Yan Sinulingga on LinkedIn: Teknik Pretreatment Limbah Padat Organik. (2024)

Yan Sinulingga

13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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#Pretreatment limbah padat #organik (OSW) sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan proses pencernaan #anaerobik. Dengan memecah substrat yang kompleks, teknik pretreatment mempercepat langkah hidrolisis - sering kali merupakan fase pembatas laju dalam AD. #Biogas#biomethane#solidwaste#bioCNG



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Deeply Rooted in Biogas | Anaerobic Digester Tank | Operations & Maintenance | Speaker


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thanks for sharing sir. pretreatment is able to break complex fiber make it easier for microorganisms and also kill toxic compounds in the substrate. have u try any pretreatment method Pak Yan Sinulingga ?

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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    #Biogas!Biogas muncul sebagai pemain yang kuat di sektor energi terbarukan, namun beberapa mitos masih mengaburkan potensi sebenarnya. Mari kita bantah kesalahpahaman ini dan atasi dengan fakta yang kuat untuk memberikan perspektif yang lebih jelas.Mitos yang lazim adalah bahwa pembangkit biogas menghasilkan bau dan berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Namun, fasilitas biogas modern dilengkapi dengan sistem canggih untuk menahan bau dan emisi. Proses pencernaan anaerobik terjadi pada reaktor tertutup, secara efektif menjebak bau tidak sedap dan gas berbahaya. Alih-alih menyebabkan polusi, pabrik biogas membantu mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (EPA) melaporkan bahwa sistem biogas dapat mengurangi emisi metana hingga 90%, secara signifikan berkontribusi pada mitigasi perubahan iklim.Kesalahpahaman umum lainnya adalah bahwa biogas kurang efisien daripada bahan bakar fosil tradisional. Sebenarnya, ketika biogas ditingkatkan menjadi BioCNG (Compressed Biogas), kepadatan energinya menjadi mirip dengan CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). Hal ini menjadikan BioCNG alternatif yang layak untuk bahan bakar fosil. Menurut Badan Energi Internasional (IEA), biogas dan BioCNG memiliki potensi untuk memenuhi hingga 20% dari permintaan gas alam global pada tahun 2040, menyoroti peran mereka dalam mengurangi ketergantungan bahan bakar fosil.Beberapa percaya bahwa teknologi biogas hanya praktis untuk operasi skala besar. Ini tidak terjadi. Kemajuan teknologi telah membuat pembangkit biogas skala kecil terjangkau dan efektif, terutama di daerah pedesaan dan semi-perkotaan. Sistem ini menyediakan energi terbarukan dan menghasilkan pupuk organik, mengurangi kebutuhan akan input kimia. Bertentangan dengan keyakinan bahwa pembangkit biogas tidak coco*k untuk lingkungan perkotaan, banyak kota di seluruh dunia berhasil mengintegrasikannya ke dalam strategi pengelolaan limbah mereka. Kota-kota di Eropa dan Asia menggunakan pabrik biogas untuk mengubah makanan dan sampah organik menjadi energi, mengurangi penggunaan TPA dan mendukung tujuan keberlanjutan perkotaan.Salah satu artikel yang saya rangkum adalah potensi di kepualauan Bangka Belitung sebagai substitusi pengganti bahan bakar di pabrik pengolahan timah/ smeleter yang dimana satu smelter menggunakan sekitar 6- 10 MW energy (https://lnkd.in/gyZetxTw)Memahami fakta-fakta ini membantu kita mengenali manfaat substansial yang dibawa biogas. Dengan merangkul realitas teknologi biogas, kita dapat memanfaatkan potensi penuhnya untuk memajukan masa depan energi yang berkelanjutan dan bersih.#Photo when working on biogas start from land cleaning until commissioning and another one just as a sweetener😀 #biogas#biomethane#bioCNG#project#management

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    • Yan Sinulingga on LinkedIn: Teknik Pretreatment Limbah Padat Organik. (6)


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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Project Execution Plan for Health Project. credit to Pragmatic Project Consilium.


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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Utilization of #Biomethane to Support Energy Bangka Belitung Province, Especially Fuel Substitution for in Processing PlantCase study for biomethane as a fuel replacement for tin processing in Bangka #Belitung. Hopefully the report gives a little idea about the opportunity to develop palm oil waste into biomethane as a #fuel substitute at the tin processing plant, especially in the use of fuel in the furnace which has been using coal and marine fuel oil (MFO), I did this just because of my interest in the sector and I am open to helping in the development. I analysed and carried out data collection methods from PT TIMAH Tbk reports and collected data on the number of palm oil mills in #Bangka Belitung. Because I live in the location, it makes it easier for me to collect data and I have been involved in the sector for 10 years in the development and construction of #biogas plants from palm oil waste.I am very open to criticism and input from readers for better improvement.I declare that I do not have any conflict of interest. I am willing to prepare Feasibility study reports, proposals and issue Detail engineering design(DED) and permitting documents for the construction and development of biogas ,Biomethane/#BioCNG. #biomethane #biogas#GAS#BioCNG#project#renewable #energy#article RE For Further Details:yanfristian@gmail.com+62 81222400282


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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Utilization of Biomethane to Support Energy Smelter at Bangka Belitung. As the largest global palm oil producer, Indonesia contributes 59% to the world’s palm oil supply, producing 46.9 million tons of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in 2021. However, this extensive production poses an environmental challenge through Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), estimated at 156 million m3 annually. POME treatment facilities release Biogas, predominantly Methane (CH4) at 50%–75%, a potent Greenhouse Gas (GHG) with 21 times the global warming potential of CO2. Conversely, Methane is a key component of widely used Natural Gas. Properly treated, POME-derived biogas can be upgraded to Biomethane, a clean and carbon-negative alternative for the Natural Gas Grid or fossil fuel substitution, estimated at 1,280 MWe, equivalent to 288 MMSCFD CH4. Despite Biomethane’s potential, its utilization remains limited to self-use in Palm Oil Mills or power plants, even in Bangka Belitung Province. This research analyzes obstacles to biomethane business development in Indonesia, focusing on Bangka Belitung Province, aiming to formulate an optimal distribution scheme and sustainable strategies. Methodologically, a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques, including literature studies, interviews, and questionnaires, informed a comprehensive analysis employing geographical, transportation cost, financial modeling, SWOT, and risk analyses. Findings suggest trucking as the optimal distribution mode for biomethane to scattered customers. Economic viability hinges on biomethane volume, necessitating stability and increased sales volume strategies.In its operational activities PT TIMAH Tbk uses several energy sources including Biodiesel (B30) and MFO (Marine Fuel Oil) fuels and electricity. Fuel is used to support mining and transportation activities, while electricity is used for the smelting process and lighting. Although still on a small scale, the Company has begun to utilize New Renewable Energy (EBT) solar power or solar cells located in Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing, East Belitung. The Company has also utilised Biodiesel 30 (B30) in several supporting equipment instruments in its operational areas.PT Timah Tbk (TINS) is transforming low-grade tin processing technology by building a Top Submerge Lance (TSL) Ausmelt Furnace in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit Area, West Bangka Regency. The construction of the TSL Ausmelt Furnace itself is a strategy to answer the challenges faced by the tin mining industry today. The availability of tin ore with high grade or above 70% Sn is limited.Tin's current tin smelting technology, the Reverberatory Furnace does not have the flexibility to process low grade tin ore concentrates (<70% Sn).In addition, it takes a relatively longer time to smelt tin and slag. Reverberatory furnaces use marine fuel oil with anthracite coal reductant which is more expensive.

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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Part II.... (Biomethane Analysis Utilization)Based on the potential natural gas customers and palm oil mill locations in Riau Province, the nearest palm oil mills as biomethane sources from these potential customers will be identified using spatial analysis. Transportation costs are calculated using pipeline or CNG cylinders (trucks) to obtain the cost profile of each transportation mode. Interviews will be conducted with Companies with experience in CNG transportation and gas pipelines to obtain cost profiles. The interview was carried out in a semi-structured interview type.This research will further explore potential customers’ willingness to use biomethane through questionnaires. The data type is qualitative and quantitative data from industrial and commercial customers, such as:Existing fuel type and consumption.Encouragement to use biomethane.Willingness to use biomethane at a premium price.The expectation of the biomethane uses.By obtaining the transportation cost profile and customer’s views about biomethane, further analysis is carried out:Finance Modeling (IRR and NPV) for the biomethane business from the mode of transportation with the lowest transportation profile.Sensitivity analysis of biomethane sales economies of scale.Business strategy to be implemented based on internal and external analysis.#PipelineBased onKaiser and McAllister (2023), calculating the diameter of the pipe to convey biomethane of 416.67 m3/hour and a length of 65 km using the Waymouth formula obtained a pipe with a diameter of 4 inches.Cost profile using references from PGN, and the profile is as follows:1) Capex: Rp. 188.42 billion.2) Operational expenditure:O&M Cost: Rp. 7.85 million/monthDistribution Cost: Rp. 7.85 million/monthOverhead Cost: Rp. 7.85 million/monthInsurance Cost: Rp. 21 million/month#biomethane #biogas #bioCNGFor Further Details: yanfristian@gmail.com+62 81222400282Continued Part III..... #Trucking analysis

    • Yan Sinulingga on LinkedIn: Teknik Pretreatment Limbah Padat Organik. (18)



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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Utilization of Biomethane to Support EnergySecurity in Indonesia, Riau ProvinceCurrently, Biomethane’s potential utilization in Indonesia remains limited to self-use in Palm Oil Mills or power plants, even in Riau Province, home to 19,5% of Indonesia’s oil palm plantation area (Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia, 2022), even though Biomethane can be used as an alternative source of clean and carbon-negative gas in the Natural Gas Grid or as a substitution for other fossil energy. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, Indonesia Gas Transmission and Distribution Company survey indicates untapped potential gas customers in Riau Province within the industrial and commercial segments, currently relying on LPG and HSD. The unavailability of natural gas in the region creates a niche for biomethane to fulfill the energy needs of these potential customers. Several challenges complicate this endeavor:The unexplored use of biomethane as a traded fuel for commercial and industrial customers in Indonesia.Variation in biomethane production from each palm oil mill based on FFB production fluctuations, POME COD content, and the POME conversion rate to CH4.The integrated location of palm oil mills within oil palm plantations, often distant from commercial and industrial centers, presents challenges in establishing an optimal biomethane supply chain for potential customers.These challenges give rise to a pressing business issue: establishing a sustainable, easily accessible supply of biomethane with competitive and affordable prices compared to other fossil fuels in the market. Addressing these challenges is crucial for the successful integration of biomethane into the energy landscape of Riau Province, unlocking its potential as a viable alternative for the industrial and commercial sectors. To study these challenges, the scope of this research is limited to selecting the optimal biomethane transportation method from the biomethane factory to the potential customer, and the business strategy formulation concerns potential customer expectations in Riau Province based on quantitative and qualitative data.(Part 1) continued ..............#biomethane#bioCNG#biogasFor Further Details:yanfristian@gmail.com+62 81222400282



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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    In this era there are much software in displaying design implementation. But there are still companies that do not want to develop in their designs and think that what they have today is the best even though times have changed, and technological developments are moving quickly.I am enthusiastic and have fun in the bioenergy industry, especially in the biogas sector, where I started this career from 2015 until now. For companies interested in the construction or development of biogas I am willing to cooperate in providing services: FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT, ENGINEERING, SUPERVISION, MANAGEMENT & COMMISIONING of biogas plant. I am currently freelancing as a consultant in the development, planning and management of the biogas & Biomethane sector.Item Serve: #Feasibility study of biogas plant #Management of permitting documents#Detail engineering design#Construction supervision#Biogas Commissioning.For Further Details: yanfristian@gmail.com+62 81222400282#biogas#biomethane#BioCNG#consultant #project

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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    Thank you for the online talk show organized by the Indonesian Biomass Energy Society (MEBI), PT Bukit Asam and the Kemenko Marves, hopefully the Biomass Co-firing target this year will increase significantly by processing organics and inorganics waste into renewable energy sources. Masyarakat Energi Biomassa Indonesia#MEBI#biomass#biogas#biomethane #bioCNG

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  • Yan Sinulingga

    13 years as Project Management/ Renewable Energy Enthusiast

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    ANALYZING YOUR MILL’S POTENTIAL FOR BIOGAS PROPOSAL If you are considering installing a biogas plant in a palm oil mill, you will want to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate your mill’s potential. Figure below outlines the steps you will need to take. If an in-depth feasibility study concludes that a mill is appropriate for a POME-to-energy operation, the implementation stage begins. Implementation consists of the following steps:• Meet permit requirements. Permits will include environmental management and monitoring(Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup [UKL]/Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup [UPL]),local government (survey, principle, location, building), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Izin Usaha Ketenagalistrikan untuk Kepentingan Umum [IUKU]), and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)• Financial closure• Land preparation• Choose a contracting model. Options include contracting with one firm for all engineering, procurement, and construction: hiring separate contractors for civil, mechanical, and electrical portions of the project.• Construction and commissioning• Commercial operations.For those who are in the planning and development stage in the construction of biogas plants,I welcome cooperation in the planning, construction and operation of biogas plants. #biogas#biomethane#biocng#Bioenergy#yanfristian@gmail.com

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