Porter, for sale in bottles and on draught, at Lill's Chicago Ale depot, 150 Seneca street.

All who may Want the "genuine article' can now have an opportunity of trying it, a8 it will be kept regularly on draught at the abore place. tf. P. O' MAHAR, Sole Agent. 6 "COAL." 6 "COAL." L.

CRAWFORD SONS. Gencral Office, foot of West River St. LOCAL NOTICES. A Satisfactory Remedy for Discages of tue Bladder, kidneys, and urinary organs will be found in Bucar. This preparation has been in use for over twenty-five years, and is constantly being prescribed for gravel, dropsy, organic weakness, and female irregularities, which complaints readily succumb to its genial influences.

jan14 1m Success is the Test. -Dr. HALLIWELL is now making Artificial Teeth a specialty, having inserted in past eight months 3,851, and all ex press entire satisfaction that have tried his improved method. MASTICATING TEETH WITH FLEXIBLE Guns, for ease, comfort and appearance, can only be excelled by found NATURAL TEETH. They can be fitted over roots, and cover A whole decayed tooth required.

A set $10 and upwards. Dr. English, American and German Dental Establishment, 85 Michigan street. Established 20 years. dec20 Marriage Guide.

--Interesting work, name, ous engravings, 124 pagee. Price 50 cents. Address Dr. Butte' Dispensary 12 North Eighth street, St Louis Mo. Sec advertisem*nt.

Mild yet Henry's Root and Plant Pills do not cause nausca or griping. Try them and you will be satisfied. Seo advertisem*nt. "Gentian A pure, gato and reliable TONIC for family use. A picasant and ethcacious remedy in cases of general debility, loss of appetite, dyspepsia and kindred affections of the stomach.

These Bitters, so long known to the com are prepared the greatest care, and the proprictor does not hesitate to recommend them as wholesome family remedy for all stomachic com plaints. They hare met with universal eucocee wherever introduced, and no instance is known where they have not given perfect satisfaction. Let none fail to give thein a trial. For sale in pint and quart bottles by Druggist: generally. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle.

S. BULKER, Proprietor, 84 66 Cleveland. We lave removed our retail coal ofice corner of Prospect and Ontario streets-cutrance on Prospect street. DRY GOODS. HOWER HIGBEE We will sell about twenty Paisley Double SHAWLS, at (t little less than half their value.

25 Cloth Cloaks at greatly reduced prices this day A lot of REPPS, 4 VELOURS and DIAGONAL POPLINS of recent purchase, and desirable goods at Extremely Low prices. About half a case of DRESS GOODS will this; day be added to our lot of 35c goods, uhich have been regarded as very chap. H. H. jan29 Something Now.

HAVE JUST IMPORTED Ane lot of CHIMNEYS for our celebrated ROUND WICK BURNER, for. sale by the crate or dozen, at low figures. HALLE, SHALL CO. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. GOLD-119 Wells, STOCKS--Western Fargo Co.42; Union Adame' Exprese York Central Scrip 93; Erie Paciuc Mail Hariem New 116; Southern Scrip 77; Michigan Union Southern 903; Michigan Reading Pittsburgh Pacific Cleveland ern Rock Island St.

Paul NorthwestNorthwestern do. preferred Toledo Wadash Ohio Mississippi 1,30 twenties. P. 110. '648 Sixes of Five do.

'67-112; do. 658 111: dew Ten-Forties Now York Money and StOcK Markets. In the gold NEW YORK. January 31. was quite bullish room at te-lay times, the speculative feeling the German but bankers afterward dropped off to One 1104.

and prices advanced Money easy ut has been a largo buyer to day per cent. On the Governments quiet and steady. cellaneous Stock speculation Exchange to-day railway and misprices were was very taine, and lower Erie was very made. weak In the earlier houre of the day This was followed and declined from 324 to Joe common from by a decline in lannibal St. these two 10 The depression in prices fell off stocks to anected the balance of the list, and market at the per cent.

in sympathy. The the close was heavy, und Erie declined to down to the lowest balance or the list generally ard Union Pacitic were comparatively the day. Pacific Mail figures of participate in stocks generally were firm, and did not Express neous shares. the decliue of railway and miscellaClevoland Wholesale Market. CLEVELAND.

PLAIN DEALER OFFICE, Thursday, Feb. 1. 1812. Wheat is firmer and higher for No. 1 No.

2 do. stronger aud 203c higher. Corn and Outs Red. nominally unchanged. The receipts of Grain for the past 24 houre were 350 buebels of Corn, 650 bushels of Oats and 400 busbels of Barley.

$1,51: WHEAT- and 1,000 Sale of 1,000 bush. No. 1 Red Winter bush. at No. 2 do beld at CORN--Sale of car at 52c.

OATS--Sale of car at 44c. BARLEY Quiet -Quiet and steady: beid at 75c for No. RYE 2. to choice. at a range of 75c0 $1,10 for good Provisions and Produce remain quiet and ullrangfug changed excepting firmer feeling in Cheese, prices from for choice.

New York Market. etcady: beid YORE, at Feb. $6,4006,60 p. m. quiet and NEW but firm; prime held for western Wheat quiet amber $1,6701,71.

Corn firm; red firmer winter $1.030 very choice held Tic. Oats Armer at at 55056c. quiet and dull at new mess; Pork old do. Clover Seed at $10,50011,50. $13.50 for firmer at Dressed logs N.

Y. Stock MarKet 1-1 P.M. Chicago Market. Wheat CEICAGO. irregular February A.

M. -Flour CASh; fellor but February; etrong: No. 2 Corn eready and quiet at casb; feller March. eeller February; Feller March; and steady; April; nominally seller May. Oats quiet seller Live logs (quiet and a shade unchanged lower; gales at at $1,250, 0.

shade better; sales at $1,60. Dreaged loge firm aud bulk coipts-wheat sales at $5,0505,10 for choice. Rements- Wheat 6.270 1,100 bush; corn 31,095 bush. Shipcorn 13,262 bueh. Drugs, Paints and oils.

weekly by Stroug and Armstrong. Aloes, vil, Cloven. Oil, Castor 1.400,1.75 Blue 405c Oil, 1 60004,00 Borax. Lemon Bergamont 5.7506,00 5.0005,25 do Castile Soap, 120013clOil. Linseed, raw.

820,83 Oil, Pepperm't. Copperas Oil, Lard, W.9. Oil, Carbon Epsom Salta. civil, eleph't, do Gum whale. W.

B.90 1,00601.11 Gum Morph Oil, sperm. do. $2 25002,50 Nitrate Oil, tanners'. 646265c Iodide Sp. Turpentine.

780.82c Quinine Sp. Benzine Rhubarb Sulph (Elud) Lead, Zinc, white, in oil Sugar Putty, bulk in oil white, Sulphur Putty, Olevoland Iron and Nali Market. The following MONDAY Jan. 15, 1811. Cleveland, Brown rates are reported to us by Meagre, sale Dealers in Iron and Naile, Manufacturers Nos.

25, and Whole Merwin etreet. Market firm and slightly 27, 29 and 31 FLAT BAR IRON. advanced. to to 6 by 3. to to1 1 inch, 3 S-10 4 by to ti.

by to by to 3 2-10 de by 2 to by 3 10 54 2-10 1-10 sizes, HONHE SHOE IRON. Anchor .5 6-10 SHEET IRON. 10 to 11... 13 20.... 13 2-10 7 7 2-10 8' 22 to 21.

8 2 10 25 and 26.... 7-10 7 7 4 10 8 4-10 27. 9 9-10 7 7-10 8 7-10 All shoots over 43 inch wide, per ib 9-10 extra. 8 9-10 NAILS. aD to 4,75 and id.

5,00 and 5.25 6.50 .7.50 LIVERPOOL, GRAIN MARIEL LIVERFOOL, Feb. P. M. Flour Winter Wheat 11s8da 11s11d; Spring Wheat 11sa11s6d; White Wheat 1254d; Corn 303a30s3d; Barley 48; Oats 3s. R.

A. DeFOREST SON OFFICIA The Following List of: 300 Quilted Comforters worth $2,50. 250 Plain White Blankets at $3,90 worth $6,00. 150 pieces Striped Poplin cit worth 35c. 20 pieces Elegant Velveteens at $1,00, worth $1,50.

5 cases Dark Prints at 10c, worth 12 1-2c. 50 pieces Grey Twilled Flannel at 24c, worth 40c. 1,500 Square and Long Shawls at Half Price. GO Beaver are Felveteen Cloaks ct. Half Price.

It. A. DeFOREST janin CARPETS, c. CARPETS! STONE COFFIN Have opened the CHEAPEST line of ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS, IN THE CITY. 500 Pcs First Premium Oilcloths.

200 pairs Lace Curtains, Green Baize, Drugget Putterns, STONE COFFIN, 215 Superior Street. nOv22 JEWELRY, BALL, BLACK 565 567 Broadway, Y. Largest Importers, Mannfacturers and dealers in SILVERWARE, STONES, BRONZES, CLOCKS, MARBLE STATUARY, OIL PAINTINGS, GAS FIXTURES, AND ALL KINDS OF FINE JEWELRY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. jan16 FULL LINE OF THE A Celebrated 140 Umbrellas, IN ALL SIZES, AT M. HALLE Sole Agenta, 147 Water atreet remember that DEALER circulatos WOULD DO WELL among a class of people not within the reach of any other paper in Cleveland, which makes it one of the best advertising medinme in the conntry Notice, To tri, For sate, Hound, ceding Hour Lines each, will be inW not sorted in this column once for 25 cents.

SOCIRTY MEETINGS. A A. REGUlar asrombly of lampson Post, Friday evening, February 2d. the now work will be introduced. Full attendance desired.

febl-a J. C. ROLAND, NOTICE Cleveland Mechanics' laud and MEETING Build10g Loan Association for the election of seven DIrectore and two Auditors, will be held February 29th. Jan31-td W. FIELD.

See y. PERSONAL. TAMES DAILEY-COME TO LANGood sing, job. Michigan. NASH.

A. J. Forepaugh wants you. WANTED. A and BOY lower WHO Preages, CAN con have FEED a steady GORDON job and good wager, by calling at 112 Superior street, over Benton's jewelry M.

W. VIETS. tehla DO kitchen housework. Enquire at 97 Luke struet. WANDER A SANFORD GOOD OR PRINTER.

street. jan31tt HOUSES WANTED. for ONE man and SMALL wife; lust be a uice tenement; parties are good tenants and prompt pay. Also, several other houses wauted for reut. linguire of FITZGER.

ALL. No. 114 Ontario street. -A PARTNERhundred dollars cash capital. Euquire of HITCHco*ck FITZGERALD.

jan2otf $375 paid A -Male or MONTH, Female Agents EXPENSES and putt Low, Circulars free. address, NOVELTY Saco, Me. business men cuterprise and respectability A FEW GOOD sell the Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine in the city and surrounding couutry. Men now employed ou a small salary will I find it to their advantage to engage with us, as we will pay men of this class butter than any other burinces in this city. Apply in person or by letter to WAl.

SUMNER No. 31 Pubic square. FOR RENT. FOR occupied by RENT-'THE tho DEALER BUILDING ofice will for rent frow and after the dirst of April next. Enquire of BISHOP' ADAMS, 124 Superior sheet.

jani7-u lands of AND Cleveland DOCKS Trou TO aud Riverside Iron with Railroad and Canal facilities, some of the most accessible and conveHient in tho city. 4. L. INGERSOLL, President. Jau-54w FOR BREWERS- SALE Tue TO, undersigued MALSTERS lave store AND In at the "UNION ELEVATOR." choice CANADA and MINNESOTA BARLEY for sale in lots to suit at lowest current rates.

GARDNER, BURr dE MORSE. RENT ONE SALE-ORIENTAL location for a commission store, boarding house or saloon. Three-stury brick building, 20x76. Water, gas, and everything in good order. Excellent stand for business purposes.

65 Maiu etreet, Wert Side. Kent $550 per year. 11- quire at 61 Main street. corner of rim. oc12 MISCELLANEOUS.

ONE MILLION DOLLARS CAN BE MADE IN A SHORT TIME by a few shrewd men who will reveal the secret of the business under any circ*mstances. For full particulars JAMES CLARK, 109 Bleecker strect, nori 3m New York. FOR SALE. FOR SALE -COUNTER AND DESKS feblif ESTATE FOR desirable houses and lows and vacant Jots on Euclid, Superior, Sv Clair, Cedar, Garden, Crawford, Wilsou, Detroit and other streete aud avenues in this city aud bast Cleveland. Property in Willougaby, kuchd, Obelin and Zanesville.

large number of farms In Northern Ohio, Indiaua, Michigan, lowa, Missouri and sale and exchange by HITCHco*ck FITZGERALD, NO. 114 Ontario street, jau26tf SALE-3 10-100 ACRES OF land located to ailot, at $1,800 per ucre can bo had on most favorable terms, aud but ou Quincy atrect; lot 150 foet doup; good well and fruit. Farm of forty acres, four miles west of city limita; soil very rich black loam, between Detroit aud Lorain street; email house and three barns; orchard of 200 apple trees, peacne4 and suall fruit, in good condition for garueuing purposes. Will exchange for city property: price $20 per acre. Nine lots on Swiss street, near Lorain 9'rect; price $16 per root.

Will exchange for farm property. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, G. W. CHOWLLL jau23 Superior struet. NOR SALE-HOUSK AND LOT-NO.

Aurou atrevi. Lut 10 by 133; house two etories, 7 roould, good celler, well and cistern. Eu. quire on the prolines. sepistf EAL ESTATE -NEW LIST --135 acre Farm near Brockeville 40 acre Farm cre-half mile fom Oberlin.

7 acres in the village of Euclid. 80 acres, Ave miles from Painesville. acres, 11 miles from city, near Euclid. 11 1 acres 8 miles from Clevelaun. 400 acres in Monroe.

200 acre Farm in Michigan and four olbers. 160 acre Farin, tifty miler north of St. 80 acre Farm to exchange for house and lot in this city. Also one 4 miles from Berea to exchauge for city property, and over fifty louses and Lots for sale on various streets in this city, and three hundred vacant lots. Ail kinds of city ur country property for sale and exchange.

A vacant lot 41 feet wide by 126 feet deep will be exchanged for a good horse and buggy. A restaurant and 83 loon, with bilnard tables, will be sold at a great bar guin. A good farm 111 Missouri to exchange for city property, if done this mouth. HITCHco*ck PITZERALD, 111 Ontario Atreet. jan22tf.

AND GENT'S BUSINESS FOR SALE. Tue subecriberis desirous of selling the above departments, which Call be carried on in the baine place, where a successful business hay been and can be doue, by close attention to the business. Sub scriber's reason for selling--having all increasing merchant tailoring business which. requires all my attention. Stock is small, very choice goods, aud will sell on reasonable terms.

JoiN BOUT ALL, No. 15 l'ublic Square, Cleveland, Ohio. jan13-tr FOR Detroit SALE- street, -SIX hear to the BUILDING new school LOTS house. Nicholson pavetneut; gas and water already laid; near to the railroad, lake and river, the best locality HI the city. Terms-one-third down, balance in rive ears.

Enquire at U. WICK'S Bauk, or of Kaspar euze, 422 Detroit street. REAL Lots, ESTATE Lots, EXCHANGE! gale or excuango. Cull and examine our list. G.

W. CROWELL 131 Superior street. CANDLE MAKERS HAVE 1x stands of caudle woulds for stearine or taiow; seventy -two pounds at a drawing; good as new; 1cbo sold at a bargain. Apply to T. P.

SPENCER. .68 Superior stroct. de13 tr HOLT, MANUFACturere Rubber Moulding, for doors and windows, 191 Superior street, Room No. 8, Cleveland, 0. Agenta Wanted.

novil tr VACANT LOTS IN Wymnau Hamilton': allotment of three ten acre lots, Nos. Bevel (7), eight (8) and nine (9) of Romington': subdivision of original lot No. 416, lying on Woodland and Bolton alid OD Prederick, Nevada, Peon aud Charles strvete, ranging in price from $12 to $17 per foot. PERDUE KNAPP Real Estato Brokers, 190 Superior atreet. MONEY TO LOAN.

MONEY TO LOAN AT HOLMES'. Personal security. Bank, corner of Outarlo and Michigan up stairs, over P. O'Erien's store. All in wait of money com along.

Liberal advancer on Gold and Silver Watchon, Diamonds, Silver Plate, Wothing, and all other collaterals of value. Ratee easousble. Rooms private. Established in 1850, nove IN SUMS TO suit, Watches, Diamonda, Jewelry, Pistols, on satiefactory terme. Established 1851.

B. for sale at bargaina, J. C. WAGNER, Office 178 and 180 Superior street, up stairs. Passage Agent for the Cunard, Inman, National, North German Lloyd and Hamburg Lines of Mall Steamers, to and from Liverpool, Bremen, Hamburg, Havre, Drafts on Gormany, England, Ireland, at the lowest rates.

C. WAGNER 178 180 Superior up Blairs, my8 Porout City Block. MEDICAL. 1865. Established 1865.

that for all forms of private consult DrTO KNOW C. A. SMITH. A thororongh and permanent cure Gleet, Syphilie, Nocturnal Emissione or Belf-Abuse, Diurnal Kidiesiona, etc -in abort, every form Sexual Disease, A and speedy moral of obstructions of the monthly periods, with or Without modicine. All communications strictiy Boarding and answered pursing furniabed if deaired.

No letter will he unless it contains pus taco stamp. Office, No. 71 Michigan street, Cleveland. Ohin. mari3 3m COMPLAINT, Scrofula, KIDNEY Inflama- On Bladder Rboumatism, Weaknesses Gout, of Chronic the Diarrhea, Chills and Borer, Sexual Organa, Impuritics of the Blood, no mutter from what cause; every form of Syphilis, etc, can be promptly cured by Dr.

Dr. A. W. Tucker. No.

50 Superior street. Having practiced medicine in thin city nearly 11 years, thousands will cheerfully testify to the truth of the above statement, and I now propose to guarantoe a cure in any of the abovo where directions are followed. Oilice and address No. 50 Suporior street, Cleveland, Oulo. A.

W. TUCKER. January 1Pt, 1872. Cut this out and give to sick friends. de29 BOOKS.

BROOKS Have recelved the novel of the year WILFRED CUMBERMEDE, By GEORGE McDONALD. BROOKS Booksellers and Stationers, jan27 137 Superior stroet. PREPARED FOOD. Something Reliable. OREWS PREPARED FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS.

The choapest and most reliable preparation in the market. Price 85 cente per pound package, at HARTNESS HULING'S DRUG STORE. AMUsem*nTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOHN ELLSLER. Sole Leesce and Manager.

Thursday Evening, Feb. 2d. 1871, MRS. D. P.

BOWERS, Will repeat, general desire, her GRAND IMPERSONATION of LADY AUDLEY, in the Drama of Lady Audley's Secret, Supported by MI. J. C. McCULLOM. Friday evening, Beneft of Mrs.

D.P. BOWERS MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. THEATRE COMIQUE. (Frankfort etreet, near Bank.) A. Sole Propriotor.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. GREATEST STARS OF THE SEASON Tonight the wonderful, the astonishing, the great LEVANTINE BROTHERS, JOIN, FRED AND GEORGE, The most accomplished and daring Gymnasts of world on the Horizontal Bar and Trapez. Re-engagement of the great London Comiquo, HARRY BROWN. Don't fail to ace the Whistling Thief. An eutire and complete change of bill by TWENTY-EIGHT ARTISTS.

To-night the eight comedians in the great CLODOCHE QUADRILLE. To night the Grand Ballet Divertisem*nt by 20 BEAUTIFUL LADIES. Everything New, Original, Sparkling and Pleasing. Admission. 10, 25 and 50 cents.

N. evening, Farewell Benefit to Harry And a full and powerful Dramatic Company. Will be produced the great sensational and amasing Drama, entitled SCHNEIDER OR, DOT HOUSE VON DE RHINE. Johnny Allen and Miss Alice Harrison in new songs and dances. Little Mac in all his specialties, The Baby Ele.

phant, The Destructful Monkey, and his great and original Change Reserved of Seats programme can for Saturday evening. now be obtained. Prices as usual. jan31-4t Brown. BRAINARD'S ILALL.

THE GREAT NOVELTY. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 2d and 3d. JOHNNY ALLEN and LITTLE MAC's Immense Dramatic Combination, Including the charming young actress and vocalist, MISS ALICE HARRISON, CLEVELAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, No. 7 Euclid Avenue.

Fobruary Those 8th, desiring should to enter for the term beginning now make application. Terms of Tuition per term (10 weeks, or 20 legsous) invariably in advance, as follows: Surging, or any one Instrument. $15 00 10 00 Pupils taking two or more branches in vocal or instrumental, can enter theory classes without extra charge. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. jan27-2wM W8 The National Inventors' Exhibition IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, From 9 a.

m. to 10 p. for five weeks, In Central Kink, Cleveland, Ohio 1 There are on exhibition au infinite varicty of Wonderful Inventions, Many of which are new and atariling. Numberless beauties and curiosities SCIENCE AND ART, Machinery in motion, beautiful working models of Engines in operation, thousands of attractive novmost cities of all sorta, the whole forming, in fact, the varied complete exhibition of American in the industrial products as well as procoseer, ever seen West Season dec29tt tickets, eingle admission, 25 cents. EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS.

TIME PLEASANTLY AND PROFITABLY SPENT. It is claimed by all who enjoy it, that nothing can OccupY one's evenings more delightfully than Mr. Wood' a System of Drawing from Nature, because it is 60 simple, and easy, aud beautiful beyond all other metnods, that all are charmed with their own rapid progress. HIS ART PARLORS, 101 PUBLIC SQUARE, So much enjoyed by persons of cultivated taste, are open day and evening. Pupils received in the leeson department at all hours.

Jan 23 DAILY PLAIN DEALER. Thursday Even's, Feb. 1st, 1872. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. John Elleler-Academy of Music.

A. H. Herenden Co. -Furniture. K.

M. Brown-Master's Sale. James Dunn -Lake Shore louse. A. C.

Ovitt-Willow Goode. A. Goods. J. C.

Roland -G. A. R. Notice. M.

W. Viets-Feed Boy Wanted. This and Deeks for Salo. Wm. E.

Preston-Real Estate Agent. Y. M. C. A.

Meeting--Local Pearson Willard-Grocerien-2 Locale. Brown's Bronchial Troches-Local, Temperance Address. Rev. John Russell, a prominent temperance orator, will spcak on his favorite topic at the M. E.

Church, corner of Franklin and Duane strects, West Side, on Friday evening the 2d, at half-past seven o'clock. Mr. Russell is reported one of the ablest of temperance orators. Personal. Colonel Lynch is steadily improving.

He passed a very comfortable night last night. Judge McCandless was in town last night. Ile left for Pittsburgh this morning. Mr. Adam Nuss, musical director of the Cleveland Gesangverein, has been given a gold watch and chain by the members.

Judge Emmons, having finished the court business which brought him here, has. left the city. Mary Doyle has been formally pronounced insane and was taken on day afternoon to the infirmary. United States clerk Bill is once more able to attend to his duties in court though he has not fully recovered from the effects of his fall. Forrest, the tragedian, has engaged rooms at the Kennard.

Ile will arrive Saturday and begin an engagement at the Academy of Music next week. Mr. Robert T. Van Epps, for some years employed in the popular news depot of L. O.

Rawson has been admitted into the firm as a partner and the style of the firm will hereafter be Rawson, Evans Co. Mr. Van Epps is well known in the community and his numerous friends will congratulate him on his promotion. The following proclamation has been made by Mr. II.

F. Sweetzer, general manager of the Atlantic Great Western railway: Mr. C. W. Bradley has this day been appointed superintendent of the first and second divisions and Franklin branch of this Major Robinson, the champion fifer, moved his residence from this city to Chicago some months ago.

At the time of the fire he lost his costly fife, the one given him by his regiment. Ile first thought it had been burned but has since been led to believe that it was stolen from him during the confusion attending the great conflagration. He offers $50 reward for its return. Spanning of tho Gulf. The committee appointed by the Council on Tucsday evening to.

investigate the subject of providing better, speedier and safer means of transit from the East to the West Side will meet in the mayor's office this af. ternoon. There seems to be a desire to rush matters so as to report at an early day. lET and dried fruits of all kinds, oranges and lemons, at Pearson Willard's. Y.

M. C. business meettog to night at o'clock, FURNITURE. Chamber Funiture! Largest Stock ever Shown in this Market. 100 Different Designs, AT PRICES RANGING FROM $35 TO $1,000.

CAN BE SEEN AT A. S. HIRENDEN 00.8, 114 BANK ST. feb1, feb1, DRY GOUDS. WE band.

wish to To sell effect every this Cloak the and prices Suit bave now been on reduced, and extraordinary bargains can be ob. tained. Beaver Cloaks, Cloth Cloaks, Astrachan Cloaks, One Seal Cloal. E. I.

BALDWIN CO. KID GLOVES. ALEXANDRE'S COURVOISIER'S in AND one and two buttons; a large assortment just opened Of irregular, soiled, and surplus SMALL sizes, we have a bundred pairs to close at one dollar Afty. All our Victoria. Margarette (slashed) Kids In Blacks and Colors are closing at one dollar fifty.

Onr Antoinette," the most popular and reliable medium grade of Kid Gloves, we have in full assortment, of one and two buttons. Special attention is called to tho CUFFED GAUNTLET KID GLOVE, just received, a very handsome article, for the frat quality of which we have the exclusive sale. E. I. BALDWIN CO.

CLOAK VELVETS. We keeping intend 8 full line of all graues during the Spring. The prices will, as heretofore, be from 15 to 25 per cent. below any competitor. The of Velvets have advanced in Lyons, but our prices, contracted for before the rise, will be sold at the same rates as during the Fall season.


MEDICAL. CONFIDENTIAL. GREAT GREATCOMBINATION OF talent and experience of Europe and America are the men to consult. This is the only office in the city where a permanent cure of Private Diseases can be obtained without the use of mercury or change of diet or businese. We guarontee to cure Gleet, Syphilis, Impotency, Nocturnal Emissions, or Self-Abuse, Diarnal Emissions, Female Complaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexual Disease.

Cures rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. GREAT MEDICAL CIRCULAR sent for two 3 cent stampe. FRENCH SAFES--A sure preventive to Price, $1 each, or three for $2, or $7 per dozen, sent by mail. Dr. Invigorating Liniment.

Price, $2 a hottle. GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE DISEASE3, the QUIDE TO HEALTH, is beneficial to all, male and female, the old and young should read this book. It will enlighten those who grope in darkness. Price, 50c, by mail. N.

THE LADIES. -No lady should be without Mad. Lozier's Female Monthly Fillle-a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularities and obstructions from whatever cause. Price $2 per box; extra tine $5. Communications by mail entirely confidential.

No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittance or a postage stamp. Call or address DRS. BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Sycamore Cinciunati, Office 6 A. M.


PRICE, and Retail Dealer in; Oysters, Clams, Game, Fish, SHELL OYSTERS by the bundred or barrel. The country trade supplied at REDUCED RATES. OYSTER OCEAN, 110 Bank street, 84011-tf OYSTERS. We are now prepared to furnish the following Oysters for the Holidays C. S.

MALTBY'S H. M. OYSTERS C. S. Maltby's C.


Oystors by the Quart or Gallon. DON'T FORGET OUR NUMBER, 106 Superior street. J.H. A. S.


RETTBERG. COAL. BUY L. Grawford Son's CELEBRATED Chippewa Coal RETAIL OFFICE: ERA Corner Prospect and Ontario. GENERAL OFFICE: Foot of West River street.

HARD COAL, ALL SIZES. dec22-3m Sec to Your Insurance! ANI: INSURE WITII S. S. COE SHIPHERD, OFFICE: Corner Superior and Water A Strong Agency Representing Strong Companies. LOSSES WILL HAVE PERSONAL AND PROM ATTENTION.

wellings Mercantile, and their Commercial, Furniture, Mannfacturing Misty, incured Churches and Scho at current rates. nov15-2taw: FURNITURE. We have just Completed Some BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE Parlor Suites HART MALONE. MANUFACTURERS OF Furniture, 103, 105 and 107 Water St jan19 PAPER ILANGINGS, to. New Goods! New Goods! OUR FALL STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS.

WINDOW SHADES AND. OIL CLOTHS, tomers that for RICH DESIGNS. Artirtic and Beautiful Combinetion of Colors, QUALITY OF STOCK AND LOW It has never been surpasred, if ever equalled in this market. In order that we may have an opportunity you to give us a call at No. 20 Public Square.


NEW STYLES OF LAMBREQUINS AND LACE CURTAINS. Terry and Itepp in all Colors. Gilt and Wood Cornices. Also a full line of Piano and Table Covers, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs, Mats, Beckwith, Sterling dec2 189 SUPERIOR STREET. FURNACES AND STOVES.

THE BEST COOK STOVE IN THIS MARKET IS THE FEARLESS. Large Oven, Hot Air Draft, Double Covers and Broad Top. Adapted to every kind of fuel and to every climate. It is the most beautiful, durable and convenient store in use. Sold only by J.

J. PARSONS, 18 Superior attrater Block. THE BRILLIANT FIe the only reliablo Base Burning, ing Stove in the -market. Why? Because it in best made stove. Having the most Radiating Surface, it is the best heater as well as the most economical stove.

No gas escapes while feeding. Requires no machinery to grind out the coal to get rid of clinkers, as it makes none. Cull and see this Stove at J. J. PARSONS', 78 SUPERIOR STREET, dec20 -ATWATER BLOCK.

VETERINARY GEORGE W. AINGER Veterinary Surgeon, (Late of tho Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada,) Would announce that he has opened an INFIRMAKY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLE, in the rear of MIKE'S PLACE, Frankfort etreet (between Bank and Water streets), where horses will be received at all hours for treatment or boarding. Horses with contagions diseases not admitted. A good supply of MEDICINES always on hand, and prescriptions can be filled at tho cHice of the Reeidence, No. 21 Fulton street, West Side.

1an5 tf YOU HAVEOLD make room GOODS GE ch stock, let the people who look out for bargaius now it by in the 3 4 it.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.