What is the main difference between general fund and special revenue fund? (2024)

What is the main difference between general fund and special revenue fund?

The General Fund houses those departments and accounts that do not have a specific revenue source. These include Circuit, District and Probate Courts as well as the Clerk's Office and Register of Deeds. Special revenue fund is a fund created by a local government that is used for a specific purpose.

What is General revenue fund?

According to NASBO, a general fund is "the predominant fund for financing a state's operations. Revenues are received from broad-based state taxes." The three primary sources of general fund revenue are personal income tax, sales tax, and corporate income tax collections.

What is the general fund?

As “America's Checkbook,” the General Fund of the Government consists of assets and liabilities used to finance the daily and long-term operations of the U.S. Government as a whole. It also includes accounts used in management of the budget of the U.S. Government.

What is the difference between a governmental fund and a general fund?

As mentioned above, governmental funds account for the core services and operations of a city government. A city's primary governmental fund is called the General Fund. The General Fund is the city's basic operating fund.

What is the general fund also known as?

Non-profit organizations do not use the word Capital. They use the term General Fund or Accumulated Fund. Therefore instead of capital, general Fund or accumulated Fund appears on the Balance Sheet.

What is a special revenue fund?

A special revenue fund is an account established by a government to collect money that must be used for a specific project. Special revenue funds provide an extra level of accountability and transparency to taxpayers that their tax dollars will go toward an intended purpose.

Is the general fund a special revenue fund?

The General Fund houses those departments and accounts that do not have a specific revenue source. These include Circuit, District and Probate Courts as well as the Clerk's Office and Register of Deeds. Special revenue fund is a fund created by a local government that is used for a specific purpose.

What is general fund and example?

A general fund is the chief operating fund for the entire government. It slightly serves as a catch-all fund for resources that aren't required or designated for another fund. For example, the tax money generated by the United States federal government goes into the general fund.

Is the general fund always a major fund?

2.20 The general (current expense) fund is always reported as a major fund. Major funds reporting only applies to governmental and enterprise funds. It does not apply to internal service or fiduciary funds. The determination of which funds are major must be made each fiscal year.

What are the three types of funds?

The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) basis classification divides funds into three fund categories: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary.

How does General Fund work?

G = General Fund—Per Government Code Section 16300, the General Fund is used to budget for revenues not specifically designated to be accounted for by any other fund. The primary sources of revenues are personal income tax, sales and use tax, and corporation tax.

What is the General Fund used to account for?

The General Fund is used to account for all of the County's financial resources, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. All discretionary resources are accounted for in the General Fund, as are the budgets for most operating departments.

What type of account is General Fund?

General Fund.

This fund is the chief operating fund of the school district. It is used to account for all financial resources of the school district except those accounted for and reported in another fund. A district may have only one general fund.

What is the general fund quizlet?

The General Fund. -Is used to account for all financial resources that are not required to be accounted for in another fund.

What is a general fund in local government?

Purpose: The General Fund is the principal financial support for such basic services as the police and fire departments, parks and recreation, and general government operations (i.e., Mayor and City Council, human resources, finance and other internal services).

What is the purpose of creating a special revenue fund quizlet?

What is the purpose of creating a special revenue fund? to account for revenue restricted by an outside donor or grantor. to account for a tax authorized by a legislative body for a specified purpose. to demonstrate that revenue was used for specified purposes.

What is meant by special fund?

A Special Fund is a type of a Collective Investment Scheme that invests based on the Fund Managers Investment Strategy. A Collective Investment Scheme is a pool of funds from various investors who have a common goal, and in most cases, it is promoted by a fund manager.

What is the classification of the special revenue fund?

special revenue funds account for revenues legally restricted for specific purposes and are often classified as either intergovernmental revenue or fees.

What is the purpose of creating a special revenue fund multiple select question?

What is the purpose of creating a special revenue fund? - to account for a tax authorized by a legislative body for a specified purpose.

Where is General Fund shown?

General Fund will be shown in the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet and General Fund Investments on the Assets side of the Balance Sheet.

What is the general fund on a balance sheet?

Introduction to Balance Sheet

It has all liabilities and assets as on the date of the preparation of the balance sheet by the organization. The excess of assets over the liabilities is termed as Capital Fund or the General Fund.

Does the general fund record depreciation?

Answer and Explanation: In a federal government general fund, the depreciation is charged over the useful life of the asset. The depreciation does not require reporting. This is because it is not a cash item and funds accrued are reported.

How do you determine if a fund is a major fund?

GASB defines major funds as those meeting the following criteria: The total assets plus deferred outflows, liabilities plus deferred inflows, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of the individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10 percent of the corresponding total (assets, liabilities, etc.)

Can a government have more than one general fund?

Every general purpose government may have more than one General Fund. The General Fund accounts for any resources not reported in one of the other funds.

What is the safest type of investment?

The concept of the "safest investment" can vary depending on individual perspectives and economic contexts, but generally, cash and government bonds, particularly U.S. Treasury securities, are often considered among the safest investment options available. This is because there is minimal risk of loss.

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