West Schuylkill Herald from Tower City, Pennsylvania (2024)

COURT SALE. TOlest scbuBHUU iieralt. PUBLISHED EVEUY THURSDAY, BV W. F. Knecbt, Editor and Proprietor.

Kntored lit tlio Towur UUy, rost-olllceaii HouoncttalitHH mall matter. HOFFMAN BROTHER'S GREEN GROCERY. This Week We Have: New Cabbage, Radishes, Celery, Strawberries, Wax Beans, Apples, New Tomatoes, Bananas, Lemons, Fresh Onions, Oranges, Salad, Oysters, Fresh. Fish, Etc. We roci'ive a oar of nil kinds of Green Groceries, Fruits, each week.

These jjoods are selected by us personally atitl are guaranteed HEGINS BUDGET. Itev. O. F. BehenH'er preaelieJ un eloquent sermon in the Oermuu lan-RUHgo on Uood Friday evening in 4 be U.

it. church at Vulley View. A flash of lightning coining down the chimney ut the home of John Klottser about of a mile west of this place, rendered tlie wife and several children unconscious for someliiiie. Xo other damage was done. Samuel Miller, who had been sick tlie past several months, tiled at tlie home of his sister.

-Mrs. Cyrus Hair, Hulurday last. The funeral took place on Wednesday last. Interment was made al St. John's church, Harry Kev.

A. H. Klick nlltciuleil and Isaac Olto led the inusie. Thieves opened a window at (leorge Tower City, Pa. Wo me particularly anxious that our readers shall not overlook the new ailver-tismeiils fioni week to week.

In our coin inn I hey will notice a list, and all worthy of special attention. These me the powclful filets which makes the lowest prices. White ShirtWaists ode up to Ifa.iio White Skirls, ith embroidery anil inserting jd.oO up to 2.110 While Skirls with lace and inserting up to 9.00 Nigh! Gowns from Mle up While goods in all the latest designs, in pi ice per yard He up to -IHc. We Iihvo just received a new piece of one yard wide Hlaek China Silk. Silk (iinghani in all shades, price 'JO to ISe per yaul.

White and Hlaek Lawns, fioin Ilk; up. Colored Lawns, from Te up. Trimmings a specialty. prices that can not bo reached by lo be I'resli and select stock and at other dealers HOFFMAN TOWER CITY, PA. Get Children Started Right Measles, scarlet fever, mumps and whooping cough arc universally prevalent.

With all these, the disease itself is often trivial, but the after effects are very serious. Close observers say that one-half the people suffer from eye trouble (result of measles), or bronchial, car, or kidney trouble (result of other diseases of childhood). Now a child in robust health will throw off these diseases. A weak ailinff child will probably suffer all its life. We have just the medicine for puny, ailing children.

It is Vinol. It is pleasant to take, it is free from dangerous drugs, it is nourishing and gently tonic, it helps the food In digest and gives strength. It has been used in this town with great success when children were slow in getting over whoop ing cough and measles. It seems to give them a start, and they become bright and healthy. Used with Yinlax, the bowel regulator, it is safe and sure, both for ailing children and burdened mothers.

Take home a bottle on our guarantee of money back if it's not good. Don't let Crushed Stone i Plant Portable. Can lio moved to any locality at sliort notice. Contracts taken lor Iioronh and Townships. 1 am also prepared to furnish the finest quality ot BUILDING STOIMEIS at short notice ami at a reasonable figure.

Stones 'elivered at any station alonjz; the V. V. and P. Si K. Railways.

For further information eall or address 0. BERGSTRESSER, TOWER CITY, PA. Pursuant to an order ot the Orphnns' Court of the County of Schuylkill, in the Commonwealth of Pennsy Ivania, the sub scriUir Patrick J. Doran, Adiuinihtint or of the Kstate of 1'ati iek Doifin, late of the Township of Porter, in the County of Schuylkill, deceased, witl expose to sale by public vendue, on SATIM4DAY the Second day of May next, at leu o'clock in the forenoon, at the house ol Patrh Duati deceased, in I lie township tif Pot ter, in the county of Sehuylkilt atoiesaid. ALL THAT tract piece of ground situate partly it) Williams Township, Dauphin County and partly in Puiti-i Township, Schuylkill County, State ol' Pennsylvania, hounded antl described as tolluws to wit: Beginning on the north side ot Peter's Mountain ouasione corner, thence by laud of tlie Summit Branch Company.

Soulh seventy-six degrees West (7(iW) noiety-two pnelies lo stones; thence by land of Jacob (iamber North lour and a hall degrees Last K) ninety hiee perches to stones; hence Soul seventy-one decrees st 71 K) six perches to stones: theuee South lifty nine and a quarter degrees Kast (S ol) K) twenty-three and one tenth (2.i.l) perches to stones; thence Norlh five and a quarter de gtees (N 51 5iJ perches to stones; thence bv the main road North eighty-etht debtees West (N HH W) five and live- leiilhs ft) perches to stones; thence by land of David Shuniper Norlh one and a half degrees Last (N 1 K) thiiiy-eight and cijht-leut lis (:s.Sj perches to stones; hence by laud ot Summit Branch Company Soul eighty eight degrees Kast (S s.S K) forty -nine perches to stones; hence by laud of Cluisliau Shuniper South four degrees Kast tS 4 K) seventeen (17) perches to stones; tin nee by land ot Aaron I'pdegrave uth eighty nine and a half degrees West (S W) nine ami six- tent lis perches to stones; thence bv the same Soulh three and a half degrees Kast (Sol K) seventeen and four-tent (I 4) peiches to stones; Ihence by 111 same in nub! ic road Nort eight v-t hre ami a half degrees Kast (N K) I'll and thirty live hundredths pl.llol perches to stones; thence by land of Christian Shuniper Soulh ft in degrees Knsl (S 4 K) tort -six ami five-tenths (4l perches to stones; thence by the same North sixty live and a half de grees Kast tN b.V. K) thirteen and seven tenths (Bt.7) perches to stone thence by laud of Savage and Company South one and a half grees West (S W) eighty-eight (WH) perches to tlie place of begin ning. Containing seventy-three acres more or less. Together with all and the appurtenances 1 hereof consisting of a three-story frame building, a barn and other outbuildings. Terms ami cnndii ions of sale: The high est and best bidder to he the purchaser.

Twenty per cent, of the purchase money is to he paid immediately upon the property being struck down ami the balance of the purchase money is Ut be paid on or belore the Kirst day of Nov. A. D. The petitioner reserves I he right to continue and adjourn the sale for three (It) months for want of a siillicicnt price bidden for the same. Possession of tlie premises to be given and deed therefore maile and delivered nt theexpetibe of the pmchaser, upon complying with these conditions id sale, on the second day of May A.

D. XihKi or as soon thereafter as the sale may be conlii met absolutely by this court. PATRICK J. DUUAX! Ad ininisi rator ol the Kstate ol Patrick Doran, deceased. Bv order of the Orphans' Court; THOMAS S.

HKKB, Ckrk. Pottsville, April (itb, liMKl. K. WKBIi, Attorney, Tower City, Pa. ICxecutot'S Notice: In the Kstate of Heart ter.

late of the borough ol Tower City. deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of the above-named decedent have been gianled to the undersigned. All pet-suns indebted to estate are teiiuested to make payment and all persons having claims against the estate will present, them for sell lenient to W. IlKNRY, Tower City, Or A.

F. Kvkcns, 1'a. Adaaiiiiistrators Notice: Kstate of Mugdaleua IJndeikolUer late of tlie Township of Porter. County of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of admi nist rat ion on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all pci sons indebted thereto ate requested to make imnicdiale payment, and those hav ing claims or demands against the same ill present thcin without delay for settlement to Ouvid Underknfller, Updcgrave, WilliamMowu, Tower City, l'a.

Ail mi nist utors. Or K. S. HahiiokK, Tremout. Pa.

Administrator's No ices in Kstate of Horatio O. Ciim, late of tlie borough of Tower City, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters ot administration on the estate of the above named decedent have been granted to the undeisigned. All persons indebted to said estate are reijucsied to make payment, anil all per sous hav ing claims against, the estate will present them for settlement to W. J.

1IKXKY, Administ rator. Afciiiinitra tor'H Not ice: Is late of Mai gatVt Neid linger, late of he lowitship of Pwiter. County of Schuylkill, ami Stair of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav iug claims or demands against 1 he same will present them without delay for set lenient to John Neid linger. Administrator, c.

t. a. or K. S. llashnre.

Attorney, Tieinont or Pottsville. 0. b. OF A. OPERA HOUSE II.

M.JKXIUN, MGR. oivis FRIDAYAPRILjl7TH linker Gibson present the Greatest Ioniestic Drama EAST LYNNE. MA11KL PENXOCK And an Important Acting Cast Incliulin! the SHANNON CIIILDRKN An absolute all scenic revival. I jr. A.

I'eserved Seats now on sale at G. M. Dauilo's Groeery Store. HUBSOKIl'TION I'KIC'K: Single copy, une year, hy mail fl.Oft Single copies cents Tlio Hku.w.P contains all local, siilmrliiin, county and s'ate news, ami lias more news tbun anv oilier pajier ill tli West Knd. The Mkkai.imh piihlishcd in the lent interests ol' tin- people ami its nlleiaiieeH always i i.

tend lo promote I lie neiirnil welliim ol' tlie pnlilie ai lare. The I1kkai.Ii will print all eoniiiiunieat ions on subjects ol' (rnelill interest to the people, when such communications are signed liy the writer, 1ml will reject all communications not so Kilned no niatler what their merit may He. This precaution i.s l.ikcn lo avoid misrepresentation. Address all letters lo WEST SCHUYLKILL IIKKAl.K, Tow City, I'kxn'a. TOWEUCITY, APIMLKi.

liMKi. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE- At a regular staled meeting of Williams Valley Lodge, No. 1 hi. K. ol held on KaUuduy evening, April Hull, the lollmv-ing resolutions were iinaniinousiy adopted: WllKkKAs, The great Sopreine Killer ol the Universe hits in His iiilinile wisdom remov ed IVoni anions lis one ol' our woilhy ami esteemed llrothcr's John Keiser Sr.

and The deceased has at all limes during his as-oeiatlons wiih us proved himself a line and faithful Knight ol l'ylliias. Therefore be it iiKsoi.vkn, That in his death our Lodge has sustained a great, loss. lne name has been stricken lrom our roll thai can nevei he replaced, one wicancy has heen caused in our ranks which will he hard lo fill. That we tenderly eoudoh with lie children and I'l ieinls ol our deceased Urothcrin llu ii hour ol trial and alllictiou, and devouily commend them to the keeping ol Him who looks with a piltyiug eye ujion the fatherless. KlCsol.VKli, That in our natural sorrow for the loss ol a failhl'ul guide antl hrothei we lilld eonsolal ion in the belief that it is well with him we mourn for.

That while we deeply sympathize with those who are hound to 0111 departed brother by the nearest and dearest lies, we share with them the hope of a reunion in thai belter world, where there are no partings, and as a token of our respect, and veneration lor the Christ iau ehaiactt of a good man gone lo rest. Therefore be it Klcsoi.VKH, That a copy ol these resolutions be spread upon the records of a copy printed in I lie "Echo." and icsi He ll i.k n. i. Hi.iiAi.D and a copj lorwarded lo the bereaved. That, oui charter be draped for thirty days anil the members wear the usual badge of mourn iug lor the same period of time.

Joseph I loH'iiKin, 1 Daniel Witnier, Comniittei Chas. (i. Keigle, A THOl'ini TELL M. M. Austin, of Wineher.

knew what, lo do in tile hour of need. His wifi hail such an unusual case of stomach am: liver trouble, phvsicians could not hclj her. He thought of and tried Dr. King'r New Life Pills and she got relief at otici and was finally cured Only tioeal W. A Hawk's Drug Store.

MUIR LOCALETTS. The wedding of iH Annie, daughter of Mrs. Samuel linighl, lo Jiurger, both of Orwin, is announced to take place in the near ful lire. Mrs. Mary Woll is visiting reliitive: at Treiiinnt.

Peter Kohr moved his family fron Orwin to Kisliing reek, Tuesday. Hi will engage farming al the lultei place. (Jotted) Hiclil, of Pottsville, inn! Julius mill family of Tremoiit, were among tlie ont-of-lnw peoph who al tended lie funeral id' the lati John Keiser. nt Hum place, Olie Learner, ho hud been visiting in Perry county, returned lo her homi ut Orwin, Saturday. Morns looser, who holds eleriea posilion ut lMiiludii, spent Easter will Ills parents, Mr.

and Alls. John l.oset ut Onviu. Planting Potatoes: I have for salt a large lot of line planting potatoes, both early and late varieties. No bet ter were ever brought lo I he valluv. V.

D.UI1. There will he a regular reunion aim dance ut Sam (lumber's hotel, Orwin on Saturday evening. April IS. Tin band known as the band hich stalled oul from Tower City during the late strike, have notilieo Mr. (iamber that they will give him serenade on that evening.

Air. (Jam her decided to invite the public am Jiive the band hoys a royal reception The band will play for the dance am verybody is invited to attend. Kev. T. L.

Wenlz, presiding elder ol Alleutown, preached in the V. church. Communion serviced wen also held on Sunday morning. Tin protracted meetings are in progress. John Hressler, bu'eher of Towel City, purchased two young huisei-from (ieorge eichwalm.

Tlie band will have their fair opei on Friday and Saturday evenings ami mauy articles will lie chanced olf. Jacob Hrown spent Tuesday witl his son. Simon, at YYilliamstown. Air. William 1.

Miller and Miss Km ma Stickler, hot of Orwin, wen quietly married at the office of 'iSijuiri Hrown on Saturday evening last. Wt wish tlie a happy voyagt through their matrimonial lift Win. Hair bought a horse from Wni llechler Jr. Win. Seller moved into the housi vacated by John Hrown.

Joint iSeidhnger, executor of hit mot tier's estate, will dispose of all hei pergonal properly at publie sale at hei late home at Orwin. oil Saturday May ind. at 3 p. in. Hills describing the articles have been posted.

Mr. Christ Jfeartter. of St. Clair, and daughter, Mrs. ltlanche Shelley, of Fottsville, spent several days visiting the former's daughters, Mrs.

iieo. Hcliwalm, at this place, and Mrs. Jas. Hoyer at Keinerton. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP.

There's nothing like doing a thing tlioronghly. Ofall the Salves yon ever heart! ol, lhicklen's Arnica Salve is the best It sweeps away anil rures Burns. Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers. Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 2.

and guaranteed to give satisfaction by W. A. Hawk, Dnu'gisl. Ossinaii's hurher shop, near Dr. Harudt's oIUch, und slide a l.ox of cigars.

The doctor heard a noise and opened his indow, scaring the thieves away. A I list rid 'on vent ion of the 1. O. S. of A.

was held at Valley View, on (iood Friday, April 10. '1'he public schools of llegins township closed on Thursday last. Prof. 11. K.

Ha who was lie head of the schools for he past two years, moved his family hack to his funnel' home at Kethel, lierks county. Lewis Voder was elecled janitor of lTiedens I'uioii Sunday school for the ensuing year, at a meeting held by the Trustees. Prof. I. L.

Dressier, teacher of I lie llegins primary department, and Miss Vciiiu I. Snyder, of Trciiionl. were iinilcd in niariiage last Sat unlay evening al I he Lutheiaii parsonage by Kev. A. il.

Klick. Charles Miller, of Sacramento, died last Knday afternoon and was buried last Tuesday al St. Paul's church, Suciamenlo. Dev. A.

II. Klick ollicial-ed. Samuel Herb has rented and occupied the dwelling of the late Mis. siau Her. (laliriel Heed and son are digging out the cellar lor his house Inch ill be buill during the summer.

Isaac Morgan sold his farm near Fountain to Frank Shadle for JllioO. Kdilh Otlu, of Lebanon, is spending week in town Willi her pureiits. John V. lleckert, I he general merchant of tow left on Monday morning; lor Philadu and JSew York to pu rchuse a new stock of goods. The iieirs oft'apt.

Samuel Sohwalin deceased, sold acres of niouulaiii html in Jlubley township to Paul l.engel for 5iS.jii an acre. In 1S8S be said deceased had bought this trai from his fat her's estate for un ucre. A quiet wedding; was celebrated at the home of John M. Stiitzman near Fountain on Saturday Dint when lleiniiin llepler, of llepler P. and Aliss Jennie M.

slu*tzman, of fountain, were united in marriage by Kev. O. F. Schaell'er, of the Reformed church. After the ceremony a very elegant repast was served.

Marian Oscar, son of Chas. and Kale K. Haduian, was baptized on Saturday eveuing at his parent's home at Valley View by Rev. Schaeller. Communion was held on Sunday ut Christ's church near fountain.

The ollering amounted lo over Misses Luellit and Cora Voder left for Myerslowii, where I hey will take a spring term at Albright College. jS'orniuu Snyder, Ira Hressler, Arthur W'illier, and Laura K. Hair and Sara Schwalni, all of town, left lor Kut.tow where hey will intend a term of the Normal School at that place. Mrs. Kev.

A. M. Kliek had a quilting parly Faster Monday. The following made up the parly: Misses Emma iieed, Katie Voder, I'hieila Kessier, Mrs. S.

Sehrope, A. A. Schwalm, E. Wolf, E. D.

Osh*tinn, A. Peterolf, Kiehl, J. M. Jackson, A. Schwalni, J.

M. Schwalm, J. Ariz, F. P. lianid, Clara llotl'inau, W.

P. Sausser, (ieorge 1 1 unlzinger, M. Dunkei berger, D. lleil), J. llepler, N.

Hressler, C. Snyder, W. Voder, p. Voder. O.

1 1 mil inger, it. Sehadle, J. Keed. .1. Deiler, W.

Snyder, K. Kessier, J. II. Long and P. Kessier.

Kev. W. 11. Kline and wile of (iowen City, were alse The day was spenl in a cheerlul way, all have douo well and therefore won a name as excellent quitters. Photographer C.

11. Sehrope was delighted to take a picture ol the entire parly. "MAKES PROPER DIET! PLEASING, DONALDSON NEWS. Miss Mary Miller, of Pliilada, is spending a few weeks among town friends. Miss Annie Win field, of Iteliierton, was the guest of her cousin.

James Artz and fairily. John Dinger and wife spent Sunday wnh Mrs. Dinger's parents at Ileiren-slem. Jacob Myers and family, of Millers-burg, and James Holland and family, of shaiiiokin, spent Sunday with P. Wean's family.

Mrs. 1). S. Aloyer and daughter, Miss Klsie, spent Saturday at Potlsville. II.

L. Hatter purchased a new horse last week. Mrs. (ieo. Koerper, of Pottsville.

paid a visit to friends in town during the week. Mrs. Kate Weikle, of Shaiuokin, ae-uompauied by her daughter, spent the week among town friends. REINERTON PICK-UPS W. ().

Schwalm transacted business ut Treinunt, Thursday. Messrs Albert SjchofTstall and Frank Kessier, wo young gents of Lincoln, spent Friday in town. Lewis Kuttcliile pent F'aster with relatives at Donaldson. Marry Cnlbert Hr. transacted business at Tieuiont, one day last eek.

Frank liechtel is adding extensive improvements to his property, both exterior and interior. Kdw. Culbert and Herman Render, spent the latter part of last week with relatives in town. Richard Raker, whose revival of "Kast Lynn," is to be given at the Tower City Opera House, on Friday evening, April 17th, was for many years a popular actor in New York city and Loudon, and is famous in both cities as a stage director. Clyde and Herliert Humbert, of Donaldson, spent Monday in town tlie guest of their uncle, J.

Sutlcliffe and family. John Keiser was a Pottsville business visitor. fm mmi COURT HOUSE NOTES. 'Die court uiinouiu'ctl the point meul of Dull OiiH' llurjiCNS for IMihutov 1 1 is pel i-t ion eoutuiiiiMl siiuit uivs, unions tin signers ln'in Hie prtsi-lont ami nu-iuhcrs of Council, Tin colli nlso a petition favoring the uppointuicnt of Klias Kixler, containing 5 names. JuIe IIcclilcl stated that thcoflice of 'hief Harness is a municipal ollicc.

under the act ot 1S77. i4lor this reason- His Honor said, (ve feel that we ouht to recognize I lit applicant recommended by he Councihuen, particularly soon account ol' the fact that Dull is of the same polil icat fait li as the man who was elect ed.M On motion of IT. (. court appointed Mr. Haa guard ian of Roland, Leonard, Henry and Violet Smith, minor children of John Smith, of Porter Twp.

Four bonds in the sum of 200 each, with Thos. Smith as surety, were approved. K. J. Webb asked for the appointment of an examiner in the divorce ease of Rodger A Horn vs, Sarah O.

Horn. The court named (ieorge Dyson. Inciter To A. W. TOWKK C'lTV, JA.

DlCAH Si It: Here's what "fewer tful-loim" means: Mr. X. Avery of Delhi, N. owns two houses exiictly alike. He painted one with a mixed painttook twelve gallons.

Painted the other with Devon bought twelve gallons and had six left. Same pa i er ieorge i i 1 hei The eeret is: Devoe Lead and Zinc is one hundred per eent. paint; the mixed paint was about fifty per cent, paint and lifty percent, adulteration. Jlere is un analysis of a mixed paint sold in your neighborhood: Lead zinc and color 41 per eent. Lime and China day per cent.

You see per cent is adulteration. What is it for? To fill the can; to take unfair advantage of your very natural and right desire to make your house-painting cost as little as possible. The cheap paint is Devoe Lead and inc. because it. is all paint no expense for anything else and it does nut waste your money.

Yours trulv, 10 K. V. Dk'vok A Co. SKVKKK ATTACK OF CiKIP. Cl! KM HY OX IC HOTTbK OH A 51 Kll- lain's coruir ICMKDY.

"When I had nil attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one botile of Chamberlain's Ccmgh Remedy." says Frank W. Perry. Kdilor of the Knterprise, Shoi tsville, N. V. "This is the Inn.

est triUh. 1 at tiints kept from coughing in self to pieces by taking a teaspoonful of ibis remedy, and when the coughing spell would mine on at night 1 would take a dose and il seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass otf and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say tlie remedy acted as a most, agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. 1 had no idea that it would or could knockout the grip, simply because 1 had never tried it tor such a purpose, ami it seemed witli the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to he not only ot less duration but the pains were far less severe, ami I had not used the contents of one bottle belore Mr. (irip had bid me adieu." For sale by li.

W. 1 lei i Druggis. AMONG THE CHURCHES. St. rani's Lut heran eliureh, Tower city, Suuuay shoot a.

m. Midweek services, Wednesday o'clock mAtllie parsonage. German Service, 10.80 a. in. Sunday, Knglish service 7 p.

m. cat htt leal lectures, advanced class, every Monday at 7.:0 p. m. sewtng, Thursday. St.

ieter' Church, rwi Sunday school 10. a. m. Choir practice, Tuesday, p. m-Teaehers' 1 riduy 7 p.

m. KtiKt'fdi Services' p. in. V. li.

'hurehf Tower Ut y. Sahliat school at 2 in. V. e. at i p.

in. I'rnyermceting Wednesday evening, i'holr practice Thursday evening. Preaching at 7.15 p. m. Clark'H Valley.

Sabbath school HI a. m. U. li. Church trwln, Pit.

Suhhath nchool fl a. in. Y. P. C.

IT. G. p. m. Prayer Meeting Tuesday evening.

Choir practice Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday Morunin. Methodist Kptseopat Church. Tower City. Tuesday evening.

Class Meeting. Wednesday eventiiK- Prayer Meetlnu. Friday evening IJUde siudy. Saturday p. -n.

Junior league. 2.00 p. in. Sunday School. 7.:0 p.

ni. "The Wilt ofl.lfe" m. preaching by the' Presiding Killer. ti.H0 p. in.

Epworth League. Trinity Keformed Church, Tower Cdy Sundav School at 10.00 a I'nlted Kvangelical Church, Itev, K. K. Ramer, Pastor. Iord'a lay Services.

Sunday School 9.80 a. m. Preaching a. m. Christian Kndeavor ti--l.

p. m. Weekday Meetings. prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7.90 p. ni.

Choir entetiee Friday, p. m. All persons not due at ervtee elsewhere are cordially invited to attend any or alt of these servlees. United Kvanirelieal Church. Reiner City.

Ireacl*tnc IV. u0 a. in. Sunday school al 2.00 p. in.

Prayer meet tug Welnesdy 7.15 p. tn. Prut He Servient! 7. lit m. your little ones remain weak and ailing.

J)Kl'G(ilST. VALLEY VIEW, Minnie Merh left for Lebanon last week, here she is employed us servant girl. On Sunday evening here ill tie a grand Fluster entertainment given in the V. R. church of this place.

The program entitled "F.aster Cilndne'ss," will be rendered, consisting of lecita-tions and singing. An address on "The Resurrection of Christ" will be delivered by the pastor. Clayton Herb left for XorriHtdwn lo attend Husiness College. Our schools closed last week and in consequence the children are enjoying a vacation. On Miss Lillie I'pdegrave will begin a ton weeks term of summer subscription school.

All grades will be admitted fioni beginners up lo lifth readers. Irvin Sehrope, Austin Lcbo and Miss Sarah llu Hi ngton, all teachers of 11ns place, If 1 1 on Monthly to allenu Albright College tit Myeisluw n. The union service on (iood Friday evening in the U. H. church here was well attended.

Kev. O. F. Schaeller, of Megins, preached an eloquent sermon in tlie (ieriuaii language, which was followed by remarks in Knglish by the pastor. Kiiiery Mover, of Orw igstiurg, spent Sunday in tow ith friends.

Marrv Stanley, infant son of Edgar Snyder and ife. Alfretta, was baptiz ed by Raw (). (. Pining. Last Friday the sad news was heard Hint Charles Miller, living about a mile from Ibis place had died.

He had been confined to a bed of sickness for several weeks, lie leaves a ife and several children. Me will be buried at Sacramento on Tuesday. The P. O. S.

of A. lodgesof this place Megins anil Weishainple, held a convention hereon (iood Friday. In I he allernooii a public nieeltiig was held in the P. O. S.

of A. ball, and several addresses were delivered. A game of base bull and shooting mutch was also on the program, he whole a H'ai winding; ol' with a iisgraceful light in the evening. On Sunday afternoon, April 2d, the I. O.

O. F. of this dace will utteuil a special anniversary service in the U. R. church here Revs O.

(i. Romig and K. will deliver addresses. Miss P.ertlia Lebo left oil Monday for the Normal school at Kutztowu. A (I h'KAT SH.WSATION.

There was a big sensation in Leesville, when W. II. of that place, who was expected to die, had his life sav-sd hy Dr. King's New Decovery lor Consumption, lie writes: "I endured insulV-erahle agonies lrom Asllnna hut your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter clieeted a complete cure." Similar cures lor Consumption, Pneumonia bronchitis and Crip are numerous, it's the peerless ri incily for ail lluoat and lung troubles. Pi ice ode.

and $1 Oil. Guaranteed by Dr. W. A. Hawk, Druggist.

Trial bottles free. PINEGROVE NOTES. Mr. Kimball, teacher of French and Herman at the Hill school House, Poltslown, accompanied by his wife and daughter, enjoyed their toaster vacation at the Filbert Mouse. Conductor K.

Logan moved his family to Treinont and John Frey-berger moved into the (jolschall properly at this place. Albert Watson, a page in the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg. spent bceral days in town the guest of his friend, Norman Rebel'. Dr. H.

P. Mess enjoyed a short visit lo his sister al Pliilada. Rife Chester shot a ild duck on the canal basin weighing 9 pounds. Miss Calhrine Sineltzer spent several days at Reading the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs.

(j. F. Theil accompanied the family of Paul Lengle to Lock Haven here she will spend seveial days. THE GRAVE. A starting incident is narrated hy John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: 'I was in an awful condition.

My skiu was almost yellow, my eys sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in my back and sides, no nppetite. irrowing weaker iho- hy day. Three physicians had si veil me up. Then 1 was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle had a decided improvement. 1 continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man.

I know they rohlied the grave of another victim." No one should lail to try them. Only iiOe. Guaranteed at W. A. Hawk's drug store.


etc. HOTEL BEARMONT REINERTON, PA. JAMKS i. HATKMAN, I'liOIMU KTOK. Newly Repaired and Finished.

Terms Ki'iisonnblc. ac'niniiH)di)(if)tiH tor tlie traveling KreHli Kt'r, l'orter nml Alu 011 tap. C'liuiro Winen, Liquors anil Cigars. Electric Call Hells, l-'irst -class slalile with a cait'lul hostler in chaise. lyr jail 1 CARL HOUSE, Near Hallroud Depot.

Sirs. A. Carl, ProprietrvHH. STKAM It KAT, EI.KCI'IJIC CALL BKLLS, I.ONli DISTANCE TICLE1MIONK, anil SAMIM.E ROOMS. Choice wines, liquors and cigars.

Livery attached with careful hostler in charge. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner (irnml Avenue ami Third Street. W. W. FRANK.

Proprietor. HATH, STIC AM 1 1 KAT, Lit i I IT, KLECTKK! CALL 11KLLS sind SAMPLE KOOMS. beer, porter atxl tile always mi tap. attached with careful hostler in ehtirire. TOWER CITY HOUSE.

P. MAI IEK, Proprietor. TerniN reasonable, (iood arconiino- dation for the traveling publitt. I.iverv uttaclied. E.

P. LEUSCHNER, A TTU RATE I'-A T- LA V. Olliee Jiuird Jtuilding, Cor. 2nd and Market Pottsville, Pa. Prai-ticeH in alt Courts matters of LAW ami EQUITY.

IVrHonnl attention RlveD to all Commercial I iiHiirance, liuilroml, BunkltiK lHvorco, Immune ami Land cuHtH. 'J'itltm ex-uniliiftl, money in veMted ami loaiiH Hecnred. Kxectitorn and Ad- mlnlHtratorft advlneU, and ull OrpmiH' ourt, pro-ceedinKS attended to, CorreHpondentB every where in Knrope and A EDWARD J. AVElilJ, ATTORXEY-AT-LA Offick: Batdorf building, opposite Tower City House. City, Pa.

Pottsville: Monday and Tuenday. Tower City: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. JAM ES L.N.CIIANN ELL, ATTOR.YEl'-AT-LA W. officks: Mountain Bank Building, Pottsville. to Post Office, Pinegrove.

3-8-00. If there is anything the matter with your horses feet, have them shod at Kishe's blacksmith; shop by au expert sho*r. Oldest Established Furniture Place 1872-1903. Will not Ik; undersold by any furniture dealer in the valley. KI ItOOIU WtriT.S 17.

VEt IS 6. up. OAK STANDS 75 SQUAllIi U.tK STANDS 24 incites 150 COtCHKS 5. Ut 18. LKATiimt io- KXT1CNSION TAIII.ICS Oak 6 foot spread 5.

ciiAius 1. KITtlll'N CII AIItS- 55 each DIN1NC UOO.H CIIAIKS-liij;" liacks I. KOCItllNC; CIIAIItS at all prices. Keel i up. Malresses 2.20 up.

Lady to do enbalmin for ladies' and children free of charge. All work guaranteed. T. Dreisigacker. W.

A. HAWK, M. and Surgeon. Spoeiul nttenttfin Klven to at' lit lOye, Knl NoNe und 'I'lirotit. The mi iimi menl Ot Hpeelui'lt-M 11 specialty.

hours 7 -n u. in, l2-'2 p. m.t p. m. (Mlire ronneeLeii to main line by prlvati telephone.

0J lirnnd Avenue, ower t'lty, l'a. Dll.C.If.llAbKNOLl), DENTIST. OFTREMONT, FA. Ollii-e two iIooih west of JIkhai.i otliee. Open every Tuesday.

Cheapest sets ofeeth. Fillings 50 cts. and Upward Kit her (Jas or Vitalized Air administered. All work guaranteed. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Mafiks Designs Copyrights Ac.

Anyone fpndfni? a nkptrh and rtonrriptbrn nmy qult-klr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention if probnbly pal etitii tile. Communiea. tionsotrlctlyeonililentiuJ. Handtwmkon Patent ent freo. Utetnt nueney for (ccurinir patent a.

Patents taken throutrh Munn Co. receive tpeeiai notice, without clmtyo. In the Scientific American. A tianrt9omlr illntrntPd wroklr. T.nnrevt dr.

ulation of nny Mf-ientiUtt hruruul. Teriim. 93 ay year: four months, I. Sold byul! newmlealors. MUNN Co.36'B",ad-'- New York Branch Ortico.

625 Bt WasbtDRton. D. C- 1)A NCi Kit OF COLDS AND OlilV. The "reatost from ctilds and jsrip i.s their result in in pnenmonin. able is used, however, ami C'liamiter-laiirs Coujili Ketuedy taken, all danger will 1k? av4ilel.

Anions th tens of tlioiis-amU who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single ease having resulted in pneumonia, which vhows eoiieliisiveW thai it is a certain preventative of that dangerous disease. It will ciirea eoUl or an attack ot the grip in less time then any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by li. V.

lleiutzleiuan. psffl.

West Schuylkill Herald from Tower City, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.