1. Our history - Interpol
We began as the International Criminal Police Commission, created in 1923, and became the International Criminal Police Organization-INTERPOL in 1956.
Our story began in 1914 when police and lawyers from 24 countries first got together to discuss identification techniques and catching fugitives.
2. What is INTERPOL?
Our full name is the International Criminal Police Organization and we are an inter-governmental organization. We have 196 member countries, and we help ...
Imagine you are the victim of a crime committed by someone from another country. How can police catch the person?
3. 國際刑警組織之運作機制與兩岸司法互助之研究
然兩岸政治分歧難以短期解決,是故本研究首先論述國際刑事司法互助的起源、意義和重要性,並透過國際刑事警察組織的架構、運作,來彰顯警務合作在共同打擊犯罪的成效;再來檢視 ...
4. 关于Interpol Law Firm | 专注全球国际刑警与引渡法律服务的专家团队
5. Interpol | New Zealand Police
Interpol's New Zealand bureau is based in Wellington. For more information see the website of Interpol. New Zealand Police supports Interpol in cases involving:.
New Zealand Police supports Interpol in international cases including extradition, missing persons and border alerts for Family Court Orders.
6. 布拉格直擊.INTERPOL前主席妻自白|高歌流亡法國與孖仔險遭特工綁架 ...
3 sep 2023 · IPAC布拉格峯會邀請重量級講者親述經歷,她們雖然逃離中國、身處自由的西方國家,但仍活在中共的陰霾之中,終日提... 布拉格直擊.INTERPOL前主席妻自白| ...
IPAC布拉格峯會邀請重量級講者親述經歷,她們雖然逃離中國、身處自由的西方國家,但仍活在中共的陰霾之中,終日提心吊膽擔心遭秘密警察跟蹤、綁架,生命安全受到威脅。她們分別是流亡法國的國際刑警組織(Interpol)前主席孟宏偉妻子高歌,以及目前在澳洲策略政策研究所(Australian Strategic Policy Institute)工作的許秀中。
7. 國際刑警組織紅色通報與其救濟之研究
依此目的,INTERPOL與會員國相互間,透過加密之「I-24/7全球警察通訊系統」(INTERPOL's Global Police Communications System)相互連結,對INTERPOL所建制之18個資料庫,進行存 ...
8. Interpol's Role and Jurisdiction in London
1 apr 2024 · Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) is a key player in the global fight against crime to bridge the gap between law enforcement agencies.
Explore how Interpol operates within London's jurisdiction. Learn about the organization's crucial role and how it impacts global security.
The Federal Office of Police (fedpol) is Switzerland's designated NCB. Its co-operation with INTERPOL is based on Articles 350-353 of the Swiss Criminal Code ...
The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) was established in 1923 in Vienna. Switzerland is one of its founding members. A multilateral agreement between 196 national criminal police authorities forms INTERPOL’s legal basis, and its structure consists of three organs: the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, and the General Secretariat. INTERPOL is headquartered in Lyon.
10. Crimes - General Administration Of International Police
The INTERPOL Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) database is a vital tool in the fight against international vehicle theft and trafficking. It includes data on stolen ...
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