The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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BUSINESS NEWS COTTON AT NEW YORK 50 1921 Oats (I do do PLAINTI GETS $50716 has BOSTON CURB MARKET BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET MV 10c Be 5 a 25c 20c 10e GRAIN AND PROVISIONS LONDON WOOL AUCTIONS The market closed nervous 51 5 SUNDERLAND DEATH GEORGE BEALS MONEY and BUSINESS pd) (Continued rom ourteenth sc ORANGE WOOLEN MILL TO CLOSE MARRIED 61 YEARS Ob Mr 1 I 40 BERKSHIRE COUNTY WIRE WINTER IS DTUGHTTUL LEK nr and i I back NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET in SOUTH DEERIELD cident occurred just at dusk yester 1 day afternoon when Mrs Teddy Kolessa I GET A RUUD HAMPSHIRE COUNTY 1L1LOYO COMIMW WWIWI 1 1 Detectives HjQMt Hot Water 1C 2 19 1C Bld 9 20 53 5 home on Williams street afternoon after being in so no 2 1 26 0 8 30 41 10c 14C 17 20 3c 11 I i 2 55 18 8 15c 50e 25c 20c 81 Alls 7r3' 1 40c 2O Be 60 J2c 1 13c 50 AU you want As hot as you want When you want it I i 2c 58 lie 75C He 25 6c 10c7 40 Rev Dr Automobile Hits Them Mrs Teddy Kolessa Seriously Hurt South Deerfield Nov 11 A bad ac 61 RA Mi 3 6 9 Jun Muy Nov Jan Bid nNct 12c He 50 6 10 85c 7 Jan Blvd: Visible Tn dex Stamp Read at a Glance Von til way ptr fc up (hr rlht a Sprtncflrlrfl fl oflirc Mupplylo 71 73 Wnrthlnr I frn HI 2 S3' re 27 5 1 23 50c fie 41C 80c 20c 1 1 1 3 10c 20c 85e 8 50c 78 114 75 61 Mi bt3 60 90 4c 1 rc 20 7 50c 10 20 1915 wltz Btirdemix 1934 iirlstin nia 8 Lyons 1934 6 Zurich fwitz to good 54(256 hennery $115: choice casern i fly a tfiGCbn Vrh treat fm CH ENEV BIGELOW WIRE WORKS Elevator Enclosures Bank and Office Bailings yesterday afternoon at 2 Rev Eldred May for 50c 5c 2 50 9c 70 50 day ptnoke pouring Homer oot CoIbc Center of 139 Stat Established 1831 If Metal We Have It sion of the brain also other injuries The boy received a scalp wound eight Inches long reaching from his eye to the back of his head The little ankle was broken and the baby received Injuries The injured were taken to thvir Jiome in the Branard Arms house and their wounds were dressed by Drs con and fac At the woman's of the excitement place on the evening Low 178 1 75 80 81 3 7 22c i chicken? chickens 10(150 lb: KLIMlliU SHIPPERS ATTENTION! DAILY REIGHT SERVICE SPRINGIELD AND NEW YORK PHONE WALNUT 1925 or Prices and Reservation 1184 London Nov 11 At the wool auc tion sales to dav 11708 hales were offered The lot was made up mostly of uncontroled miscellaneous woo! end met with a fair demand at the decline established on Australian wool Halt the offerings were with drawn Asked 10 5c 10 4 20 71 79 7 82 82 tS no )4 104 68 S3 84 807 72 05 50 61 75 8850 71 "7 111 75 ttl '8 00 00 54 8(1 8J 98 80 98 08I2v: 02 85 72 60 Ku Jury Benders Verdict in Harrison Whitaker Harry Webster Greenfield Nov 11 In court this morning the jury was charged In the case of Harrison Whitaker against Harry Webster an action of tort for alleged conver sion of coal The case was on trial tho greater part of yesterday The jury returned with a verdict ot $307 16 for tho plaintiff The next case taken up was that of Walter Trask against rancis Broderick This case grew out of an automobile accident at East Deer field in which Mr Trask who lives at what is known as ferry had his wagon smashed and one rib broken Several witnesses who were on a 5 Sc 1e 30 43c 8 11 A 13 rule 27 Be 10c 85 or Inform lion Any railroad ticket office or 8chu1t Genl Agt 4 Ry 387 Washington St Boatoa Willard Maaa Gent Agt Syatem 294 Washington St Boaton in i 98 83k Ir 84 91) 76 90 91 90 101 58 102 50 ys 93 93 02 5 85 05 and enjoy the luxury of plenty of hot water I WE INSTALL 11 IT WILL BE RIGHT Call at our store for demonstration trpmg Eax Ad BILL KNEELAND 27 SAM ORD ST DISSTON SAWS The man who put teeth in it and was not afraid to advertise it and not only that the teeth have stood the test DISSTON SAWS Cross Cut Circular Ice Hand Saws Wood Hack Saws We have a stock of Saw Jucks Southern Pnc 4 1949 do ctinv 1u29 do 1934 do funding 1955 Southmi Railway 4b 1956 du I 94 do Mrblk Ohio 4 1938 TetWMWS I 6e Tvfcdo St A Western 4 a Union Paeilic 1917 do do do 65 4A in 48 4 4 8 10c 2c 80 4aC 63 S3 t5 58 78 oos in Stevens pastor of the Congregational church A salute was fired and taps sounded by the Legion The cofiin was draped with the American fiag and there were many floral tributes A large crowd of people gathered at the cemetery to pay tribute to a South Deerfield soldier who gave his life for his country The flags in town were placed at half mast Case of Against Doss Well That Ends Well ($250 paid (MTrlopuienc Co (new) notati! 1 5 uns Silver Minins Co 0 8 011 Company Shanrrk Mining Sliver Reef Mining Co Shnxua Pclrch uiH Co Superior Oil Gns Miami 1 (475 paid do (full paid) Superior Globe full paid Submarine Pisnm Sunbi rst Cuns MfnoR Corp Star Tex Co Silver Minin Cn Teccann Oil Refining Co Troy Arizona Copper The Seven Mining Co Truro Steel Tnekahon Minins Tusker Shipbuilding Cn Ltd United Verde Ext Mining Utah National Mines Co Victoria Mldng Co Verde Mines Co Yukon Gold Permitted Bay State Gas Cons Copper Alines Gadsden Copter Company Jerome Verde Mines Co Ma ftetnicttfi Breweries Nevada Dong as Copper Onondaga Ohio Copper Co Tungsten ran adj 1955 86 inr ivw lien 4'w imp A 1950 aer 1950 rw 1028 5 2 SO 3c 75c 91 1)1i4 High 187 LSI 70 Berkshire Company Plant Will be Idle 30 Days Lack of Orders the Reason or Shutdown Pittsfield Nov 11 The Berkshire woolen company is tt? close down its entire mill Saturday for a period ot 30 days to see if during that period the general textile market may not undergo an improvement The plant has been operated on a 30 per cent basis for several weeks An official of the' company stated tb daj' that the New lorn ciotnjng margei was badly disorganized that there was Present demand for cloth COUV 'B fun line 4 2008 io ytr 11'28 ItuBlty Jrni'H Rubbur 7 3 fl Steel refunding 5 9(3 Prominent armer Passes Away After Two Illness Sunderland Nov George Beals died at 7 this morning after a two illness with pneumonia He was born in Lanesboro in 1843 and was the sen of Loring and Sarah Da vison Beals married in 1S73 Eliza Marcy who survives him He also leaves three children Edward'M Beals of Hartford Ct Mrs Grace Darling cf Sunderland and Carlos Beals of Amherst and one brother Edward Beals Mr Beals was a prominent farmer and lived until a few years ago on a farm in the meadowe previously owned by his father He was a mem ber of the grange and of the Congre gational church The funeral will be held in the home Saturday afternoon at 2 Rov Robertson will offi ciate Burial Will be in Riverside cemetery Gerald Sanderson who was killed in Springfield was the son of Ray mond Sanderson a native of Sunder land The family moved hack here for a few years and Gerald attended the public school Chicago Nov 11 Sharp breaks In tho price of wheat 400k place to day owyig largely to apparent stoppage of buying for Great Britain and to bear ish views of general business condi tions The market closed nervous 51 5 to 7 cents net lower with December lSOVi to lS0 and March 174 to 1744 Corn lost to cents and oats 1 to 2 cents In provisions the outcome varied from 7 cents decline to 45 cents advance Reports that the British royal com mission had failed to accept over night offers of wheat were generally taken to nfucate that for at least the present any fresh buying for Europe wou'n only be done at substantial de clines in price akness of sterling exchange tended further to give an ad vantage to the bears and so too did announcement of price cutting for commodities other than grain Tin der such circ*mstances speculative selling became aggressive and there was considerable liquidation on the part of holders Word that trans atlantic continental interests had tak en 500000 bushels of wheat led how ever to a moderate rally late in the session eed stuffs reflected the action of wheat and declined rapidly both corn and oats dropping to the lowest level vet this season Eastern demand for lard offset to some extent in the pro vlsicn rket the effs't of tbe townward swing of gra'n and hogs The Lending utures Articles Whest: Dec March Corn: Dec May July New England Detective and Secret Service Bureau 427 Bl Elm Jt HprlnjrHekl Mass Thanr 4098 JOHN HICKEY Principal Newton Bond Co MCHI1KI lb 476 MAIN ST WOMAN AND THREE CHILDREN INJURED Heating Plumbing Telephone river iog 19 27 worthingtom st SPR I Ntv' LO MASS lllUnrBmWTW Pilgrim Hal' Dollars Readys Greenfield banks are ready to dis tribute the new Pilgrim half dollars The price charged is The extra premiums will be given to the com mission created by the state Legisla ture to have charge of the celebration of the 30kth anniversary of the land ing of the Pilgrims The banks are handling these commemorative coins as a patriotic service It is pointed out that the supply is limited and that those desiring to possess one or more should not delay Armistice day was observed by a meeting of AU church this eve ning to which all the townspeople were invited There was a short ad dress by the pastor of the church and special singing by the church choir The services wero in keeping with the spirit of the day Exercises were held at the new quarters of John Galvin post American Legion this evening when the women of the post auxiliary pre sented the veterans with a ul Bilk flag The presentation address was made by Commander James A Horton at the state armory just be fore the victory dance opened The dance wasii brilliant affair the large drill shed being crowded with dancers Members of the Epworth league of the irst Methodist church are plan ning to carry out this year the an nual custom of taking or sending baskets of fruit to the sick and shut ins at Thanksgiving time Many baskets will be distributed and the members of the league Invite co op eration in this thoughtful service Arrangements have been made for a lecture to be given by Dr Ira Landrith at the B' rnnd Congregational church on tho 30th under auspices of the antisaloon leagpe More than 100 grangers from Greenfield and vicinity will go to Bos ton to morrow to attend the session of the national grange in that city snd to take the seventh and highest degree of the order It will be con ferred in the afternoon and again the evening at Chicago Close 180H 1 7414 73 81 8214 A Siittor of South Deerfield and Stetson of Greenfield Mrs Kolessa 1 and little girl were removed to I I'arren hospital to diy Dr Gallen always been a careui driver New York Nov 11 Business in the cotton market was loss active to day and fluctuations Ir egular Pros pects for freezing weather tn the western belt and higher Liverpool cables caused advances early but after selling at 10 02 or 42 points ret higher January contracts broke 1 51 a 4 at mt IQ UII lepyilB Ul xn wncMM basis in the South Tjiese were not backed up by any increase of south ern offerings here however and January closed at IS 75 with the gen eral list closing barely steady net un changed to 15 points higher The market opened steady at an advance ot 26 to S3 points with ac tive months selfing 34 to 4 i points net higher during the early trading on covering and Liverpool buying There was also some buying to fix prices on cal! cotton but the de mand was not active and prices eased off during the middle of the day on reports that spots were being offered for sale nt a lower basis at points bi both tho eastern and western belts December sold off from '45 to IS4S5 and March from IS 1 to with active months generally showing net losses of 7 to 17 points Coring the early afternoon The de cline checked bv renewed cover ing and rallies later were pr ted by the absence of southern hedge pressure with December Belling up to 1820 and March to lb 60 1n the late trading fjast prices were off from the best under scattered real izing and local pressure Liverpool trnde advices said the advance there was due to buying for the Purpose of fixing prices on call cotton but re ported no improvement so far tu fresh business Was concerned Pri vate advices received here from the South regarding the spot situation were conflicting and local brokers reported a division of sentiment In commission house circles here Port receipts for the day 40759 bales Vrlted States port stocks 1281504 Exports 2256 1 making 1251259 so far this season Cotton futures closed barely steady December 1910 January 1875: March IS IS: May 1832: July 1802 Spot quiet middling 2005 SHELBURNE ALLS Shelburne alls Nov 11 The fu neral of Mrs Albertina Nelson 76 who died at herr IVTnrirlnv poor health for some time was held at the home yesterday afternoon at 2 with mer p'istor of Emmanuel church ofll dating Mrs NeLon was born in Sweden In 1S4R coming to this coun try in 1S76 She was married' to An drew Nelson who' died several years ago or many years she has been a loyal member of Emmanuel aliurch and a member of the guiia or tno church She Is survived by one son John Nelson of Greenfield two sis ters Mrs Johanna Johnson and Mrs Anna Anderson and a brother Oscar Benson all of Green field rank Payne Las returned to his home after undergoing an operation a few weeks ago Eucene Benjamin has been in New Haven Ct tills week attending a meeting of the stockholders ot the TTnlfed drug stores of which tTa pharmacy a one oranen BUILD iVtthfltji nr1 erortn thr prwtwtmn COMtnireo GJ the rhllwr nlun iriaew Local Notices or sale timber and lumber dow Uvonng loanunp suite i and valves Tayfw! einipanr Lee Tel 17U offices at GarQelJ atore I vertisexaont THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY IN OV EMBER 12 1920 New York Nov 11 Butter steady receipts 63v tubs creamery (higher than extras) 34 extra (S2 score) 64 ttret (8h to 91 score) 4h4i2 parkins stock current make No 1 34 Dggs easier rece'ptB 11207 cases fresh SBttnred extra lirst 83S5c do first 77(a81 state Pennsylvania and nearby western hen nery white first to extra fedcifl do browns extra do gathered browns and mixed colors first to extra 77S8 Potatoes steady Long Island per barrel J42C0475 Jersey 14 pounds 2850324 Haw sugar weak and lower to the basis of 6c for Cuba cost and trelght equal to 702e for centrifugal There were sales of 150j0 bags of Cubas and 400 Porto Ricos Re fined sujrnr unchanged at 10 BOC for fine gran ulated with the demand light Sugar future! also sold into new low ground with all posi tions below the slx ceut level There bm con tinued liquidation hy outside Interests whlla Cuban houses were also on the selling side with prl' es at one tme showing declines of 20 to 35 points Near the close there was a partial rally on cohering with final quotations 21 to 25 points net lower Wheat spot easy No 2 red and No 2 twrd $203 spot I track New fork and No 2 mixed durum 206 1 to arrive Corn spot weak No 2 yellow $100 snd No 2 mixed 10b New Tork lO day shipment Oats spot weak: No white 64c Lard steady middle west $194001950 Cottonseed oU easy prime summer yellow spot closed at $16 80 December 1067 unchanged UVIUL 'StX444O a a for coffee futures noM about four to six pointe baby in the carriage net lower otinnf ine th nniiflttled ehowinff Utiiif rln ion March sold at tno low pont oi 'iues'jy nro wan nmr rAVprinff rallied on bullish crop advices from SantosMarch sold up to 780c and closed at 778e with the general market closing ft a net ad vance ot 6 to 10 points Closing blds: De cember 708c January 731 March 778 May 805 July 835 September 855 Spot coffee quiet Rio 77c 57 192 MS S3 I Orscn fihort TJne 1922 98 Wash Ry Nav ItMII 71 Im tie i a 51 1042 80 I an cf Mfneonri 1st 3S 1043 K2 do a 1V63 E2 4 a ll 98 do rtf 1068 91 io ifm 105 rejOs Ca 1947 OR i EHtrrr: 1t 1040 iurttc 1056 £4 rrrStL cv ger A 1940 85 d'rig 4 1997 Sd JVvk tel Art ft Lnn 4X 1934 67 St ft Iron Mt 4 1920 72 ML do do do do St I tet 109 ffl) KC Xhort Seaboard Air Xlne adj 1949 40Ji 1 Masonic male chorus ollowing the entertainment there were cards and i billiards and a general social time The committee of the local club in charge were Walter Rist Michael Blasberg Ilerbeit A Moody Dr A Nims and Karl Miller Tully lodge of Odd ellows will pay a fraternal visit to Valley lodge 1 of this town Thursday evening I camber 2 and their degree team will confer the third degree on several candidates Mr and Mrs Wallace Ducharme and i son and Miss Grace Callahan of the I Montague City road will leave Satur 1 day for Southern Tines where cney win spena lih xxa their absence their home will be cupied by Mr brother Raymond Ducharme and wife CATTLE HOGS AND SHEEP Chicago Nov 11 Cattle receipt 12000: beef steers mostly 25c higher spots 50c aboe Wednesday bettom level top heavy tterra $16 25 no choice yearling here bulk native steers 10g 1360 cows and beifera steady Mrong aomo ante? 10 to 25c hlgher bulk butcher cows 5508 cannera au1 cutters 350 bulla and heavy ealvea steady Teniers I 25c higher best 147361525 stockera and feeders 2c higher Receipts 37000 opened 85 to 50c lower later mostly 50 to 65c lower than yea average closing weak $13 20 top later 13 tttlk 13 pigs 35 to 50c lower bulk desirable 100 to 13i poiind pigs 12501275 Kcy pts 23000 lat lambs steady to stxvng: toi native lambs $1250 bulk nstlve 11201225 fat sheep slow and weak top ewes 575 bulk native 5500 feeders active steady choice feeder lambs 1275 Wraymore I ATLANTIC CITY WHJRE WINTER IS DTUGHTTDLT'HE Plx of Happy Living ine interprets A tion of ervlce lor personal comfort united with life aodgayety Unexcelled cuisine Sea water bath attached every room Ameri Vr or European plan ireproof throughout united Effective November 14th wsiiwtwMMrffRMBiiwiuiuo wauMtMggiflicflpnMaro 3 8C 80c To tlilp from mill Boston rate pomt) ks ufw spring ents standard 1 125 spring patents 9506975 bard winter patent 9501083 soft winter ratants 104J105O soft winter srnbtls 9 501025 soft winter ej i rs rye Cour white patent 9503110 Cmti transit slid ni mpt shu nr No 1 yellow No 2 yellow 114 No 3 yellow IIOqi112 Oats Carlots for biaH or nearby none of fered transit or prompt delivery fanry 40 1 lb 70c new fancy 38 to 40 lbs regular liS lbs 6: 34 to 36 tbs Cornmeal and Granulated yellow $280 Isil'eil yellow 275 feeding 225 cracked corn 225 white corn Cour 350 white cornmenl bomlny grits and sarup 325 cream of ma oatmeal rolled 35o: cut and ound 385 11 ed Spring brans $41 winter brans 42 5 mixed feeds red do 61 second clears 65 gluten feeds 5230 hominy fei ds 4440 stock feeds 47 oat bulls 23 cottonseed meal 5450 hr No 1 ttmotby No 2 timothy No 1 eastern No 2 eastern 32 No 3 bur clover mixed I ne hay 272l5 rye straw 2728 oat atraw 1 New Vork and Michigan pea 750 white California 775O green peaa 750 Japanese peas dried Ilinas II yellow eyes 13 red kldneg 1350 Table 323c fancy white pastry cake making and bread making nut mirgarlne 29c foils i r'iv in mi ii''s avy $4375 medium 76 long cuts $3825 lean ends $4975: bran pork $38i5 Qi3s73 loose salt perk $22 fresh riba 41 shoulders turned 2323e smoked 2lffi24c fresh 30c hams klnneil 37c regular 323lc cooked bacon 3148'c briskets 25c tiologna lc frankfnrts fresh sausages sausage meat bags 33c pressed cooked meat pork trimmings 3 raw leaf lar 25c rendered leaf 25c pure lard 25c: country dresswl hogs 150 iLa nJ over 22c pigs 75 1 u0 lb 2425c mnall Dressed owls nativo 3(ti42c broilers 4345c: roasting chickens western dry packed navi ice fowl 23 (S3 5c zrsJ rx II Lirebnt a 91 3ndaV ULIUUA native squabs doz pigeons dor X4re Towte chickens roosters 23 25c Butter ancy northern creamery tubs u2rq 62r fancy northern creamery boxes 64 fancy northern creaT tem prints 64 Cm fancy western creamery tubs 61(R62 wet irn creamery good to choice 5159 western fcrenmerv fair to good MtfiSG finer hennery $115 choice caufern fresli western extras fresh western prime firsts fresh western ftnsta storage extras firsts (jieese New twins fancy New York twins fair to good 27QJ28 Xoung America Meat ancy beef native sides hinds 1420c medium sides 17 hinds fores cows 16c genuine spring lambs all and winter lamlw 22123c yearlings mut ton 1410c veal 1201280 ruit Apples bn 3 bbl western 2sb((j5 box bananas 910c lb era ('end XXfTTH lAhbl CTt 1 bbl lemons $34 4 ert: nrsnjrrfl Californls $10 i £11 crt lorida 56T65O box: pears western $50750 box native 1506 box Malaga I grope $815 bbl Tokays 34 box Caeabas grapefruit $5 650 box Green beans cab bag 1 50'2 bbl carrots box cel ery box cauliflower SOcfn'Sl bn cn cumbera $520 bu: onions white $8325 bag vail $150175 hag: native box Tr rftp per sweet $13002 bskt eggplant (lorida) $4g5 case: radishes 507rc bu lettucn hot heuse 501123 box: rnrnalne 60dl75c bu: tomatoes hothouse 3n35c lb? potatoes new $2452f0 bag (100 lbs): sweet potatoes $4 bbl winter squisb 35c lb turnips bag (140 lbs) Cape white beg purple tore bn cut beets tm: pumpkins 2(fioc lb parsnips bu spinach bu 1 Phone )Val HiHO 7uiflassflfl'iflsflfliiiiaiiaiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriirinni TUB5ERS ALLS Turners alls Nov 11 Vincent Ul rich 12 a long time resident of this town died at his home on Chestnut street last night after a long illnesu He was a native of Austria but came to this country when a small boy with his parents and this place had been his home ever since or sev eral years he was employed at the I John Russell cutlery and also by the Greenfield tap and die corporation He is survived by six sisters Mrs Jacob Koskuba of Bridgeport Ct Mrs Walter Spath of Greenfield and Mrs ny Phvllis and Katherine Ulricn oi Turners alls and one brother red erick Ulrich of Greenfield The fu neral will be held riday morning from St church Rev Lee officiating Burial will be in St Mary's cemetery Members of the Orange Masonic club to the number of 100 were en ntiful games tertained by Uie memoera tne hjvhi The local orgnnlza club last evening in the Masonic atl A anvrvo mo Kflrxrpfl ftt 730 irUVMAB ouprvk after which there was sn entertain matrln hv Dtin I44L411 vn 5 YT Wabler of Greenneia reamnga uy and Mrs Albert Johnson serve Anniversary Orange Nov 11 Mr and Mrs Al bert Johnson of 214 North Main street passed the 64th anniversary of their marriage to day in a quiet way There was no observance of the event except that a friend Mrs Htivilla Weaver 80 years old and an attend ant at the wedding reception given by Mr and Mrs Johnson after Their marriae 6 years ago was enter tained during the day Mr Johnson who is 88 years old and Mrs John son who is 83 were both born in Orange and have always lived here Throughout their married life they have lived on North Main street Mr TiiiMcriri its tint in iifffrpn hAAirn although he gets about he is not able to work Mrs jonnson on trary is in excellent health retains her ar 4 mental ulties to a remarKatiie aegree meeting of Gen Sedgwick relief corps this week she was pre sented a beautiful bouquet by the corps in honor of her recent birth day Mrs Johnson joined the local corps soon after it was organized The couple have four sons and one daugh Mu and Afro Tflhn son have always been hard workers Matthew Shulda and the Misses aa TTIt IWT Tlf and cannot nscrioe tneir longevity an easy Hfe The Orange Masonic club was roy ally entertained by the Turners alls Masonic club in Turners alls Wednesday night was up to the standard of previous get togethers between the two clubs in every re spect with a oountiiui leeo a ea 1 1 A on was well represented making the i rooms vs 4 zwm ni 1 r8 i trre tt vnrh whA visited ifnent )11 gJ A wherye Te is to splnd We bert A Moody and selecUons by the (Continued rom ourth Page) i Tn one or two instances lately acci dents to pedestrians have been nar rowly averted Tt would be well If an example was made of some of the of fenders The funeral of Mrs George Moore will be held Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock at the late home on Spring street Burial will be in Wildwood cemetery Here I am back in servicein plenty of time for your usual jaunt to California Now in less than three days from Chicago you find yourself in the land of sunshine fruits and flowers Solid comfort all the way in a solid Pullman train exclusively first class Drawing room compartment and open sectionleepers buffet observation car excellent dining service all the way Also barber and valet One of the world's premier trains no extra fare Leaves North Western Terminal Chicago 7:00 every day Leaves Omaha 8:50 A Arrives Salt Lake City 1:15 (second day) Los Angeles 1:30 (third day) another fine new train for you too The Continental Limited Leaves Chicago every day 10:30 A Leaves Omaha 1:25 A M' Arrives Salt Lake City 8:20 A (second day) Los Angeles 9:30 A (third day) Standard drawing room compartment obser vation and tourist sleepersand coaches Dining car service all the way through to Los Angeles California travel is heavy Better make your reservations early CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN UNION PACIIC SALT LAKE ROUTE I winter writes In thftT of November 1 when the Ku Klux clan of the vicinity paraded around the colired districts Their purpose was to scare the colored people to the extent that they would not vote for Harding or even of voting at They are very fearful lest the? Negro outnumber the whites Thorb was an impressive and en joyable time this evening in the Con gregational church when the annual armistice day banquet and service took place under the auspices of the young club of the church At 630 a victory supper was served in the vestry and at 8 In rho unditarium there was a public service for the demobilization of the church service flag This was pre sented by the chairman of the com mittee George Andrews to the clerk of the church Charles Par ker This was followed by a brief memorial service to the men of the church who died in service Dermort Albee who died in this country Leslie Tram killed in Siberia Ralph Spooner killed in rance and Harry Warner who died In the United States This was conducted by Rev Andrew Campbell pastor of th church An excellent address by Rev oster of Athol foIowed The service men of the church were geests of the evening and the affair was very well conducted Children Set ire to House fie alarm was rung in yestsr noon when Lewis Smith discovered out ot jonn liar os superior house on Thayer street Tre fire was exunguisnea ny neignoors before the arrival of the fire com pany It was discovered that four small children between the ages of I tlve years and ten months had bean left in the house alone by their par ents The children while playing I with matches set tire to the contents 1 of the wood box after whiph from fright they hid themselves in the bath room one of them crawling under the bath tub where they were found by the neighbors Burial of Private Clapp The burial of Private Charles Clapp whose body arrived this week from rance took place this after noon at Brookside cemetery whsre it InM 4 in fnmflv Iflf motor truck following the Broderick i homas Ashley post of the American car and who are employed at the legion escorted the body from the road yards at East Deerfield were of ids mother Mrs Carrie Clapp called to as to the condition in I to tije cemetery where the committal which the wagon and the automobile service was said by Rev Charles were found Philip mir appeareu for the plaintiff and Hayes Mony han for the defendant a Utli a lenok River 4 Vtrgjnln l'tri Chero 1st 1923 Western Man land 4'b 1952 Westrm I'ac 5 ser A li'lu Westlnchitvse 1 1931 West Shore 44i trial Whec lng A Lake Erie lU) Wilson eonv II li'28 J'orelgri Bnnte Argentine rrte 11HH Be'giura note JJ'Sl (IO RVill uvivn Oi do external TllrtA 1 vil JUI jsxaw i ny i i ity of City of City of City of tMtv of rag pentagon 5 1944 Dwti in 2yer notes 192! do nx 1026 do 10 year notes 1923 do 5X 1031 rench Government Japan 1031 do 4 1025 Switzerland 1040 ToKio of A 1 3 jt notes 21 te tte 1922 94 do stf 1929 89 do 'Jtl vear 5 tli17 SiJ ef Mexleo 1954 5 I 148 METALS New York Nov Copper steady spot and fourth quarter clectm'ytlc 14li Iron nomlnallv nnehanfteil Tin steady spot and nearby futurea 3Stii)39 Lead steady spot 7 Antimony 6251(150 Zina eteadjr Eiiat St Louis spot Listed Arlluna Tip Top Aax Dflids Minin? 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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

In 1777, Springfield's location at numerous crossroads led George Washington and Henry Knox to establish the United States' National Armory at Springfield, which produced the first American musket in 1794, and later the famous Springfield rifle.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts, has 69,301 Latinos according to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey. They represent 45% of the city's population. Whites are the second largest ethno-racial group (31%), while Blacks (19%) and Asians (3%) are the other ethno-racial group with a sizable presence.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Takikawa became a city in 1958 and this year proudly celebrated the 50th anniversary. Springfield is located on the Connecticut River. The Ishikari and Sorachi Rivers come together near Takikawa.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,3393,697
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.6924.00

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Who owns MassLive? ›

MassLive is owned by Advance Local, a unit of Advance Publications, which also owns American City Business Journals, the parent company of the Boston Business Journal, as well as Condé Nast, The Republican newspaper in Springfield and other media and entertainment companies.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

In 1795, the Springfield Armory produced the new nation's first musket - the Model 1795 Musket which was largely patterned after the French Charleville musket which had armed the French army during the American Revolution.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.